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Are you moving to Australia in 2015?

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

I thought I would start a thread for members who are moving to Australia this year. Sometimes it is nice to chat with members in the same situation as you, share tips, information and more importantly make friends.


So if you are moving over this year please add your name here and tell us a little bit about you, is where you are hoping to live, if you are single or a family, what work you are looking for.


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Guest The Pom Queen
Frano and hope to move over this year to Melbourne as my partner is an Aussie gal. waiting & waiting............

Fingers crossed that they don't have you waiting long.

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Rikki and Mayke. Just had our visas granted last week. Hopefully moving to Melbourne sometime this year but depends on finances! If not it will be 2016. I'll be looking for work as a boilermaker or something similar. At the moment Mayke is a civil servant for one of the ministries here in Holland. A job in stakeholder management will be her ideal job but until that job comes along she is not too fussed what she does. No kids so will just be the 2 of us making the move. I've been working in Holland for the last 8 years so hoping that the move over isn't too difficult!

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Sharon and Ken and two sons 10 + 13.

Moving to mid north coast of NSW on a 489 visa. Still waiting for visa but hope will be granted soon. I'm a degree adult nurse, ken is a commercial vehicle repairer. House going on the market in the spring and if all goes to plan would like to be Australia bound by Sept at the latest.

Even though my driving force for this is for a different lifestyle for my children I'm feeling really guilty about the challenges that they will have settling in.

Thats me and my story x

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Me, wife and 11 year old daughter moving to Redlands Bay, QLD in July. 2 years in the planning. We are in our 50s so will take any work we can find once we have settled in. Really hoping for a good exchange rate so we can largely live off savings until we can draw our pensions - but some work will be needed no doubt.

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We (myself and Aussie partner, late-30s/early-40s ish...) are making the move in May. Currently looking at various flight routings, prices etc etc. We will be living in Sydney, but will probably be propping up the spare room at the FIL's house in Wollongong until at least one of us gets work.


I'm looking for PA/EA/senior admin work and OH will be looking for something in IT - don't ask me what because I don't understand! His LinkedIn profile says "Firewall, network, security & UNIX professional" and he tends to contract for banks/other financial organsations. I would prefer to work for a large international company, but will probably take whatever comes along that doesn't pay too badly...


Hoping to spend more time with my OH's family, seeing more of Sydney/NSW and further afield in Australia. Totally doesn't feel like anything is happening at the moment, but once we get over the hurdle of what to do with flights, we can crack on with the other practical bits and bobs.


I know a couple of people in Australia, but none in Sydney apart from OH's friends and family, so will be starting from scratch mostly.

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Vonny and Andrew here. Us and our two daughters (4 and 1) will be heading to a Brisbane suburb (unless a job requires elsewhere) Aug/ Sept 2015. Andrew is an engineer and Vonny is a primary school teacher. No family out in Australia so taking a leap of faith... Lots of planning & arranging yet to do and both the excitement & anxiety increases week by week!


Would love to hear from anyone similar to us moving this year with who we can compare progress, to do lists, feelings and anticipation!


Best of luck to all emigrating this year! Much love Xx

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Myself, Anya and Tim with Jack (5) and Charlotte (8) - just got our perm res Visa - heading out to QLD in early August!! arrrrgggggggg!!!!!!!


question: which companies (if any) have people got quotes for removal? any to avoid (personal pm if necessary)

we are both PE teachers so looking for jobs, likely to start in Jan 2016, but will obviously do ANY work between aug and jan for money

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Myself, (Sarah) and hubby Mark with daughters age 5 and 9, hoping to move to Adelaide in 2015. Have 190 visas in hand and activated, and just waiting for our eldest dog, who is 11.5 with health problems to take the trip to doggie heaven. :cry:...she's hanging on like she'll live forever at the moment but has collapsed several times with a bad heart but always gets up and plods on. We're desperate to make the move but we couldn't consider rehoming her at such an age so will wait out. Have got family in Brisbane and friends in many other parts of Oz so can't wait to move.

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The Atkins Family, Me (John, 37) Kelly (39) Poppy(9), Daisy (6) & Phoebe (4). After many years of putting off making a decision, we'll be moving over to Queensland end July/early Aug, probably around the Bayside area, Wellington Point or Ormiston.


We have already completed on the sale of our home (living in rented here in UK at the moment, whilst sorting out the loose ends with work as we run our own business here) so we have the funds to buy in Oz when we're ready - although we have bought a smaller family home here in case things don't work out which we've already got rented out.


Just finished the application forms for Ormiston Primary school, hoping to get a place for all 3 for July/Aug. All systems go!!!

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Me 41plumbing & heating wife 40 critical care nurse & three boys 9,8 & 2 moving from Birmingham to the Gold Coast mid March fingers crossed on permanent residency. We'll be staying in a unit on Sunny Coast for a few weeks before we get a rental on the Gold Coast

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I'm moving to Aus from Greece as soon as I get enough money together.* I left with my parents when I was very young and after 15 years in Greece, the time has come to return home. My daughter is 14. she can't wait to see everything I have told her about Australia but most of all she can't wait to attend a better school

I have been teaching English as a foreign language for 10+ years but will be doing any kind of work.


*That's probably going to take me a while so the plan is to leave alone and stay in a hostel and then have my daughter brought by her grandmother.

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Myself (43, creative/motion graphics designer) and my wife Nic (39, District Nurse/Team leader) and 2 daughters 11 & 9, son 5, and dog Lola are moving on 2nd July to Sydney from North Wales. It's been an idea that's been doing the rounds for about 15 years. We spent some months backpacking around the millennium. I also went on tour there for work a few times in my old job as a DJ/professional hedonist, and did a internship in Sydney when I trained as a designer.


Currently arranging shipping and getting our house ready to rent out. Looking for potential jobs. We have a few suburbs/schools on shortlists - so will get all that in place in due course.


5 months to go... still quite a bit to do. Found out a lot of what i needed from PIO, but also know a lot of people in my line of work who moved out there, and got a lot of advice off them too.

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The Imrie family are moving from Falkirk to Brisbane in May! Myself (Kirsty 34), hubby (Scott 32) and daughter (Sofia 3).


Currently working on clearing our household clutter to get the flat ready to rent out :arghh: and organising our leaving parties :jiggy:

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Count me in for this. My wife an I received our VISAS at the end of 2013, we haven't made the move yet as we actually had our wedding June 2104. We are now going to make to the move in the coming months, house is on the market, hopefully get the flights booked for June/July.


Currently based in Stockport Uk, will be moving over to the Sunshine Coast (initially). I'm 30 and my wife is 28!


Bring on the sun :notworthy:

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I'm Becky and my Husband is Chris. If all goes well with our visas we will be heading over to canberra in June. Im an ITU Nurse but will work in any speciality to get my foot in the door. My husband works for the Welsh rugby union so would love for him to get a job involving rugby in any way. My sister and my brother in law are both in the defence over there so we will be staying with them until we find jobs and rental accommodation. Fingers crossed on those visas!!

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I'm moving in June to Vic as marrying an Aussie.


Have lived in Aus previously so very much know what to expect, and lucky enough to have nearly my entire immediate family there (albeit in a different state) hence having Australian SO. So excited as it's been over 5 years in the making thanks to study.


Good luck to everyone moving, I can't imagine anyone not loving it! There are so many opportunities there and having travelled extensively around Aus, I think it's got something for everyone.

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