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Eyebrows! They are a massive business , very lucrative at the minute.

Que Sera Sera

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I don't get how these crazes spread all around the world, how do girls in the UK or Australia or wherever suddenly seem to decide ah yes I am going to paint 2 huge caterpillars on my face ? It's like the stupid floppy hair craze for boys a few years ago, how do these things spread so fast and more importantly why ?

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I like the 'before' (although a few stay hairs need plucking).


The 'after' looks like two big slugs have crawled onto her face lol.



Edited to say - if these pics are you I am changing my view to say both are lovely :embarrassed:


Haha no not me, I've seen so many of these before and after adverts, I was starting to wonder if I'm weird in not understanding the craze. Someone local was advertising $ 500 to look like the second with tattoos !!

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Haha no not me, I've seen so many of these before and after adverts, I was starting to wonder if I'm weird in not understanding the craze. Someone local was advertising $ 500 to look like the second with tattoos !!


What ? Pluck your eyebrows then tattoo a couple of furry animals on your forehead for the bargain price of just $500. What happens next week when the craze is for thin eyebrows ?

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Haha no not me, I've seen so many of these before and after adverts, I was starting to wonder if I'm weird in not understanding the craze. Someone local was advertising $ 500 to look like the second with tattoos !!

OMG it would be horrendous to look like that for 5 mins let alone forever

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I know someone going to pay $700 to get this done - although I must admit the photos she showed me of what they would look like looked much better than what has been posted


But a tattooed eyebrow will always look false. I just can't imagine a man having his moustache removed then tattooing one back on, it's seems somehow counterproductive lol

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I plucked mine into oblivion as a teen and not they dont need too much attention, must've killed a few follicles...my daughter has lovely natural brows but pencils hers o, she's going more for the natural look lately though. I remember a friend of hers walking into our house once and me thinking OMG is she in fancy dress?? Total Groucho stylee.....

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Big big business in the UK... As is just the whole change your face thing.


I was in Asda the other week while there, walking past this girl, nothing clinked, untill she grabbed me in delight, squealing...Fi, Fi.


didnt have a clue who this alien was:err:.....only when she talked a bit more, did I realise it was one if eldests dd's friends...a girl that had spent a lot of time in our house, spent holidays camping with us.


three years since seeing her...Didnt regonise this girl, who had make up so troweled on, eyebrows that needed their own postcode:confused:

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I've got thick eyebrows although not like that. It's funny because I used to get really self conscious about them and i mucked around with them a few times.. Big mistake. Now everybody wants big eyebrows. I don't like that second picture though. I got mines waxed recently and she put some eyebrow pencil on to see what it would look like if she tinted them

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It's huge business everywhere, we used to see girls in Australia with the thick makeup and massive eyebrows, it would be 30 degrees and they would look as though they were about to melt. All in the name of fashion. It's the same as the stupid hair the boys used to have that would hang over their face and they would be constantly flicking their heads to get it off their face. Wouldn't it make more sense not to have the hair hanging over your face ? No because fashion overrides commonsense.

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I've got thick eyebrows although not like that. It's funny because I used to get really self conscious about them and i mucked around with them a few times.. Big mistake. Now everybody wants big eyebrows. I don't like that second picture though. I got mines waxed recently and she put some eyebrow pencil on to see what it would look like if she tinted them


I have v thick eyebrows...get them waxed but only the what I call overflow hairs...still like to keep the thick brows look, but I've never changed the shape of them....


Both my sils have just drawn them in for years....I wouldn't know where to start

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