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How's Corbachev doing these days?


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Stay away from anywhere with a right-wing democratic government,eh?. What are the bread and circuses the Tories give to the proles to keep them happy?


They tend to not even pretend to care these days. Put it down to re election smugness, by those that know in their hearts that they were born to rule, that the population has come to the realisation that their mission is God given and won't waver and that the entire media circus , bar the odd oddball, along with the movers and shakers of industry, finance and corporation will ensure opposition is exterminated, before getting much of the ground, by whatever means to achieve the necessary outcome.

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We can only hope Labour will become electable eventually.


If Corbyn can tame the dissenters they certainly can be a force to be reckoned with. The sheer arrogance of the Tories should be highlighted. A person that speaks for the people should certainly be electable. Don't believe the hatchet job being conducted by the press. Although all too many likely will.

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Tony Blair was a disaster and his Blairites remain so. They had their chance and blew it spectacularly. Nothing but professional politicians. No substance. Wet Tories at best.


Cannot believe what a set of s**ts Blair and his circus of hangers on were, every bit as bad as any Aus pollie, continued the move of UK politics to the right and opened the way for the present tory attack on fundamental social systems and workers rights, they also allowed the tory press to establish complete freedom to publish anything regardless of its veracity without facing any limits on their powers just because they wanted the support of a paranoid megalomaniac who has designs on establishing a world wide neo liberal empire..

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True, this Government should be deeply unpopular, yet, if there were an election today, in all likelihood the Tories would win, doesn't say much for the opposition does it.

Ah but the majority of the Poms are basically thick. How do we know that? Most of them, assuming they even read a paper, read The Sun or The Daily Mail, both owned by members of the Tory illuminati and they are carefully fed a daily ration of hateful pantomime villainous and vicious lies about Corbo, ⚽, pictures of Kate and Wills, and other feel good banalities.


A chosen few know the real truth but what can they do? Nobody reads The Morning Star or The Guardian. The truth is in there but nobody wants to find it.


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I am a bit confused about all this bombing stuff by the coalition.


It has been going on for a year and doesn't seem to have done much.

I'm surprised that there is anything left to target for UK.

Surely after a year of bombing by the US, Australia and others you would think they would have obliterated all the necessary targets long ago.

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Tony Blair was a disaster and his Blairites remain so. They had their chance and blew it spectacularly. Nothing but professional politicians. No substance. Wet Tories at best.

You mean the British people, tired finally of a dozen years of Conservative control turned left and took the road less travelled. It took a decade to reach the destination and there they found that control is better than chaos.


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Cannot believe what a set of s**ts Blair and his circus of hangers on were, every bit as bad as any Aus pollie, continued the move of UK politics to the right and opened the way for the present tory attack on fundamental social systems and workers rights, they also allowed the tory press to establish complete freedom to publish anything regardless of its veracity without facing any limits on their powers just because they wanted the support of a paranoid megalomaniac who has designs on establishing a world wide neo liberal empire..

How do I find the real truth? I know it's out there but if the Tory illuminati control all means of media and communication, how will I even know the truth if I find it?


How do I know whether The Guardian is telling the truth or if it too is controlled by Murdo and his minions?


My God, to think that not even Hitler or Stalin with all their brutal dictatorial powers never achieved this measure of control.


Fortunately, here and there, on this forum and elsewhere a new generation of Huxleys and Orwells are emerging to save us.


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I am a bit confused about all this bombing stuff by the coalition.


It has been going on for a year and doesn't seem to have done much.

I'm surprised that there is anything left to target for UK.

Surely after a year of bombing by the US, Australia and others you would think they would have obliterated all the necessary targets long ago.

It's a repeat of Vietnam in the 60s and 70s I'm afraid.


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You mean the British people, tired finally of a dozen years of Conservative control turned left and took the road less travelled. It took a decade to reach the destination and there they found that control is better than chaos.


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They didn't go very far left. In fact, I didn't even see them indicate.

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I am a bit confused about all this bombing stuff by the coalition.


It has been going on for a year and doesn't seem to have done much.

I'm surprised that there is anything left to target for UK.

Surely after a year of bombing by the US, Australia and others you would think they would have obliterated all the necessary targets long ago.


Well, it worked so well in Vietnam and both times in Afghanistan, why are you surprised it's not working here? They need to carpet bomb with napalm.

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How do I find the real truth? I know it's out there but if the Tory illuminati control all means of media and communication, how will I even know the truth if I find it?


How do I know whether The Guardian is telling the truth or if it too is controlled by Murdo and his minions?


My God, to think that not even Hitler or Stalin with all their brutal dictatorial powers never achieved this measure of control.


Fortunately, here and there, on this forum and elsewhere a new generation of Huxleys and Orwells are emerging to save us.


Sent from my D6653 using Tapatalk


Thank God we have the BBC; for now.

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Well, it worked so well in Vietnam and both times in Afghanistan, why are you surprised it's not working here? They need to carpet bomb with napalm.


As Colin Powell said you won't win a war in the air.


You do have to send the troops in to actually win the war.


BTW. Britain didn't fight in Vietnam did they ? Maybe they were needed.

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You mean the British people, tired finally of a dozen years of Conservative control turned left and took the road less travelled. It took a decade to reach the destination and there they found that control is better than chaos.


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Control being the key word key. You may recall the fear Blair seemed to install in his cabinet? There was something awfully authoritarian about his style of politics. Perhaps democracy is after all wasted on people, the reality being folk preferred to be told what to do which in turn will enable them to think less? Yes you may well be right.

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As Colin Powell said you won't win a war in the air.


You do have to send the troops in to actually win the war.


BTW. Britain didn't fight in Vietnam did they ? Maybe they were needed.


PM Wilson wisely declined the request by President Johnson. Britain appeared to have own foreign policy in those days, distinct from America's.

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Control being the key word key. You may recall the fear Blair seemed to install in his cabinet? There was something awfully authoritarian about his style of politics. Perhaps democracy is after all wasted on people, the reality being folk preferred to be told what to do which in turn will enable them to think less? Yes you may well be right.

What did Churchill say about democracy? Something about it being a horrible way to govern but when you think about the alternatives.......


And you never offer any alernative and practical models of government either, just lambasting the existing system.


How about naming just one country with a style of Govt you would like to move to, adopt for us?


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Ah but the majority of the Poms are basically thick. How do we know that? Most of them, assuming they even read a paper, read The Sun or The Daily Mail, both owned by members of the Tory illuminati and they are carefully fed a daily ration of hateful pantomime villainous and vicious lies about Corbo, ⚽, pictures of Kate and Wills, and other feel good banalities.


A chosen few know the real truth but what can they do? Nobody reads The Morning Star or The Guardian. The truth is in there but nobody wants to find it.


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You actually are required to dig a little deeper, than purely read a newspaper to give analysis on international affairs.

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What did Churchill say about democracy? Something about it being a horrible way to govern but when you think about the alternatives.......


And you never offer any alernative and practical models of government either, just lambasting the existing system.


How about naming just one country with a style of Govt you would like to move to, adopt for us?


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Depends on the extent you regard the Westminster System as being democratic. Churchill said a lot of things not always thinking before speaking. Yes I can actually.

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