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Jeremy Corbyn, thoughts?


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...and that...is the problem. People have such low expectations for humanity they can't quite grasp it when someone tries to break the mould. We NEED thinkers like Corbyn, society, the world, humanity needs more people who think like him. It has to start somewhere.


I happen to think the majority are good people, that is certainly my findings over the years. I don't have an overall low expectation of humanity.

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That is a disgusting post in my opinion. Very broad brush and almost racist against all other parts of society.


Comparing an obese but otherwise capable person to a suppressed and under representated race is not fair. I'm over weight. (Not obese) I eat too much and don't excersise enough....that's my fault and I can change that if I try. Being under represented by society is completely different, a very delicate matter and something which disappoints me on a near daily occurrence with language being used by many which I thought had been rejected years ago.




Are you on benefits and refusing to pull yourself out of poverty though? We're not talking about fat people who need to lose a few kgs. We're talking about underprivileged people who are made scapegoats for problems they did not originally create. A valid comparison to my mind.

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Let's face it, one side will think Labour are all touchy feely caring people and the Tories are horrible and only care about the rich and never the twain shall meet lol


Nothing to do with touchy feely nonsense. A lot to do with the policy the Tories are pushing is not in the favour of average people. Questions just asked in parliament included mental health, tax credits and housing. Corbyn could well be changing the roles of engagement. He came over a man of integrity and a man that listens to the public.

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That comes down to poverty and lack of education though.


Its a universal fact that low socio-economic class predicts high levels of obesity, heart disease, diabetes etc.


Once you start lifting people out of that, hey presto, they have healthier lifestyles, get more exercise etc.




Ive tried explaining this before, but it doesn't seem to compute, despite all research coming to the same conclusion.

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I read these posts and feel uncomfortable with the division being demonstrated. The UK used to be gentle and receptive, would listen to new ideas and opinions. Reading these posts makes me wonder where things have gone wrong.


People need to help themselves although also be given opportunity. When given it must be used correctly to better yourselves. UK is follow the bad instant success pop culture example USA provides which creates dreamers and wasters rather than giving people motivation to work and succeed. I simply look at the Indian society for example, most take pride in being ambitious and wanting to learn etc.


Mr Corbin with his ultra socialist ideals will not engage with UK mainstream society and therefore will not succeed, as mentioned earlier some people are stronger standing on the sidelines pressing their views and asking the difficult questions, not being diluted by the requirements of media and being in the spotlight. The failure to sing the anthem is the first of many problems which will occur and further widen the gap between the left and right wings. Maybe he will re ignite interest for many in politics however most people consider the best politicians to be those who simply get on with the job representing their constituents without craving publicity for themselves.




From listening to him tonight I think Mr Coirbyn will very much ignite the interest of the people. It matters not whether he sings the anthem. He stood dignified and silent. His choice. From first observations just the person Britain needs.

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I watched it too. Cameron Talking about rhinos and tigers. Wtf. Think he's been on what Osborne looks like he takes :laugh:


It was in answer to a question by an MP about a tiger, didn't need to bring the rhino into it, but wasn't his fault that he answered the question.


Also when Corbyn mentioned a family finding it hard to cope financially, he did mention they had 5 children, well lots of us have found coping financially with a family hard, but knew we could never afford 5 children, so responsibly had less.

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I'm certainly not scared lol. Of course things can always be better, the problem is Labour want to make things 'better' for people by giving them more benefits.


Labour want to make it better by bringing the people back into the equation. Not before time. Coirbyn is demanding accountability. Hopefully not a return to business as usual.

Haven't the UK MP's just had a GBP 10,000 rise? Welcome to the new world of Corbyn style politics. No doubt the Tory spin doctors are working on countering it.

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the problem is Labour want to make things 'better' for people by giving them more benefits.

This is rubbish. The Labour ethos is that work is both a right and a duty. Of course, people who cannot work should be supported, but the primary focus should be on getting people into work. The clue is in the name.

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I think I had just turned it on when I heard the rhino thing and I was like what's going on here then lol. I'll be honest and say that's what I thought about the 5 children but maybe their circumstances changed, who knows. 5 children is something I'm never going to have so I'll definitely never have to worry about that!

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Indeed, in this particular case I point the blame towards the individual that has eaten themselves into such a state they can't work or barely even function.


Wonder why if that was at all true that may be? Those outside the system for what ever reason have often paid a heavy price. Nothing new in that. Although I would say many in work are hardly in a state of contentment either. The onus has moved far away from a large swathe of the population and their problems ignored.

The Tories tend to portray a sneering born to rule mob, full of self interest and the big end of town.

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From listening to him tonight I think Mr Coirbyn will very much ignite the interest of the people. It matters not whether he sings the anthem. He stood dignified and silent. His choice. From first observations just the person Britain needs.


The leadership contest certainly ignited interest in politics amongst the young people I know. It was talked about around the table all summer!

After he won, the membership of the Labour Party was growing by 24 people per minute. People were sick of bland politics. Like him or loathe him, he's certainly got people talking (and some very scared). He has principles and that's a rare thing in politics.



I don't think he should be underestimated, although the media really are laying into him. The national anthem complaints are just daft. He'd be being ridiculed for not sticking to his principles if he had sung it! Apart from the obvious bias there are also the nasty little asides such as being able to see his silver hair in a crowd, every other sentence prefaced by 'veteran', even what he's wearing comes in for a negative comment. Honestly, you'd think he was a woman, or something equally distasteful!

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Actually no I'm not judgmental at all really, I say it as I see it. I'm old enough not to worry about others opinions of me to be honest. I'm not really seeing the choice, unless he is reigned in and forgets his more pie in the sky ideas he won't achieve anything.


Don't see it that way at all. As I said you are commenting without the knowledge or giving him a choice. I don't see pie in the sky ideas asking questions concerned with declining tax credits. The problem of housing and the like. He certainly needs a spin doctor to advise him on certain issues where simplistic ideals won't work. He done well at PMQ for starters though.

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Don't see it that way at all. As I said you are commenting without the knowledge or giving him a choice. I don't see pie in the sky ideas asking questions concerned with declining tax credits. The problem of housing and the like. He certainly needs a spin doctor to advise him on certain issues where simplistic ideals won't work. He done well at PMQ for starters though.


That's the thing, he has these 1970s socialist ideas in a 2015 world.

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Labour Party has announced Corbyn will sing the National Anthem in future.

My objection was that if he can twice be seen singing keep the red flag flying after being elected, then yes I did think it out of order not to sing the N Anthem at a ceremony to mark the Battle of Britain and the sacrifices made by the few for the many.


In case anyone jumps down my post as a Tory sympathiser, which is my business, my ex was a labour MP who grew up in a single parent family on a council estate, and due to circumstances I lived in 1 room with my mother for several years, cooking eating sleeping in it, had to leave school at 16 with hardly any qualifications, took jobs that probably today's teenagers wouldn't, but made something of myself with no benefits handed out in my day.

Agree that some people have it tough and need help, but I honestly think there are others who don't and take advantage of the system. do think some people earn obscene wages, but also object that it appears wrong to some people that some jobs should be paid more than others.

I think that Corbyn appears to genuinely believe in his principles, but not convinced they are all realistic.

Time will tell.

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It was in answer to a question by an MP about a tiger, didn't need to bring the rhino into it, but wasn't his fault that he answered the question.


Also when Corbyn mentioned a family finding it hard to cope financially, he did mention they had 5 children, well lots of us have found coping financially with a family hard, but knew we could never afford 5 children, so responsibly had less.



Whilst I agree with you on the number of children in ordinary circumstances (we had three because we knew we could give three what we wanted to give them), there are lots of families where the parents are on their second marriage and the children come from previous relationships. For various reasons those parents have resident parent status, so the family is larger than they may have originally wanted. There are also multiple births to think of.

The family may have changed circumstances in their work patterns, health status etc.

What they may have been able to afford in previous years, may now be much harder for any number of reasons. I know I would have found life with three much harder if something had happened to my husband. I would have coped (unless my health had deteriorated), but it wouldn't have been as easy as it has been

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