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8 Children stabbed to death in Cairns, Queensland


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Does it matter where they are from?!?!


Eight children lost their lives today, race or religion are irrelevant!


See, I don't think it's irrelevant at all. I think it's highly relevant. Violence against women and children is significantly higher in Aboriginal communities and while some like yourself choose to be in denial about this, because you think you're being kind and doing good, others realize that if anything is to be done about it then it must be dragged into the daylight and talked about. It shouldn't be possible that I can read story like this and predict with such certainty that the offender is aboriginal without knowing the first thing about the crime.

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See, I don't think it's irrelevant at all. I think it's highly relevant. Violence against women and children is significantly higher in Aboriginal communities and while some like yourself choose to be in denial about this, because you think you're being kind and doing good, others realize that if anything is to be done about it then it must be dragged into the daylight and talked about. It shouldn't be possible that I can read story like this and predict with such certainty that the offender is aboriginal without knowing the first thing about the crime.


The family are not Aboriginal but are Torres Strait Islanders.....completely different race of people......with completely different values towards their children which is why this is so hard to comprehend........as an aside the mother has not been charged and DI Bruno Asnicar has said that at this stage there are no formal suspects as yet......this may of course change with the passage of time........until then making assumptions is probably not the best thing to do.

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Lets not try and blame the government.

This is an appalling crime.


1 person alone is responsible.


It was a comment saying that more needs to be done for mental health services, nobody was completely putting the blame on your government.


I don't know the circumstances. maybe she was mentally or but maybe not but I've just read some really disgusting comments on one of the Australian news Facebook pages about it. The loss of children's life is absolutely devastating and I feel so sorry for the remaining family but we don't know her mental health and some of the comments I've read online show why people with mental health problems are so scared to talk about it and sometimes treated badly.

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It is not an excuse Stacey.


Many many people have mental health issues without slaughtering their whole family.

It is interesting that people assume she must have mental health issue because she did something so evil.



Very true. However, not many people without a mental illness (depending on what you class as a mental illness) would murder eight of their children.

I don't think anyone's assuming she's ill, but it definitely has to be considered a possibility. Mental health services in rural and remote area are poor in general and there is still a stigma attached to accessing them.


Its a tragedy whatever the circumstances.

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Maybe a devestating mental illness was to blame..maybe a mild mental illness was present..maybe no mental illness..ppl who are mentally ill can be good ppl and they can b bad ppl..bad choices arent always mental illness but it can get blamed..adding to stigma..she is being assessed by mh services..maybe we will find out real story n prevent it happening again. Awful story.

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