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Outlook for economy not good


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A 6 x 4 parking spot in Sydney sold this week for $264,000 and a 38sq m house (minute) sold last Saturday for $965,000. Doesn't appear people are worried when they are spending like that.


Does speculation increase or decrease the closer you get to a recession. I Sydney property crash could boost the rest of Australia, or it could bring it all down. Sort of depends on how fast it happens and what triggers it.

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Except when the UK was in recession the whole of the UK was called a s***hole,it was all doom and gloom,all going downhill!Where I lived in the UK wasn't affected,but I still had posters disbelieving me.


Yes absolutely, when it is the UK the critics come out of the woodwork to exaggerate everything. When it is mentioned that Australia might be in for tough times we get giving us examples of why everything is rosy. It's very funny actually.

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A 6 x 4 parking spot in Sydney sold this week for $264,000 and a 38sq m house (minute) sold last Saturday for $965,000. Doesn't appear people are worried when they are spending like that.


You make it sound as though it is a good thing. I remember Australians laughing at silly poms for spending money like that on a parking space in London, now Aussies are doing it then it is seen as a positive thing.

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Yes absolutely, when it is the UK the critics come out of the woodwork to exaggerate everything. When it is mentioned that Australia might be in for tough times we get giving us examples of why everything is rosy. It's very funny actually.

Is this thread about the economy not looking good in Australia?

You make it sound as though it is a good thing. I remember Australians laughing at silly poms for spending money like that on a parking space in London, now Aussies are doing it then it is seen as a positive thing.

Making this into a UK versus Aus


It's only a forum


Shame you weren't on this forum when you were in Australia

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Is this thread about the economy not looking good in Australia?


Making this into a UK versus Aus


It's only a forum


Shame you weren't on this forum when you were in Australia


I'm not making it into anything, I was replying to a post further up the page so why accuse me of that when I wasn't the first to mention the UK ?

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I'm not making it into anything, I was replying to a post further up the page so why accuse me of that when I wasn't the first to mention the UK ?

Calm down calm down...


It wasn't me it was him lol


I only replied to what I read


If aimed at someone in particular or a post quote it then no confusion

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Guest Mikimoto
You make it sound as though it is a good thing. I remember Australians laughing at silly poms for spending money like that on a parking space in London, now Aussies are doing it then it is seen as a positive thing.


Just a regular thing, the $264,000 just upped the record from $240,000. Dual spot available for $400,000 if you're interested?

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Hockey's Budget is a absolute waste of more Billions.Why on Earth would People earning $185,000 to $200,000 P/a be paid a extra $10,000 p/a to help them pay for child care?

Why should small Business get silly Tax deductions on new Assets to $20,000.The Country is Borrowing $100 Million a day.And growing to stay afloat

Most people in Australia can't afford to employ tradies,They charge so much,have you had your car repared lately? or Called a tradie out for a home repair? They charge like wounded bulls.You do it yourself in Australia,Unless you are desperate.They are out of touch with Reality.Like Joe Hockey

Even Small Business Retail Shops take your eyes out,in Regional areas.We would rather travel 64Ks to Gympie than shop local.it's so expensive.The Problem is with this government,they don't know how to govern,unless it's raining Billions into Government coffers.They have never governed in normal times.Only during mining booms/When a monkey could have ran Australia. The Liberals thought the mining boom would last forever.They ignored all the signs.Like when China Started Stock Piling Iron Ore.Australia is heading for a deep rescission.This Lot Will deny Everything Like the GFC or Global warming.They are lost. Lowering Interest Rates Is Insane.it puts more Billions on Debt,Puts the cost of living up.It's good for countries that are huge exporters.But Australia has nothing to export now.They relied TOO Much on Whats sitting in the ground.Now nobody wants it in Huge Quantities.


I really fear the worse as times goes on. It seems to be steady as she goes and let someone sort out the mess further down the track when close to economic collapse. Of course debt can continue to be sold at even cheaper rates furthering a inflated housing bubble like a giant cash machine to outrageous highs to which ever fewer will be able to partake and eventual falling prices and mass panic. Fact being wages not in general keeping up with increasing asset prices and something urgently needs to be done.


I looked at a Federation house today built around 1920 with asking price over 1.1-2 million. Down the road a small three bedroom detached villa like house, well presented with a Provencial feel going for 950.000. Cute but really. Real Estate agent flying to Italy tomorrow. Head around that as knew little about the property she was attempting to flog that wasn't on the brochure. Money for jam. Something has got to change.


As for tradies, don't start me. Got another quote on line with my name but someone's else's name on the actual breakdown off cost for work unrelated to mine. The ineptness is mind boggling to say the least. I think we are up the creek and rudderless. How soon before other punters realise the same and keep a tight grip on their wallets?

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I have found the majority to be nice and helpful, as with any group there will be those intent only on creating trouble.

Tis true


You never did answer my question about why you only decided to join this forum when you returned to the UK and not while in Australia


Only being nosey


I hope you don't mind

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Keep the pommie passport, I hope I'm wrong, but how can a government do what this government have done and not plunge a country into recession?

Prop up industries in structural decline, Close factories that have the potential to keep people in work, Actively demonize industries that are popular all over the rest of the world, Cut funding from the very institutions that could make Australia prosper.

As a country we could be running the show, instead we are at the back eating raw onions and being laughed at.

It's not all bad though, our 1% are just dandy, even in the last few days their rorting of the super system has been protected. :)

It makes ya proud :)

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I know you should not look back but reading posts from people in the past makes you realise that no one has a clue about the future so why try to predict it! or maybe this previous thread did have a bit of hindsight!!!!




I don't think it makes one realise anything but timing and prediction can be out and variables can and do change. Few predicted for example the housing crush in America or Ireland. The thought was and remains to a lesser extent that low interest rates and easy money will shore things up. Well it does for a time but there is an end as bubbles expand.

A lot depends on government intervention and surplus packages as we saw during the GFC. Economists often get it wrong but the rule seems to be swim the other direction from the herd for greater chances od survival.

Who was the multi millionaire that said he knew it was time to exist the market when his regular shoe shine boy in NYC mentioned it was time to purchase?

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Keep the pommie passport, I hope I'm wrong, but how can a government do what this government have done and not plunge a country into recession?

Prop up industries in structural decline, Close factories that have the potential to keep people in work, Actively demonize industries that are popular all over the rest of the world, Cut funding from the very institutions that could make Australia prosper.

As a country we could be running the show, instead we are at the back eating raw onions and being laughed at.

It's not all bad though, our 1% are just dandy, even in the last few days their rorting of the super system has been protected. :)

It makes ya proud :)


It does make one proud how our government ensures the protection of the deserving few. Hardly alone though. America can't be far from the next big one. Thing is the façade could well be prolonged as we dig ourselves into a hole with zero interest rates and little place to move. I hope not or more cuts but out politicians do display cluelessness.

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Brings to mind the edition of Q & A on ABC TV the other night questioning Hockey after his budget. I can't think of a single question that wasn't of self interest. Nothing about the larger term impact on the nation.


He tried the "I must do this to reduce the debt and help the nation" approach, an everyone said, "What about me! me! me?",

So now he has just decided, "Screw it, if the voters don't care that we are in massive debt, then why should I?"

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He tried the "I must do this to reduce the debt and help the nation" approach, an everyone said, "What about me! me! me?",

So now he has just decided, "Screw it, if the voters don't care that we are in massive debt, then why should I?"


I'm afraid it's going to be pretty much every man, woman and dog for themselves. He initially over done the crisis and tried to push through a rather extreme agenda. A very unlike Liberal approach.

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