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Renting in Perth ??


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WeWe are staying with friends in Perth when we move just until we get on our feet. We know how expensive Perth is as our friends live in the city (we could never ever afford to). They've always lived there so they are rubbish for suggesting where else to look. Any suggestions on where to look? We aren't looking anything extravagant but somewhere that wouldn't be overly expensive and easy to get a bit of garden space and minimum 3 bed?

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What do you want out of the lifestyle you can create for yourself? It will affect massively on the suburb you pick. We rented in Como for a year when we came and before we came we both said we wanted to be as near to the Ocean and a nice beach. When we had been living in Como for a while my wife started to like it round there but luckily I stuck to my guns and when we had enough money to buy we moved out to a beach suburb. Been the best move for us. We both love the beach, the kids have been in the Surf Club since they were 7, our social life revolves around it and the people we meet in the suburb feel much the same as we do.


Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with Como, it's a nice suburb, close to the City, near the River, good views, but it's still too far from the Coast for my liking. A lot more expensive than the area we chose to move to too.


You wouldn't think moving a few Km's could make such a difference but it can.


If you are going to rent for a while you may as well get somewhere you will enjoy. We only ended up in Como because we vaguely knew people in Applecross, who were kind enough to let us stay with them for a week or so. We had a 2 year old at the time though so thought we had better get a rental quickly. Como was the next suburb along and had a few rentals going. We didn't have a car at the time and didn't look around very much. If we had our time again we would have probably rented in a beach side suburb from day one. Good luck.

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Like Ali, we rented v near OH had work.


When the time came to buy our own house, we used the no more than 40 mins commute time rule.


everyone wants different out of life I don't live in a busy social hub, not much point, we both work the 9-5 during the week, then its home for the usual stuff.


Who can afford to go on pub crawls and eat out every night...not me.


we can though take the stove on the 10min drive to the beach with the dogs, cook our own tea right next to the Indian Ocean, share the bottle of wine, watch the sunset. I read while OH fishes.


Thats a sundowner ....:wink:

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Sounds exactly like my sort of lifestyle Fifi lol I don't think I have been out to a pub or a meal in over two years with the exception of our anniversary, family time is more important to us , even a nice evening walk can be the highlight of our week lol

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Sounds exactly like my sort of lifestyle Fifi lol I don't think I have been out to a pub or a meal in over two years with the exception of our anniversary, family time is more important to us , even a nice evening walk can be the highlight of our week lol


Yes Perth is/can be expensive....but it has so many free options too.


the night like I described above used to cost us a lot of money ...cos we could only do them if we flew abroad n holiday.


Here...its a snap decision. Err what's for tea...dunno. Oh well, shall we cook something on the beach?? Great lets go:smile:


We too love walking, always having dogs. We moved semi rural and joined a local walking group.


Was a great way to meet the lovely locals, plus keep fit at the same time.


Life is what you make it:wubclub:

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