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Jeremy Corbyn, thoughts?


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Don't confuse equal with fairer. Very mistaken but then a lot of Corbyn bashers tend to be. Listen and wait to what he has to say. Try and not be overly influenced by the negative media that will be all encompassing. Things need to change. Whether Corbyn is the man that remains lacking clarity. Don't be scared. Things can and should be better.


I'm certainly not scared lol. Of course things can always be better, the problem is Labour want to make things 'better' for people by giving them more benefits.

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If so many can why can't others ? I watched a programme about extremely obese people on benefits, these people were not fat because they had an illness, they were fat because they sat on their butt's and ate all day and then complained that their country house wasn't suitable and that they couldn't get out and about and that it was hard on benefits. It's not supposed to be bloody easy on benefits.


I think that again boils down to lack of education: some people are just ****wits with no common sense.


Unfortunately no amount of IDS brutality will ever make people like that employable. You need social engineering (and by that I mean the opposite of austerity measures) to lift the next generation out of that cycle.

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You know it's not THAT simple? Social problems have complex causation. If only it were so simple as to just 'change'.....if the NHS continues going down the pan with funding cut for essential primary health services you can kiss goodbye to any chance these people have of 'getting out of it' they need ongoing, sustained help and support.

You can't improve people's social circumstances through cuts. The priorities are all wrong. It's a domino effect


No I agree it isn't simple. It seems to me the Conservatives won't people to help themselves whereas Labour think it is down to the Government to wrap everyone in cotton wool and just throw money at it. I grew up in an area called Corio, Harpo will know where that is, and even back then it was a lower socio economic area. When we visited about 10 years ago it was even worse, most people seemed to be unemployed or 'disabled' and quite happy just to plod along and let the Government take care of them. No real incentive to change their circumstances.

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If so many can why can't others ? I watched a programme about extremely obese people on benefits, these people were not fat because they had an illness, they were fat because they sat on their butt's and ate all day and then complained that their country house wasn't suitable and that they couldn't get out and about and that it was hard on benefits. It's not supposed to be bloody easy on benefits.


I doubt that much is easy on benefits. Not supposed to be torture either. People once lived a decent life on benefits it is how it is and that is not easy. Point the blame towards the direction it is deserved.

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I think that again boils down to lack of education: some people are just ****wits with no common sense.


Unfortunately no amount of IDS brutality will ever make people like that employable. You need social engineering (and by that I mean the opposite of austerity measures) to lift the next generation out of that cycle.


Uh-Oh, common sense disguised as ridiculous lefty sentiments alert!! They'll never grasp it. Costs too much.

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I doubt that much is easy on benefits. Not supposed to be torture either. People once lived a decent life on benefits it is how it is and that is not easy. Point the blame towards the direction it is deserved.


Indeed, in this particular case I point the blame towards the individual that has eaten themselves into such a state they can't work or barely even function.

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Everybody knows the Tories views on people who are disabled or have any other type of problem wether that be alcohol/drug or mental health related. Lord Freud saying that disabled people aren't worth the minimum wage is just one example. Charming.


Well I wouldn't like to generalise about all Tories feeling like that as that would be disingenuous.

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No I agree it isn't simple. It seems to me the Conservatives won't people to help themselves whereas Labour think it is down to the Government to wrap everyone in cotton wool and just throw money at it. I grew up in an area called Corio, Harpo will know where that is, and even back then it was a lower socio economic area. When we visited about 10 years ago it was even worse, most people seemed to be unemployed or 'disabled' and quite happy just to plod along and let the Government take care of them. No real incentive to change their circumstances.


In many areas there is little incentive due to lack of possibilities. You are very judgemental. Yet never direct your ire towards the rorts and abuse at the top. Thank goodness there is finally a choice.

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Indeed, in this particular case I point the blame towards the individual that has eaten themselves into such a state they can't work or barely even function.

Ask yourself why that happens? Because they're lazy, greedy, workshy scum? Why do some Indigenous drink themselves to death and perpetuate the cycle of abuse?

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In many areas there is little incentive due to lack of possibilities. You are very judgemental. Yet never direct your ire towards the rorts and abuse at the top. Thank goodness there is finally a choice.


Actually no I'm not judgmental at all really, I say it as I see it. I'm old enough not to worry about others opinions of me to be honest. I'm not really seeing the choice, unless he is reigned in and forgets his more pie in the sky ideas he won't achieve anything.

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I read these posts and feel uncomfortable with the division being demonstrated. The UK used to be gentle and receptive, would listen to new ideas and opinions. Reading these posts makes me wonder where things have gone wrong.


People need to help themselves although also be given opportunity. When given it must be used correctly to better yourselves. UK is follow the bad instant success pop culture example USA provides which creates dreamers and wasters rather than giving people motivation to work and succeed. I simply look at the Indian society for example, most take pride in being ambitious and wanting to learn etc.


Mr Corbin with his ultra socialist ideals will not engage with UK mainstream society and therefore will not succeed, as mentioned earlier some people are stronger standing on the sidelines pressing their views and asking the difficult questions, not being diluted by the requirements of media and being in the spotlight. The failure to sing the anthem is the first of many problems which will occur and further widen the gap between the left and right wings. Maybe he will re ignite interest for many in politics however most people consider the best politicians to be those who simply get on with the job representing their constituents without craving publicity for themselves.



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Ask yourself why that happens? Because they're lazy, greedy, workshy scum? Why do some Indigenous drink themselves to death and perpetuate the cycle of abuse?


To be honest I don't know why people do it, they have one life and choose to waste it. That is their choice, they make the decision to go the way they do. In some circumstances there are mental health issues behind it but generally it seems as though your assumptions above are correct.

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Let's face it, one side will think Labour are all touchy feely caring people and the Tories are horrible and only care about the rich and never the twain shall meet lol

It's not about caring, touchy feely, it's about common sense policies that tackle root causes of societies ills, war, poverty, health etc etc as opposed to band aid policy that priorities the economy over all others.

It's about recognising and tackling the problems that contribute to economic instability while ensuring humans don't suffer in the meantime.

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Actually no I'm not judgmental at all really, I say it as I see it. I'm old enough not to worry about others opinions of me to be honest. I'm not really seeing the choice, unless he is reigned in and forgets his more pie in the sky ideas he won't achieve anything.

...and that...is the problem. People have such low expectations for humanity they can't quite grasp it when someone tries to break the mould. We NEED thinkers like Corbyn, society, the world, humanity needs more people who think like him. It has to start somewhere.

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Ask yourself why that happens? Because they're lazy, greedy, workshy scum? Why do some Indigenous drink themselves to death and perpetuate the cycle of abuse?


That is a disgusting post in my opinion. Very broad brush and almost racist against all other parts of society.


Comparing an obese but otherwise capable person to a suppressed and under representated race is not fair. I'm over weight. (Not obese) I eat too much and don't excersise enough....that's my fault and I can change that if I try. Being under represented by society is completely different, a very delicate matter and something which disappoints me on a near daily occurrence with language being used by many which I thought had been rejected years ago.



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I read these posts and feel uncomfortable with the division being demonstrated. The UK used to be gentle and receptive, would listen to new ideas and opinions. Reading these posts makes me wonder where things have gone wrong.


People need to help themselves although also be given opportunity. When given it must be used correctly to better yourselves. UK is follow the bad instant success pop culture example USA provides which creates dreamers and wasters rather than giving people motivation to work and succeed. I simply look at the Indian society for example, most take pride in being ambitious and wanting to learn etc.


Mr Corbin with his ultra socialist ideals will not engage with UK mainstream society and therefore will not succeed, as mentioned earlier some people are stronger standing on the sidelines pressing their views and asking the difficult questions, not being diluted by the requirements of media and being in the spotlight. The failure to sing the anthem is the first of many problems which will occur and further widen the gap between the left and right wings. Maybe he will re ignite interest for many in politics however most people consider the best politicians to be those who simply get on with the job representing their constituents without craving publicity for themselves.




I don't actually think anything has gone wrong, this country and it's people is still incredibly welcoming and generous as can be seen by how much individuals give to charity. The world has changed and not all for the better. It's not as if the UK has changed in any unilateral way, I see the change in both countries I have lived.

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That is a disgusting post in my opinion. Very broad brush and almost racist against all other parts of society.


Comparing an obese but otherwise capable person to a suppressed and under representated race is not fair. I'm over weight. (Not obese) I eat too much and don't excersise enough....that's my fault and I can change that if I try. Being under represented by society is completely different, a very delicate matter and something which disappoints me on a near daily occurrence with language being used by many which I thought had been rejected years ago.




Yes I couldn't see the connection myself.

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