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Moving to Sydney rather than Brisbane??


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Any advice thoughts on our current situation would be really helpful please.


We have had our Permanent Resident Visas for 3 years and after having our 2nd child are finally making the move to Oz. We have been torn between Perth and Brisbane and finally decided on the latter about 6 months ago. We have family in Brisbane and after visiting a number of times like it and the areas north and south of the city. Our belongings are currently being shipped and flights booked for 27th November to land in Brisbane.


All ready to go when my husband handed in his notice and through various contacts has the potential of his current job in the UK (which he loves) offered to him in Sydney! We have a 2 and 4 year old and the plan was to live off his salary until the oldest at least starts school. It is a great opportunity for him and security in relation to a job when we arrive but I am concerned at living in Sydney. We want to be out of the city and change our lifestyle and I don't think we could live off his salary comfortably $75000 and to live far enough out to be commutable? The job is in Chullora and we would want to be North of the city. Any Thoughts on where we could live and rent? Not taking the job seems like kicking a gift horse in the mouth but I'm not sure we will be happy? I know I have rambled on but I would appreciate and useful comments 

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We live in Brisbane and earn more than this but we would be able to live here for about that amount, at a push, with 2 kids. I think that Sydney would be extremely difficult and would leave you nothing for emergencies/ saving for hols etc. Brisbane housing is affordable - both rental and buying.

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Any advice thoughts on our current situation would be really helpful please.


We have had our Permanent Resident Visas for 3 years and after having our 2nd child are finally making the move to Oz. We have been torn between Perth and Brisbane and finally decided on the latter about 6 months ago. We have family in Brisbane and after visiting a number of times like it and the areas north and south of the city. Our belongings are currently being shipped and flights booked for 27th November to land in Brisbane.


All ready to go when my husband handed in his notice and through various contacts has the potential of his current job in the UK (which he loves) offered to him in Sydney! We have a 2 and 4 year old and the plan was to live off his salary until the oldest at least starts school. It is a great opportunity for him and security in relation to a job when we arrive but I am concerned at living in Sydney. We want to be out of the city and change our lifestyle and I don't think we could live off his salary comfortably $75000 and to live far enough out to be commutable? The job is in Chullora and we would want to be North of the city. Any Thoughts on where we could live and rent? Not taking the job seems like kicking a gift horse in the mouth but I'm not sure we will be happy? I know I have rambled on but I would appreciate and useful comments 


The only thing I could suggest it that you carry on with your move to Brisbane and your husband becomes a "FIFO" ("Fly in and fly out worker) and tries the job in Sydney for a few weeks. Not the best situation for someone with a young family, I know, but perhaps his prospecitve employer in Sydney might be agreeable if he explains your situation, offer some incentives, pay for accomodation, allow him to work a four day week perhaps. I'm just throwing a few balls in the air here.


You like Brisbane and you have family there, which are two pluses, and should you try the "FIFO" option, having that family around might make that situation easier? $75,000 does not seem a large salary. Are you sure there are no benefits on top of that?


I'm just thinking about Chullora and any pleasant areas to live out that way. I looked at the map and it's not too far from Strathfield South where I lived a few years ago. It all depends upon how much you could afford, compared to Brisbane too.


Perhaps the best way is to think of it as two "right" decisions, rather than one "wrong" and one "right?" I never expected to end up in Sydney as I did all my planning and research around Queensland and WA.

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Boy what a tough decision! I agree with others, that salary would be tough to survive on, and completely unrealistic if you want to live in the expensive North of the city. On the other hand, if by "north" you mean the Central Coast, then the commute would be awful to Chullora. Yes, some people do it - but it will mean your oh heading off at 6am and not getting home till long after the little ones are in bed. How would you cope, stuck in the house from dawn till dusk with the children, and no family support to turn to? How would your oh feel, hardly ever seeing the kids?


I'm wondering if the solution is to break your goals into bite-sized chunks. Could you delay the "change of lifestyle" idea for a year, to give you time to explore Sydney and work out your options? In a new city with no support network, you and your oh need each other more than usual - so having a home close to work would be much better at first. The area around Chullora is good for reasonably-priced housing and rentals, as it's not fashionable but has some safe, established suburbs - Lidcombe is nice, Auburn too (it has a strong Middle Eastern flavour but no ethnic tensions, unless you're planning to be out in the shopping centre late at night!), Bankstown is the main shopping and administrative centre. In Auburn and Lidcombe, the old weatherboard houses tend to be on quarter-acre blocks and many residents keep chickens, so if you're after self-sufficiency you can get started in your own backyard!



MaryRose's suggestio is also worth investigating - move the family to Brisbane as planned, then your husband can FIFO. Unless he's able to work from home some of the week, it certainly wouldn't be a long-term solution - but it would give you all breathing space to find a solution that would work for you.




The sticking point would be finding somewhere for him to live during the week in Sydney - if you have to pay rental in Brisbane and in Sydney at the same time, plus air fares, then that's hardly going to save you money!

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The job is in Chullora and we would want to be North of the city.


Why do you want to live North of the city? Is there a particular reason?


Personally I would say give Sydney a go for 6 - 12 months first. The job sounds perfect for your husband.


And the family will always be in Brisbane to fall back on later; if things don't work out.


Happiness is what you make it! It is about attitude and not location.


Lane Cove is 20kms north of Chullora and a lovely area to live for young families.


Has some good units or houses to rent at still reasonable prices. It has a community village feel to it.


Still north (well north west) of the city but close enough to still enjoy city life if you want to.


Next to a National Park for family time and walking, biking and canoeing.


Good shops and cafes. It has an aquatic leisure centre that has swimming, spa, sauna, gym, free creche for children etc....


The North Shore Mums Facebook page will be helpful to anyone in the area will young children. A good way to quickly make friends:

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Lane Cove


Expensive to buy.


But you can still rent a unit quite cheaply starting from about $300 a week.


I have seen some really nice recently built modern ones for $490.00 per week.




I live in Sydney on about the same salary as you, and have a very good life here. But then again I am not materialistic.

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Expensive to buy.


But you can still rent a unit quite cheaply starting from about $300 a week.


I have seen some really nice recently built modern ones for $490.00 per week.



I live in Sydney on about the same salary as you, and have a very good life here. But then again I am not materialistic.


I agree that Lane Cove is lovely. However, on the salary on offer I think its going to be tougher than being 'not materialistic.' With a family they are really going to scrimping if on only one salary. To rent a liveable house or even a decent 2 bedroom unit is going to take at least, if not more, than half of the OP's take home salary. That doesn't leave much wiggle room for emergencies.

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I agree that Lane Cove is lovely. However, on the salary on offer I think its going to be tougher than being 'not materialistic.' With a family they are really going to scrimping if on only one salary. To rent a liveable house or even a decent 2 bedroom unit is going to take at least, if not more, than half of the OP's take home salary. That doesn't leave much wiggle room for emergencies.


I agree, there's nowhere on the lower North Shore or anywhere in the Inner West/Eastern Suburbs that would be affordable on that salary. If they're going to go for Sydney, then the only sensible option is to live somewhere West, to get cheaper prices plus a manageable commute to Chullora.

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It certainly depends on what their expectations are - but if they don't want to be cramped into a tiny two-bedroom flat with no outdoor space, which I imagine would be a challenge with two small children, then I honestly think they would be struggling on one salary in the inner city areas and anywhere on the Lower North Shore.


We had to find a rental two years ago in the inner suburbs just for the two of us, and we couldn't find anything acceptable under $600 a week for a liveable two bedroom - yes you'll see them advertised for less, but (as someone recently posted on the Melbourne thread), don't expect them to be anything like the photos on domain.com.au. They all use fish-eye lenses these days! I can't imagine rents would've gone down in the last two years.


Certainly they could go further out "up North" but then the commute to Chullora would be a challenge and I don't think a long commute, leaving the wife alone for a very long day in an area where she knows no one, would be a good solution.

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Are you for real? Have you got young kids and considered the costs that they entail?


Even the alternative of Brizzy would not be (plss) easy for a family of four on that salary, and it has nothing to do with materialism but more to do with commute, childcare, and other factors.................. Welcome to Oz in 2015, and not when we first came over

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I have to say I agree with the posters who say this will be a real struggle. For comparison imagine relocating family to London for a salary of £35k.


You do not mention what your OH does but is there any possibility that he can work for them based in Brisbane perhaps visiting the Sydney headquarters occasionally (at the employers expense). It sounds to me like they want to keep him so well worth negotiating.


I also agree with JohnDoe that one salary of $75k in Brisbane for a young family would not be a bed of roses either but you mention you have family here so that could be a massive help.

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I agree that it would be a struggle. OH is on a similar base salary and comes home with just under $2000 per fortnight. If you took $500 per week out of that for rent (assuming a rental could be found for $500, which is unlikely in much of Sydney) that would leave $1000 per fortnight for everything else. I spend about $250 per week on shopping (two adults, two kids, we eat well with lots of fruit and veg, meat and fish, I cook from scratch and we don't buy convenience food), which doesn't leave much for everything else such as phone, insurances, petrol, electricity etc. Thankfully, OH also usually gets a good quarterly bonus which tops his salary up as I am at uni, and we don't have much in the way of a mortgage, but on the times he doesn't get bonus it can be a struggle.


It might be more doable if both worked, but then of course there are childcare costs which can be high.

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Dont forget if you have a PR visa you will get Centrelink help on this income. You should get Family Benefit, Child Care assis and Rent assistance and from starting life here on a low income in can be a huge help.


Cal x

I'm a citizen and I can't get Centreline help!? (income of $30 000 pa too!!!!)

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I'm a citizen and I can't get Centreline help!? (income of $30 000 pa too!!!!)


You've got an investment property so I think you probably are not passing the assets test? Plus there is more assistance available for people with children. I've never been able to get anything from Centrelink either!

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You've got an investment property so I think you probably are not passing the assets test? Plus there is more assistance available for people with children. I've never been able to get anything from Centrelink either!

They won't even help me look for a job or training, though the OU is free as long as im poor and not subject to assets test either.

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