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Some information from returnees please.


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Hi everyone, my husband and I are looking for information about England at the moment and I am hoping to hear from those who have gone back. We have been in Australia 11years and seem to be reaching a natural conclusion to our adventure. We still love it here, Australia had been good to us; we have a nice house and 2 Australian school aged kids; both have permanent jobs but England has started to call us home again.


So I am looking for information, positive and negative....we need ALL the information. Whenever my husband goes onto the electrician forums about work, it's all negative but no one actually gives him the facts, it's all opinion and they all want to know why we want to return, which is part of the frustration for us as 'it's just time' doesn't seem to be an adequate answer!



We are thinking about Sept 2016, to give use enough time to save and as I am a primary school teacher my girls and I will start the school year. It will also help to head back in the uk summer. We are also looking at the south west, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somerset etc but work will be a deciding factor ultimately.


So there it is, how have you found the move back? is the UK really so hideously awful at the moment? How did your kids adapt to school? Do jobs have a superannuation equivalent attached to them? Have any electricians or teachers headed home?


I know if we can get useful information anywhere, it's going to be here.


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Hi everyone, my husband and I are looking for information about England at the moment and I am hoping to hear from those who have gone back. We have been in Australia 11years and seem to be reaching a natural conclusion to our adventure. We still love it here, Australia had been good to us; we have a nice house and 2 Australian school aged kids; both have permanent jobs but England has started to call us home again.


So I am looking for information, positive and negative....we need ALL the information. Whenever my husband goes onto the electrician forums about work, it's all negative but no one actually gives him the facts, it's all opinion and they all want to know why we want to return, which is part of the frustration for us as 'it's just time' doesn't seem to be an adequate answer!



We are thinking about Sept 2016, to give use enough time to save and as I am a primary school teacher my girls and I will start the school year. It will also help to head back in the uk summer. We are also looking at the south west, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somerset etc but work will be a deciding factor ultimately.


So there it is, how have you found the move back? is the UK really so hideously awful at the moment? How did your kids adapt to school? Do jobs have a superannuation equivalent attached to them? Have any electricians or teachers headed home?


I know if we can get useful information anywhere, it's going to be here.



Don't know why people are being negative as the UK is well and truly on the up as far as employment is concerned and you will be in demand as a teacher I am sure. The south west is not a hot spot for jobs at any time but I think you need to put feelers out there nearer the time as nobody can give you an idea of prospects a year from now.


If you come in September 2016 the summer has ended so presumably you are hoping for sooner than that.

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On pensions many employers have a contributory scheme and even more will be obliged to have one soon ('Workplace Pensions') but employees can still opt out so it is not compulsory like Australia. Even so you can opt for a personal pension and you get tax relief on contributions.

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Jobs seem to be picking up with unemployment near enough on a par with Australia. Prices for food, petrol and a lot of white goods have dropped a lot in the last few years or stayed the same due to competition especially supermarkets. [h=1]UK confirmed as fastest growing economy in Europe[/h]

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It is the British way to downplay the way things are if good and grossly exaggerate if bad. The economy is very clearly on the up and even Labour are struggling to downplay that. Ignore many comments from people here to an extent, I know that may seem bizarre but look at the facts and figures, regardless of how good things may be here some will find it hard to accept and pass on the good news. We left Australia almost 4 years ago and love it, it's not perfect but it isn't perfect anywhere. Our kids have slipped back into school, us into work and all of us seamlessly into life here.

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Hi everyone, my husband and I are looking for information about England at the moment and I am hoping to hear from those who have gone back. We have been in Australia 11years and seem to be reaching a natural conclusion to our adventure. We still love it here, Australia had been good to us; we have a nice house and 2 Australian school aged kids; both have permanent jobs but England has started to call us home again.


So I am looking for information, positive and negative....we need ALL the information. Whenever my husband goes onto the electrician forums about work, it's all negative but no one actually gives him the facts, it's all opinion and they all want to know why we want to return, which is part of the frustration for us as 'it's just time' doesn't seem to be an adequate answer!




So is the UK really so hideously awful at the moment?


Is this what you think? How so?


We made the move back almost 2 years ago and have been very happy. We enjoyed living in Australia and don't regret our move out there, but we were no 'better off' so to speak. If you think your time over there is coming to an end and you are looking for a new adventure then go for it.

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No I don't think the UK is hideously awful or I wouldn't even be contemplating the move :wink: I am just looking for some constructive information. It's very hard to get an accurate picture of what life is like and unfortunately those that sing the loudest are often the ones unhappy with their situation. Which is true of everywhere!


We are not the unattached free youngsters we were when we arrived, so this is simply us planning our next course (phase 1), but with 2 kids and a dog in tow. We are in no hurry and can afford to be picky with where we relocate to, so we just want as many options as we can possibly get.

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We moved back in January. Like you we were perfectly happy in Australia, but it just made sense for us to move back for reasons I won't bore you with.


I miss Australia at times, no particular reason, it was just somewhere I was happy for several years so I think missing it was inevitable. I woud like a holiday back there within the next 12 months.


But there is nothing gloomy about the UK, the economy is on the up and everyone I know is living perfectly content lives.


Pleasant surprises for me moving back in January, was the very mild winter and that I have used an umbrella less than ten times in three months. I am also really appreciating the extra daylight, it has been not too bad since about February to be honest and it is only April and I still get an hour or two of sunlight after I get home. I didn't manage that at the height of summer in Sydney!

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Hi after 10 years in Perth we moved back - my wife and kids 2.5 yrs ago and me 1.5 years ago. We fancied living in the SW of Uk as we had holidays there previously and loved it. Originally looked at Devon but was not too confident in work options. Selected Somerset in end - can commute to Bristol/bath/Exeter/Cardiff and can get to London in a few hours. It's a great area and can even get down to north devon in less than 2 hours for some surfing! In fact we have done more surfing in the UK than we did in Australia as no sharks to worry about!

Having travelled and worked all over the UK I think you are making a great choice - London is obviously the place for jobs but quality of life is not good unless you are wealthy (IMO). South West wins hands down - we are still blown away by the countryside everytime we leave the house!

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We moved back nearly two years ago, we work in very different fields so can't comment on that but we moved back with a 10 year old who pretty much didn't remember starting school in Scotland and he has had no trouble settling. We were in Australia 5 years but never got to the point of feeling like it was home and we have never looked back since we returned.

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No hideous awfulness around here either!


Love the weather, the scenery, all the things to do (utterly spoiled for choice) - not in a position of working but no one I know is out of work when they want to be in it.

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No hideous awfulness around here either!


Love the weather, the scenery, all the things to do (utterly spoiled for choice) - not in a position of working but no one I know is out of work when they want to be in it.

quoll, aint you going back to Oz? how will you survive?

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Nothing hideous about where I live..North Yorkshire..I do agency work as a social worker and never out of work..any specifics about the hideous bit? What exactly is hideous so we can address it?

I'd say the house prices in York are a bit hideous. But used to live there ... And what a beautiful part of the world..

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I'd say the house prices in York are a bit hideous. But used to live there ... And what a beautiful part of the world..


I know..it's bit pricey ish for the north, comparing prices to villages out of scarborough..where I'm from..but York is so lovely...I'm on the look out to rent then possibly buy in stockton on forest..it's beautiful..far enough out of the city/work..but not too far..I was looking at rentals in London...liked living in London..but jeez crazy prices..1200 etc a month..mental.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was in Australia for 20 years, came back January 2012 with my 2nd (British) husband. He fully supported the move back, but didn't settle and went back to Oz. Both my adult daughters are there, but I have all my other family here in the UK. I am lucky enough to live on the coast in beautiful Saundersfoot and I appreciate living here every day. Even driving to work, the views, the hedges going from daffodils to bluebells & blossom. I see my parents and my sister every week, my school and old friends from time to time. You can't beat a good chat and reminisce with someone who knew you before you wore a bra!

As to Britain being awful, yes of course there are issues and I wouldn't want to live in a city. But it's home and where I belong. I'm not earning anywhere near what I was in Perth, but I've bought a house and I manage. I will be going out there for Xmas this year, first time back and it will be 4 years. It will be interesting to see how that feels, but apart from missing the girls occasionally - they're adults and we were all working fulltime, didn't live close and only got together on high days and holidays anyway, I haven't missed Australia at all. Not even on those miserable grey rainy days.

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I was in Australia for 20 years, came back January 2012 with my 2nd (British) husband. He fully supported the move back, but didn't settle and went back to Oz. Both my adult daughters are there, but I have all my other family here in the UK. I am lucky enough to live on the coast in beautiful Saundersfoot and I appreciate living here every day. Even driving to work, the views, the hedges going from daffodils to bluebells & blossom. I see my parents and my sister every week, my school and old friends from time to time. You can't beat a good chat and reminisce with someone who knew you before you wore a bra!

As to Britain being awful, yes of course there are issues and I wouldn't want to live in a city. But it's home and where I belong. I'm not earning anywhere near what I was in Perth, but I've bought a house and I manage. I will be going out there for Xmas this year, first time back and it will be 4 years. It will be interesting to see how that feels, but apart from missing the girls occasionally - they're adults and we were all working fulltime, didn't live close and only got together on high days and holidays anyway, I haven't missed Australia at all. Not even on those miserable grey rainy days.


Saundersfoot (and Pembrokeshire for that matter) is beautiful. I used to think that one day I might retire there. The opportunity to retire in Queensland has come up and I know that the climate in Brisbane is more me. Takes nothing away from Pembrokeshire though. So many people look south west and eye up Cornwall and Devon and miss the pearl that is Pembrokeshire in my opinion.

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