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summer in april ?


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Temperatures to be 10c above the average this week ...they reckon mid 20s for some areas..spring has definitely sprung ....it was 20c in Aberdeen Last week.....bloody hell

After a mild winter where Nov - Mar was pretty much the same...2 hours of snow and no days below freezing .. I almost enjoyed it ..bloody hate winter.

Records are being broken all over the shop ....driest this ...warmest that ....roll on summer....

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Yes. Felt like winter Easter weekend and the jumped straight to summer. Feel a thousand times better already.


People say they miss the seasons in the UK. Well these days blink and you miss them here. 2013/14 we had no winter at all, just one long autumn. Now we seemed to have skipped spring.

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Yes. Felt like winter Easter weekend and the jumped straight to summer. Feel a thousand times better already.


People say they miss the seasons in the UK. Well these days blink and you miss them here. 2013/14 we had no winter at all, just one long autumn. Now we seemed to have skipped spring.


We seem to have had no real winter for 2 years now, sure we had some cold days but overall it was mild and hardly ever looked like getting any snow. If only climate change were real ;)

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We seem to have had no real winter for 2 years now, sure we had some cold days but overall it was mild and hardly ever looked like getting any snow. If only climate change were real ;)


In all honesty snow is pretty rare in southern England anyway. Serious snow only falls about one year in ten on average which is why we are so unprepared when it happens. This winter's temperatures and rainfall were bang on average winter though I understand it was a little sunnier than average.

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In all honesty snow is pretty rare in southern England anyway. Serious snow only falls about one year in ten on average which is why we are so unprepared when it happens. This winter's temperatures and rainfall were bang on average winter though I understand it was a little sunnier than average.


Sunnier with 38% less rain

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In all honesty snow is pretty rare in southern England anyway. Serious snow only falls about one year in ten on average which is why we are so unprepared when it happens. This winter's temperatures and rainfall were bang on average winter though I understand it was a little sunnier than average.


It was certainly warmer than usual and drier with very few frosts.

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In all honesty snow is pretty rare in southern England anyway. Serious snow only falls about one year in ten on average which is why we are so unprepared when it happens. This winter's temperatures and rainfall were bang on average winter though I understand it was a little sunnier than average.


Bang on average ? .....how many days of snow ...how many days below zero ...how many outdoor sporting events called off

Iam sorry ,but average it isn't

I watched a clip about los Angeles which relies on the snow melt from the sierra Nevada ( I think ) mountains....the average fall is around 5 ft ...this year they have had a dusting ...nowhere near enough.

They have copped the drought ...and some of the eastern states have caught the full blast of a slowing jet stream ,pulling freezing air down from the arctic .....things are changing ...call it climate change or global warming

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I cannot believe how mild the winter has been. No snow to speak off, just half a morning in late January and I could count on one hand the number of times I have even used an umbrella in the three months since we moved back. I am sure it wasn't like this before I left. Something has happened. :yes:

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I cannot believe how mild the winter has been. No snow to speak off, just half a morning in late January and I could count on one hand the number of times I have even used an umbrella in the three months since we moved back. I am sure it wasn't like this before I left. Something has happened. :yes:

The last " normal " winter ,well that was anything like a northern hemisphere winter was 2010...and as winters go ,that was pretty average....we are having summer flooding ....no snow in the winter...and as I said initially ,many records are going.

In my humble opinion the jet stream is with us...it wasn't in the winter of 2010....lets hope it stays that way

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  • 2 weeks later...
Temperatures to be 10c above the average this week ...they reckon mid 20s for some areas..spring has definitely sprung ....it was 20c in Aberdeen Last week.....bloody hell

After a mild winter where Nov - Mar was pretty much the same...2 hours of snow and no days below freezing .. I almost enjoyed it ..bloody hate winter.

Records are being broken all over the shop ....driest this ...warmest that ....roll on summer....


How good has it been fellow poms in the u.k ? .....shorts are on , sat in the garden ....tomorrow and over the weekend it takes a dip ....but in all seriousness ,if this pattern keeps going the summer is going to be stinking hot ,( by u.k standards )...not for me personally , if it tops out at 25c ,that will do ..but I don't think so ....its touching 21c in some places already ....we are having a great run with the weather over the last 2 -3 years.....the weather is almost becoming a plus point ,instead of something to escape from

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How good has it been fellow poms in the u.k ? .....shorts are on , sat in the garden ....tomorrow and over the weekend it takes a dip ....but in all seriousness ,if this pattern keeps going the summer is going to be stinking hot ,( by u.k standards )...not for me personally , if it tops out at 25c ,that will do ..but I don't think so ....its touching 21c in some places already ....we are having a great run with the weather over the last 2 -3 years.....the weather is almost becoming a plus point ,instead of something to escape from


It's been fantastic, lovely and warm and still nice to do stuff outside. Last year was pretty much the same and of course we went on to have a wonderful summer. Following on from such a mild and short winter this suits me just fine.

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Yep perfect where I am.I've had 4 days off work Mon-Thurs this week and spent every arvo lounging out the back,sunnies and sunblock on,blue sky,and I had to sit in the shade a few times!Hope we get some rain Saturday Bunbury,my garden and allotment needs some! ;)

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It's gorgeous! It was the same last year and even here, in the 'frozen North' we only had one day of snow over two winters and that melted after a day! I really hope the weekend is just a blip, but if not, it's been lovely to have warm sunshine so early in the year, especially as winter really didn't arrive until late November.


We we also have Aussie friends (from Perth) here. They've had to go out and buy t shirts - they only came equipped for cold weather. They commented on how 20 degs here doesn't feel like 20 degs in Perth where they'd be wearing wooly jumpers! I always thought it was because we became acclimatised, but they've only been here three weeks so I don't think that's the case for them!

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We we also have Aussie friends (from Perth) here. They've had to go out and buy t shirts - they only came equipped for cold weather. They commented on how 20 degs here doesn't feel like 20 degs in Perth where they'd be wearing wooly jumpers! I always thought it was because we became acclimatised, but they've only been here three weeks so I don't think that's the case for them!


Is Perth humid? Over in the SE inland we get virtually no humidity so I can handle 40+ without much of a problem.

Last June in the UK i was sweating every night, t-shirt soaking wet at the back. Not had that once in Oz.

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Is Perth humid? Over in the SE inland we get virtually no humidity so I can handle 40+ without much of a problem.

Last June in the UK i was sweating every night, t-shirt soaking wet at the back. Not had that once in Oz.


No we get very little humidity in Perth. It's really nice at the moment though, mid 20's in the day, drops down to about 10 at night.

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Is Perth humid? Over in the SE inland we get virtually no humidity so I can handle 40+ without much of a problem.

Last June in the UK i was sweating every night, t-shirt soaking wet at the back. Not had that once in Oz.



No, Perth isn't usually humid, but it can be. MI much prefer the weather there to what we had in Sydney. It's not humid here either yet, although that might change as we get closer to summer. I agree that it's the humidity which is exhausting. I'm not keen on 40+ wherever, but 30 and dry heat is lovely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to normal now is it?

In Newquay, Cornwall, spectators donned their warmest clothes to watch the English National Surfing Championship



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Watching the football over the weekend, it looked nice and sunny and in London, but in Sunderland and Liverpool, everybody was wrapped up as if it was January!


Sydney had a nasty April, but in May, I'm back in shorts and T shirts again.

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Back to normal now is it?

In Newquay, Cornwall, spectators donned their warmest clothes to watch the English National Surfing Championship




Glad to see your life is so exciting ,that you have to trawl through news from the u.k ...you couldn't make it up ......have a word with yourself

Yes the weather has taken a dip ...but hey there is that much to choose here ...indoors ,outdoors whatever ....

By the way its 4pm ..another working day completed ....actually just watching the afl .....i must turn it off though and look for some flood news from Queensland ...not

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