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Better life for children???


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Guest Guest66881
Adults are materialistic not children.. Adults belive that a big house, a beach and a park will be a better life .. I grew up in a flat in north london, have fond memories of the bus and tube.. How big was my bedroom ...? **** knows



I find that a bit offensive Paul, what the hell is wrong with wanting better?

Working hard and really long hours missing out on my first two kids young lives meant we had **** loads of cash but i was so unhappy that i missed the kids growing up.

Now we are here and doing ok, i will and have made some major decisions about how we live and what we do with our time.

Having the 'big house for us is a necessity, six of us plus pets so no little plot would do would it, it has nothing to do with showing off, proud as - yeah proud that we have achieved what we never thought, with no one else to help us or us even asking.

Just us as a family over here doing way better life wise and for us thats the key.

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Thank you every one for your opinions, be it positive or negative about migrating to Australia. I think we probably are a little crazy for wanting to. We both have good jobs, a lovely house (with a mortgage we can afford), nice car, holidays, etc, etc. lots of family and friends around us. But there is still the feeling we would be happier in Australia. We will never know unless we try.


My wife works for a company that has an office in Melbourne, there may be an opportunity for a transfer next year as they will be launching a project that she heads up in the UK. It would give us a lot more security, not to mention the possible relocation package.


I don't think you are crazy fwiw. We are giving up well-paid work and probably retiring earlier than we should (I will be 55 this year, wife 52). Our daughter though is 11 so we could not leave it any later as it would not be fair on her educationally and socially in our opinion.


We are doing it for the adventure. I have spent the past 39 years working to pay a mortgage/bills etc and saving for retirement. Now I feel it is pay back time. Financially we will be much worse off than if we had stayed and worked a few more years (for those that think people moving to Oz is solely for materialistic reasons). We have this opportunity and I want to explore new horizons and neither of us deal with the cold and damp of the UK particularly well as we get older - life is not a dress rehearsal as they say.


We won't delude ourselves that it will necessarily be any better for our daughter but we don't see any reason why she will feel any worse off. She has tried out sailing and kayaking here but has limited opportunities as we are a long way from water and most of the year it's too cold to enjoy water pursuits in England (and that is our daughter's view, nothing we have said)

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I'm sorry Paul but you come across as hard done by. But being on here a little while you have disdain for this country but you have earned probably between $3-$4 thousand a week , possibly take home, I don't know your position but suspect it. And you've always made it clear you're for the short term and going back! There are many that would have loved your position and your money and haven't had that opportunity !

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I'm sorry Paul but you come across as hard done by. But being on here a little while you have disdain for this country but you have earned probably between $3-$4 thousand a week , possibly take home, I don't know your position but suspect it. And you've always made it clear your for the short term and going back! There are many that would have loved your position and your money and haven't had that opportunity !


He has probably made enough now to get a small flat in London and relive his childhood travelling the buses and tube.

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My husband isn't materialistic one bit ..he's a fit for purpose kinda guy lol ....I am a little but not overly dramatic ...I have standards let's put it like that . And yes if there's a scratch on my fridge I want a new one lol . But I'm not selfish I don't demand things I'm not daft . And what is up with achieving better things in life without people saying you are materialistic I don't get it .


I also will hold my hands up I have come here thinking the grass is greener , i do want the house and pool , I'd be lying if I said I haven't , most poms do want that . I have a perfectly beautiful house in uk with 4 toilets by the way pmsl ....nothing wrong with my lifestyle in uk ....everybody thinks the grass is greener and they think there's something better out here . I'm not saying there isn't a fab life to be had ...I wouldn't be hanging on now if I thought otherwise , but the way it is now people are just saying to be prepared that's all . I'm still in shock lol ...it's got nothing to do with not wanting it to work and people saying you will if u want it to . Not as easy as that . For one people haven't a clue about what my oh does for a start I haven't fully lol . People haven't a clue about anyone's life they just take a little piece and turn it in to what ever they want to .


I have come here to achieve what I want to and what is wrong with that . Just bad timing and unfortunate . But in Noway am I materialistic in a sense of spoilt bitch no chance I'm stupid at times but I'm fair :) but nothing wrong with wanting a fairy tale I can dream lol :) people shoot ya down and twist things no matter what you say :)!!! Oh I'm very happy ...always was in uk ....I am here happy with m hubbie and kids I'd walk to the end of the earth and back for them , I am not happy with the situation ATM that is all that up with me . And yep I could go get a house when I get in wa ....but not a wise move ATM ....I don't think . But we will see !



people who say ya materialistic are normally jealous ......my next door neighbour back in England threw dog **** on my BMW .....what does that tell you . ! Tells me a lot ....and do you know I was dead nice to her I gave her cuttings out my garden made her hanging baskets I just don't get people at all :)!!!

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Guest Guest66881
But what is better for the children ...?



Having parents around them watching them grow and become young adults, sharing birthdays without the worry of being away at work and never being able to get that special day back, we have two younger ones and we will not be making the same mistake twice, lucky for us our three elder daughters turned out the way they have solid and knowing that what we did work wise when they was younger was/is for all of our benefits.


Two of the elder ones know share a house we purchased for them to rent from us here, the eldest is still in the uk (nurse) own house blah blah blah, two little one going great guns at school, happy on the beach or in our pool or just in front of the telly watching sponge bob, all i know mate we are all very happy, way happier than what we was back in england.

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I think bringing up little uns here must be great....it's got it everything you need and want as a parent.


plenty of sunny days, lots to do for free. I mean kids love a beach, plus all the events that the city puts on.


who needs a TV to entertain the kids:wink:


but....I do too think I was lucky, having kids that were brought up in Europe, not so much the UK, but even then, they were exposed to a nitty gritty that maybe WA brought up kids don't experience.


personally I say its not all about a school education, but an education on life.if I had my time again with my kids, I would have done a lot more travelling with them, but I got sucked into the, education is everything movement, don't move them cis it will cos lots of damage....meh.


I believe now that a well travelled, exposed to lots of different situations is just as good a way to educate a child, along with formal learning.


Havent had the talk with my daughters yet but, although as a family I think Aus will now be our homeland for a lot of decades, I hope any future grandchildren get to enjoy what my daughters have, ie partying in Ibiza, skiing in Slovakia, cruises to Sweden, expat life in Spain, holidays in Greece etc.


i think we are dam lucky that we have those choices.

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Having parents around them watching them grow and become young adults, sharing birthdays without the worry of being away at work and never being able to get that special day back, we have two younger ones and we will not be making the same mistake twice, lucky for us our three elder daughters turned out the way they have solid and knowing that what we did work wise when they was younger was/is for all of our benefits.


Two of the elder ones know share a house we purchased for them to rent from us here, the eldest is still in the uk (nurse) own house blah blah blah, two little one going great guns at school, happy on the beach or in our pool or just in front of the telly watching sponge bob, all i know mate we are all very happy, way happier than what we was back in england.

I agree , shame no one else says it like that...

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Having parents around them watching them grow and become young adults, sharing birthdays without the worry of being away at work and never being able to get that special day back, we have two younger ones and we will not be making the same mistake twice, lucky for us our three elder daughters turned out the way they have solid and knowing that what we did work wise when they was younger was/is for all of our benefits.


Two of the elder ones know share a house we purchased for them to rent from us here, the eldest is still in the uk (nurse) own house blah blah blah, two little one going great guns at school, happy on the beach or in our pool or just in front of the telly watching sponge bob, all i know mate we are all very happy, way happier than what we was back in england.


Good onya mate....all kids want is love.

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My husband isn't materialistic one bit ..he's a fit for purpose kinda guy lol ....I am a little but not overly dramatic ...I have standards let's put it like that . And yes if there's a scratch on my fridge I want a new one lol . But I'm not selfish I don't demand things I'm not daft . And what is up with achieving better things in life without people saying you are materialistic I don't get it .


I also will hold my hands up I have come here thinking the grass is greener , i do want the house and pool , I'd be lying if I said I haven't , most poms do want that . I have a perfectly beautiful house in uk with 4 toilets by the way pmsl ....nothing wrong with my lifestyle in uk ....everybody thinks the grass is greener and they think there's something better out here . I'm not saying there isn't a fab life to be had ...I wouldn't be hanging on now if I thought otherwise , but the way it is now people are just saying to be prepared that's all . I'm still in shock lol ...it's got nothing to do with not wanting it to work and people saying you will if u want it to . Not as easy as that . For one people haven't a clue about what my oh does for a start I haven't fully lol . People haven't a clue about anyone's life they just take a little piece and turn it in to what ever they want to .


I have come here to achieve what I want to and what is wrong with that . Just bad timing and unfortunate . But in Noway am I materialistic in a sense of spoilt bitch no chance I'm stupid at times but I'm fair :) but nothing wrong with wanting a fairy tale I can dream lol :) people shoot ya down and twist things no matter what you say :)!!!


You told me when we met that you had a better house and a far better wage in the UK and that you would. Never be able to replace your friends and that was something you'd have to live with. Tben I heard you'd been very rude to a few people one party saying someone's gay son, was a fat bastard faggot! Mmmmm

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You told me when we met that you had a better house and a far better wage in the UK and that you would. Never be able to replace your friends and that was something you'd have to live with. Tben I heard you'd been very rude to a few people one party saying someone's gay son, was a fat bastard faggot! Mmmmm



I have got got a better house in uk than I have here post pics if you like ....when we first arrived my hubbies job was 150000 less than he was on in uk .....I was not rude to people at a party ....they were rude to me called me a bitch ....because I said to a so called friend who asked me what the BBQ was like , that a paticular person wasn't my cup of tea ....she wasn't so her son called me a bitch ...so I called him a fat bastard . And also my so called friend said I said her friend wasn't my cup of tea niether ...I never said that just the one I said it about ...and it got ganged up on . So see what I mean by people twisting things .

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I never wanted a big house with a pool. In fact when we bought the house in North Ryde it had a below ground pool in the backyard which we filled in after a few years and were just happy to have bigger yard once it was gone. By this time our sons preferred to go to Ryde pool with their mates. Got fed up of forever cleaning the bloody thing as we backed onto a reserve full of gum trees. The leaves and twigs from the trees were a constantly dropping into the pool.

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I may of called him a gay fat bastard but deffo a fat bastard lol....shouldn't of called me a bitch, and when he was on site it was 250'000 just took a 50k pay drop anything else !


and before anyone says that's greed wages ...no he was sekonded for 280 dollars a hr the company made money off the back of him it's not the workers that r greedy .

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Paul 1977 I wish I knew what your problem was....


you have a v well paid job, you live somewhere with great weather 9 months of the year.


yet all you do is complain!!


i mean really, you could go back to blighty if it suited, nobody would mind:cool:


ffs...you wake up, you've got your health, your family, a job.


Think about it, how many people would like to be in your shoes......


have you ever had a loved one die far too young, without getting the chance to enjoy life???


and here you are moaning!!


Really, have a look at the good things you have

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Yes people have had a young one die far to young ...my best friend died the year before last of a pulmory embolism ..dropped down dead aged 46 . Doesn't mean people don't care 6 months I was bad after ...I put things like that back of my mind ...people don't need what if some one died drilling down their throat every five mins . Death frightens me not that I'm selfish towards people being I'll I'm perfectly aware .


and do ya know I was there in uk when it happened landed on the Friday and she come and flung her arms round me . We were going out a few days later and she was dead early hrs of tues morn . So don't people dare judge others that they may not care because you are barking well up the wrong tree gets on my nerves . I'm aware of the what ifs ....just don't want to think about them thanks ! And I'm sure that's the case for others .



Good old wages maybe but at the end of the day it's stiill not worked out the way I'd like ....so qss say ya mmmmmm s all you like I shouldn't even be explaining myself . Not me who's been a bitch let me tell you . Someone hurts me I will retaliate .....what u want me do sit there and take it . Yes ok then

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I would love to hear views from parents that have taken children to oz. I have always thought bringing my son up in Australia would give him a better life, climate, outdoor, healthier lifestyle, etc. Do you find this to be true? And what about the sacrifice of taking them away from family? We made the decision to move about a year ago when my son was 1. Obviously we thought about it but we didn't quite realise the bond he would have with them. He loves playing with his cousins, aunt and uncles, nanny, etc. It would be a real shame if he started to forget who they are. I know we can keep in touch with people over Skype, etc but it will never be the same.


We have just submitted our EOI. I think this is why we are starting to question whether we are doing the right thing, being a step closer to getting the visa.


Any views and opinions would be greatly appreciated.






In my humble opinion,having happily lived in both places.

For young children ,Australia is hard to beat.....but my youngest is now 15,living here in the u.k and has a great life.....its full on .....shes got a dance competition at the albert hall in London on Saturday,then its off to Devon on holiday ,with us and her best mate on Sunday .....she as happy as Larry,and a real character.

I certainly wouldn't move her now....she has her mates...the gym ....dance ...travel ...and of course bloody shopping .....we don't have much sun or the beach ....but Solihull has everything else

The eldest is Aussie by birth,and recently received a video of oz from family ...the beach, the houses etc ....her response .." Is that it "......so it looks like the u.k for us...the good and the bad.....like sitting on the m5 for 2 hours yesterday on the way to Cardiff.....cardiff is a nice city though.....worth the wait....a lot of money spent

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It's a better life for the kids because...? ( I know mum and dad get to watch you play football in the sunshine eating a 2.50 sizzle from bunnings and getting pissed up at a bbq ) . Night folks



Clearly again you don't know people as a family ....I never get pissed up ever I'm a clown without the drink ...I like to be aware of my surroundings ..and what bit don't people get ....short time on 150k equals 100k or there about ....moved for oppertunity in qld ....oil and gas prices fell no work coming through ....back in wa In a perm job not a contractor role . What do ya want him do sit at home wait for work ...yes ok then ...by choice moving here ...situation cannot be helped . The way things are ATM . So in a real world let's sit at home and play happy families ....get real wouldn't we all love that !

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You told me when we met that you had a better house and a far better wage in the UK and that you would. Never be able to replace your friends and that was something you'd have to live with. Tben I heard you'd been very rude to a few people one party saying someone's gay son, was a fat bastard faggot! Mmmmm


Just told my hubbie he said I called him a fat bastard no gay or faggot come into it ...so made up ! And he called me a bitch first ...I will get off the site now people have been jealous that's the problem my hubbies just said I need to realise that . So I will give you what ya all wAnt ....and no my friends carnt be replaced ! The perth mafia strikes again ! Clicky as hell most of ya only want on here who ya want on !

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Just told my hubbie he said I called him a fat bastard no gay or faggot come into it ...so made up ! And he called me a bitch first ...I will get off the site now people have been jealous that's the problem my hubbies just said I need to realise that . So I will give you what ya all wAnt ....and no my friends carnt be replaced !



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