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Tax Time


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How's everyone been doing with their tax returns this year?

Glad i got up early and did mine pre 6am this morning as the system seems to have crashed again (like it does every year).

You are keen! I might get around to seeing my accountant in a few weeks time.

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I can afford to be even 'slacker' using an accountant, as my deadline is later. It's odd in a way because I always do my HMRC return on line by myself, and I always use a Tax Agent to do my ATO return. His fee is tax deductable of course, and he does have his own connection into the ATO. This year, I have to add on my Royal Mail pension to my UK rent for my ATO return.

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I have to wait for centerlink to give me a group certificate. If it's like everything else they do there will be problems with it. :-/

Have you tried doing yours online yet? My daughters Austudy allowance was already inputed into hers automatically when we did hers at 4am this morning, No group certificate needed.

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How's everyone been doing with their tax returns this year?

Glad i got up early and did mine pre 6am this morning as the system seems to have crashed again (like it does every year).

Tried doing ours last night no joy. However 4am this morning before work all done in minutes.

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Have you tried doing yours online yet? My daughters Austudy allowance was already inputed into hers automatically when we did hers at 4am this morning, No group certificate needed.


They emailed my group cert, now I just need to wait for my partners slack ex boss to send his group cert. lol.

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They emailed my group cert, now I just need to wait for my partners slack ex boss to send his group cert. lol.

That may already be imputed also our earnings and tax deductions were also already imputed but we only have one employer and they are a large horticulture company that are right on the ball. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
for UK rental income what are the allowed deducations ? Is it :-


interest paid on the mortgage

agents fees

cost of any maintenance





Don't forget a tax deduction for depreciable items too - you might need a report from a Quantity Surveyor to quantify the deductible amount.


Best regards.

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I tried this morning on My Tax for husbands return, can't get on. Mine is more complex so ETax but trying to work out what else I can claim. I do mine myself. Have found accountants to be less than well informed than me on what needs to go where and the things that can be claimed. I have a taxable scholarship but can also claim self-education costs, that's the tricky bit.

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thanks Alan, are 'depreciable items' things like white goods, boiler and carpets ?


wondering whether I'd spend more employing the Quantity Surveyor than I'd save in tax


=> Improbable, in my experience - particularly as the QS's fees are also tax deductible.


Best regards.

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I can afford to be even 'slacker' using an accountant, as my deadline is later. It's odd in a way because I always do my HMRC return on line by myself, and I always use a Tax Agent to do my ATO return. His fee is tax deductable of course, and he does have his own connection into the ATO. This year, I have to add on my Royal Mail pension to my UK rent for my ATO return.


Do you mind telling me which tax agent you use @MARYROSE02?

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I can afford to be even 'slacker' using an accountant, as my deadline is later. It's odd in a way because I always do my HMRC return on line by myself, and I always use a Tax Agent to do my ATO return. His fee is tax deductable of course, and he does have his own connection into the ATO. This year, I have to add on my Royal Mail pension to my UK rent for my ATO return.


=> Do you include the Residence supplement SA109 when e-lodging your UK tax return, MARYROSE02? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/self-assessment-residence-remittance-basis-etc-sa109


My understanding is that it is not possible to lodge the Residence supplement online via the HMRC website, and that you have to buy commercial software to do so.


Best regards.

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Does anyone know a good accountant that does Working Holiday Visa holder tax returns?

The ATO online services do not take WH visas into account and finding a certain mainstream office a bit fishy in signing their forms to claim 20% of the super + fee. Unless this is standard? I'm a bit clueless here.

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We've just moved over in February this year & filling our tax returns soon. We have around $50,000 from sale of our UK house, $40,000 of which we transferred over in February and the rest we are drip feeding as the rate improves. Do we need to declare this somewhere on our return?

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