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And the UK election result is.......


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Which of course is part of the crux of it. There is no real alternative since New Labour saddled up with Thatcherism. What's wrong with working class voting Tory? Well while a lot in that sector of society are easily bought, divided and conquered, the real result is on view in many areas of Britain. The Tories are (like the ill named Liberals in Australia) not natural bedfellows with those of the bottom twenty five per cent. They are for dismantling as much as is politically possible of the safety net and impose market values on everything creating ever greater disparity between the haves and have nots. Doesn't create a harmonious society but creates division. Furthers individual greed and care less for the less able.


Thank goodness for the rich in Hampstead in London and such places which are far removed from your claims on many occasions of being hypocritical, but can see the advantages of a empathetic society for the nation. Full respect for those with the money but wear their heart on their sleeves in regards to social issues and desiring a better, more compassionate world.



Excellent post and echoes my own view.

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I don't think you understand. They are splitting the union up. That was always been their intention. They will keep pushing until they go. All the referendum showed was that it was too big a step. They need to reduce that step over the next five years, and from Westminster they will. As they have said. They're not settling in, they are settling up. The ball is rolling. Scottish independence is now just a matter of time. You should be pleased. It means Tory government for ever.


Most independant experts do not think they can balance their books though.....I remember reading/hearing not long after the recent Scottish referendom that had they voted for independence the sudden drop in oil prices last year would have almost bankrupt them.


The IFS question whether they can afford to run an independant Scotland.....suggesting an annual 8 billion deficit could cause one or two problems.


This piece by Boris Johnston goes some way to explaining why the English where so against a Labour/SNP government and ultimately resulted in the Conservatives landslide victory last Thursday/Friday......as Boris says.....if Labour/SNP had triumphed we would be staring down the barrel at the inevitable break up of the union and tragically all those UKIP voters would realise that any Labour/SNP partnership will inevitably be turning the UK into a "Former" UK and their party would forever be known as the "FUKIP"....



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Scotland overwhelmingly voted for a party that had a clear concise agenda but they knew couldn't form the next UK Govt. While the Torys are the majority party at Westminster, the people in Scotland will now be looking to the SNP to use their control of the Scottish Parliament, the use of Westminster Parliamentary procedures and if necessary, the courts, to prevent and delay any new Tory laws which introduce further austerity measures.


The Union is strained (and I could be wrong) but I don't believe Scottish Independence is back on the agenda within this Parliament as a result of these unprecedented SNP results. If Nicola Sturgeon revisits it within this Parliament with no due cause, her credibility would go down and I suspect, would pay a price at the next election. She is too politically astute to make the same mistakes as labour and lib-dems and override the wishes of the Scottish people. However, if the UK votes to leave the EU, in my opinion, that justifiably leaves it open for Nicola to revisit the question.

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The socialists are violently demonstrating.

What does that say when people won't even accept a democratic outcome ?


Yep, really democratic when the ruling party only got 37% of the votes. The majority of people who voted did not vote for the current UK government.

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The socialists are violently demonstrating.

What does that say when people won't even accept a democratic outcome ?


Define democracy.


Is it democratic for the parties to put out such a large amount of misinformation on each other and have agendas manipulated by their lackies in the news and media to such an extent that the truth is always a casualty. These same parties want you to believe their story instead of the facts - democracy is only an illusion.

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Define democracy.


Is it democratic for the parties to put out such a large amount of misinformation on each other and have agendas manipulated by their lackies in the news and media to such an extent that the truth is always a casualty. These same parties want you to believe their story instead of the facts - democracy is only an illusion.



Give that man a round of applause...Ain't that the truth!!

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The socialists are violently demonstrating.

What does that say when people won't even accept a democratic outcome ?


Sorry, missed that, where are the demonstrations?


A democracy doesn't mean that's it, all over, no more discussion. Democracy defines the strength of your argument. The Tories can't be beaten in an argument if they all agree. But have you ever been a member of a political party? They generally hate each other more than the opposition. They need a strong leader. They don't have one. But the SNP do, and they are united.

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The socialists are violently demonstrating.

What does that say when people won't even accept a democratic outcome ?


Just read it. Are they socialist or anarchist?


Agree this is not on, but if anyone has justification it would be ukip. Go on Nigel, throw a tantrum.

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The point is that people should not be protesting about the result of a fair democratic election.


These people are ratbags. Giving their cause a bad name.


People have the right to protest in a democracy. Not the right to deface and commit violent acts but certainly the right to protest. Whats the BBC/ABC got to do with it? Does that make it instantly credible reporting? I know you're smarter than that

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There is no right to protest against a fair democratic election.

You are protesting that your fellow citizens voted differently to you.


You should be smart enough to know there is no justification in protesting a fair election outcome.


Unless you want a dictatorship[, you must accept the outcome of a fair election.

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There is no right to protest against a fair democratic election.

You are protesting that your fellow citizens voted differently to you.


You should be smart enough to know there is no justification in protesting a fair election outcome.


I'm not. I accept it. Doesn't mean I have to like it though....and of course there is a right to protest an election outcome.

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