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Daily nausea


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I'm not saying you're imagining anything. You're born with lactose intolerance so that's not suddenly going to happen just because you moved to Australia. Gluten intolerance is actually quite rare, though it's fashionable right now for some weird reason. You obviously have a medical problem and I wish you well in working out what it is, but it's unlikely either of those things is the reason.


If you're having trouble with chocolate, chocolate is made differently here because if it wasn't, it would just melt on the supermarket shelves - Cadbury's has quite a lot of caffeine in it, and that used to make my oh sick. He could eat Lindt no problem. Have you tried avoiding coffee for a bit?



I dont drink coffee I drink tea ...but only about two cups aday ...it's not just choc that I suffer with I suffer if I have milk I feel sick I changed to lactose free ...I bloat with bread so I avoid bread wherever I can I do have it but limited ...I know my own body and never in my life have I lost weight without trying ....it's fashionable among people like the beckhams I love cake ! Lol

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I dont drink coffee I drink tea ...but only about two cups aday ...it's not just choc that I suffer with I suffer if I have milk I feel sick I changed to lactose free ...I bloat with bread so I avoid bread wherever I can I do have it but limited ...I know my own body and never in my life have I lost weight without trying ....it's fashionable among people like the beckhams I love cake ! Lol


Have you tried the A2 milk? Like I said, you can't suddenly be intolerant of lactose, but the milk here could have a different mix of proteins. The A2 milk is supposed to be more like milk used to be (which for all I know, may be more like British milk??)

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Have you tried the A2 milk? Like I said, you can't suddenly be intolerant of lactose, but the milk here could have a different mix of proteins. The A2 milk is supposed to be more like milk used to be (which for all I know, may be more like British milk??)



Yes I've tried it and it's fine in a cup of tea if I have cereal I still feel sick too much milk and yougurt I avoid now ...but tiny amounts I'm fine with , carnt stomach large amounts and I have a stinging pain in my kidney area when I eat bread and my belly blows up sounds crazy I know but it's true lol :)

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U can still have a intolerance what's been there always and just takes something to trigger it . I need the tests but I need pluck up the courage but I m not kidding !


Ive had the endoscopy both here and the UK and it was much more pleasant here as you are heavily sedated, it really isn't that bad that all so definitely get it booked in. Mine was on Medicare at the hospital so no out of pocket expenses.

I'm currently waiting for the colonoscopy and deep down i know because your sedated it wont be too bad, its the drink before hand and the actual embarrassment im not looking forwards too,lol.


Cal x

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Ive had the endoscopy both here and the UK and it was much more pleasant here as you are heavily sedated, it really isn't that bad that all so definitely get it booked in. Mine was on Medicare at the hospital so no out of pocket expenses.

I'm currently waiting for the colonoscopy and deep down i know because your sedated it wont be too bad, its the drink before hand and the actual embarrassment im not looking forwards too,lol.


Cal x



Ok ok thanks I will I've cancelled it twice lol I am scared people messing with me the thought of it yuk ! I am animeic forgot say that I had to have a iron infusion a few months after arriving here ....but I had a slight reaction to it so they stopped it half way through ..lol anyway I'll sort it I do feel better without some foods lol :)!thanks though I'll book in :):)

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Ok ok thanks I will I've cancelled it twice lol I am scared people messing with me the thought of it yuk ! I am animeic forgot say that I had to have a iron infusion a few months after arriving here ....but I had a slight reaction to it so they stopped it half way through ..lol anyway I'll sort it I do feel better without some foods lol :)!thanks though I'll book in :):)


i've had both at once and it's no problem as you are sedated and don't feel a thing.

I was worried about them meeting in the middle though!!???

the prep for the colonoscopy is yuck, but necessary.

Best be brave and get it over with.

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The only time I've felt sick for that long is because of anxiety. You can convince yourself it's not that and that it's for a physical reason. If you've got somethings on your mind I would be trying to figure them out :-). If there's genuinely nothing troubling you and you're happy with life then I hope you can go back to the drs to get checked out again.

Also dehydration can make you feel sick so I hope you're drinking plenty of water!

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I dont know if its anxiety or stress doing this.i do get very homesick,and came out to oz for my husband only.i do like australia,but at the moment i just cant enjoy it much because im always feeling ill.i try not to think about it and always trying to distract myself,but doesnt seem to be working.i drink lots of water,as i passed out last time i went out,and i dont want that happening again so i make sure im always drinking water now.

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I dont know if its anxiety or stress doing this.i do get very homesick,and came out to oz for my husband only.i do like australia,but at the moment i just cant enjoy it much because im always feeling ill.i try not to think about it and always trying to distract myself,but doesnt seem to be working.i drink lots of water,as i passed out last time i went out,and i dont want that happening again so i make sure im always drinking water now.


Do be careful because if you drink too much water, overdoing it will make you feel sick too. You need about 2 litres of fluid per day including coffee, tea, soups and water, but not including alcohol. If you're exercising you need a bit more.


Have you tried taking a course of probiotics, it can't hurt and it may help.

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Iv already been to the docs,everything came clear.but im going to visit th gp again to see a different doc

I did not read all the posts, but if nobody else has recommended it, go and see your GP.
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I'm not saying you're imagining anything. You're born with lactose intolerance so that's not suddenly going to happen just because you moved to Australia. Gluten intolerance is actually quite rare, though it's fashionable right now for some weird reason. You obviously have a medical problem and I wish you well in working out what it is, but it's unlikely either of those things is the reason.


If you're having trouble with chocolate, chocolate is made differently here because if it wasn't, it would just melt on the supermarket shelves - Cadbury's has quite a lot of caffeine in it, and that used to make my oh sick. He could eat Lindt no problem. Have you tried avoiding coffee for a bit?


You are factually inaccurate here. It is very common to develop lactose intolerance in later life as you stop making the lactese enzyme which digests lactose. In fact it is also common to develop gluten intolerance in later life as the damage which gluten does to your intestines can be silent for many years until you develop symptoms which alert you. I know both of these things as I became lactose intolerant at 44 and discovered I had coeliac disease (gluten intolerance) at 46.


In reply to the OP, have you had your ears checked? It strikes me that the flight might have casued problems with your ears which is leading to nausea. There is a condition where the liquid in the ear moves and has to be rebalanced. Sorry I don't know what it is called.

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I had to have me ears srynged after I arrived ...didn't make me feel sick they just wouldn't pop and I was deaf for ages lol ...got em srynged and was all good ...some doctors think it's stress or anxiety but I'm not stressed I'm not anxious I'm not depressed well I'll have my down days here only cus I'm apart from my hubbie but I can get my self down one day and shake myself out of it the next I never down for long ! But yrs ago I used to suffer from panick attacks and since being here I've had one panick attack but that's cus my heart palpatated and I crapped meself and sent me self in a panic lol but generally I laugh most things off and happy go lucky in fact I'm a little ray of sunshine if I do say so myself ...well people who know me do know I am ...my feeling sick is deffinatley food related ...the op could be too just needs go see another doc and perhaps eliminate things if he or she thinks it's food related :)

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Oh Shak I am feeling for you. There is no joy in life at all when you feel permanently nauseous. You seem to be doing everything you can that everyone has suggested, but have you considered going to a Naturopath and having food allergy tests? I only suggest this as I suffered for many years with constant nausea, accompanied by dermatitis all over my body and extreme lethargy. Every medical test known to man (and that cost a flaming fortune) came back that there was nothing wrong with me, but after putting up with it for 2 years I was so cheesed off with how I felt that I decided maybe I should go to a Naturopath as none of the other doctors and specialists had been able to help. The Naturopath took multiple allergy tests which showed I was allergic to chocolate, pineapple, capsicum, and a whole string of artificial additives and preservatives that are in just about everything you buy commercially prepared these days. I changed my diet to eating wholefoods - that is nothing commercially prepared - cut out the choccy, pineapple and capsicum, and within 2 months the dermatitis had become history and my energy was slowly coming back...... and the nausea disappeared too. This was over 20 years ago now and it is only recently that the nausea has started to return when I least expect it and it just knocks me for six. So on the advice of a friend who is a dietician, I started to keep a dairy of what I had eaten, drunk, where I had been, what I had been doing, what the weather was that day etc, and it has shown that every time I experience the nausea, it has been a very hot humid day, I have been rushing around doing stuff, and my water consumption has not been high enough. On her recommendation I now carry Hydrolite tablets in my bag and if I feel the nausea starting, I just slip one of the tabs into a bottle of spring water and sip away.... seems to work for me. Reading other comments on your thread, it seems the hormone changes with menopause can play havoc in more ways than one, so as I am very much a senior citizen now, I guess this could be part of my issue.


Shak I do hope you find what is causing this nausea for you soon..... but you have just undergone a massive life change, and you shouldn't discount that this could also be part of the cause. Well done for being so open minded that you are trying everything..... and I hope all is solved soon for you. Keep us posted on how you are going?

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You are factually inaccurate here. It is very common to develop lactose intolerance in later life as you stop making the lactese enzyme which digests lactose. In fact it is also common to develop gluten intolerance in later life as the damage which gluten does to your intestines can be silent for many years until you develop symptoms which alert you. I know both of these things as I became lactose intolerant at 44 and discovered I had coeliac disease (gluten intolerance) at 46.


In reply to the OP, have you had your ears checked? It strikes me that the flight might have casued problems with your ears which is leading to nausea. There is a condition where the liquid in the ear moves and has to be rebalanced. Sorry I don't know what it is called.

Vertigo ! It's a chemical imbalance in the inner ear. I have it its terrible,but treatable.and no it's not due to a fear of heights.my job involves working at heights and I am fine with that.

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My mum has vertigo although it seems a lot better now. It's a horrible thing to have. I definitely wouldn't like it. I did feel a bit dizzy and sick after my last flight but it passed within a few days.


If you've try the food allergy stuff like others have said and nothing comes back then I'd say it's most likely anxiety. It's amazing how bad you can feel with it

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Hi,i went docs today to get my ears checked,and gp said i have alot of water in my ears,asked a couple of questions about my ears,hes prescribed me a nasal spray to drain the water out slowly.and said the nausea might be caused by the fluid in my ears.but i dont get why this nausea just started in australia,i were fine back in uk,i just hope the nasal spray works,and this nausea disappears

You are factually inaccurate here. It is very common to develop lactose intolerance in later life as you stop making the lactese enzyme which digests lactose. In fact it is also common to develop gluten intolerance in later life as the damage which gluten does to your intestines can be silent for many years until you develop symptoms which alert you. I know both of these things as I became lactose intolerant at 44 and discovered I had coeliac disease (gluten intolerance) at 46.


In reply to the OP, have you had your ears checked? It strikes me that the flight might have casued problems with your ears which is leading to nausea. There is a condition where the liquid in the ear moves and has to be rebalanced. Sorry I don't know what it is called.

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Aww im so sorry you go through it too.its terrible,i feel so upset that i cnt enjoy oz.i will take ur advice on the nearopath,docs gave me some nasal spray for my ears,as theres alot of fluid in my ears which may be causing the nausea,but if this spray doesnt work,i'll visit the neauropath and see what they come up with.i just so desperately want relief!thankyou for your advice.appreciated

Oh Shak I am feeling for you. There is no joy in life at all when you feel permanently nauseous. You seem to be doing everything you can that everyone has suggested, but have you considered going to a Naturopath and having food allergy tests? I only suggest this as I suffered for many years with constant nausea, accompanied by dermatitis all ov and extreme lethargy. Every medical test known to man (and that cost a flaming fortune) came back that there was nothing wrong with me, but after putting up with it for 2 years I was so cheesed off with how I felt that I decided maybe I should go to a Naturopath as none of the other doctors and specialists had been able to help. The Naturopath took multiple allergy tests which showed I was allergic to chocolate, pineapple, capsicum, and a whole string of artificial additives and preservatives that are in just about everything you buy commercially prepared these days. I changed my diet to eating wholefoods - that is nothing commercially prepared - cut out the choccy, pineapple and capsicum, and within 2 months the dermatitis had become history and my energy was slowly coming back...... and the nausea disappeared too. This was over 20 years ago now and it is only recently that the nausea has started to return when I least expect it and it just knocks me for six. So on the advice of a friend who is a dietician, I started to keep a dairy of what I had eaten, drunk, where I had been, what I had been doing, what the weather was that day etc, and it has shown that every time I experience the nausea, it has been a very hot humid day, I have been rushing around doing stuff, and my water consumption has not been high enough. On her recommendation I now carry Hydrolite tablets in my bag and if I feel the nausea starting, I just slip one of the tabs into a bottle of spring water and sip away.... seems to work for me. Reading other comments on your thread, it seems the hormone changes with menopause can play havoc in more ways than one, so as I am very much a senior citizen now, I guess this could be part of my issue.


Shak I do hope you find what is causing this nausea for you soon..... but you have just undergone a massive life change, and you shouldn't discount that this could also be part of the cause. Well done for being so open minded that you are trying everything..... and I hope all is solved soon for you. Keep us posted on how you are going?

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Hi,i went docs today to get my ears checked,and gp said i have alot of water in my ears,asked a couple of questions about my ears,hes prescribed me a nasal spray to drain the water out slowly.and said the nausea might be caused by the fluid in my ears.but i dont get why this nausea just started in australia,i were fine back in uk,i just hope the nasal spray works,and this nausea disappears


My mum had menieres disease which is something to do with fluid in her ears. Used to make her feel as sick as anything. Could it have been triggered by the flight?

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