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Christmas dinner


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Just enough for two I believe:wink:.

But what the heck is wrong with a traditional dinner, it's only once a blooming year after all! anything else its just a dinner on a day which is Christmas:frown:

I agree. I'm an Aussie but our family always had a traditional hot Christmas dinner and when I moved to Queensland, I kept up the tradition for years. Now though, I've been outvoted by the extended family and for years now, it's been cold turkey and salad. Christmas has never been the same since!

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I agree. I'm an Aussie but our family always had a traditional hot Christmas dinner and when I moved to Queensland, I kept up the tradition for years. Now though, I've been outvoted by the extended family and for years now, it's been cold turkey and salad. Christmas has never been the same since!


:cry::dull:for you!


The only thing different we do with our Christmas dinner is that I cook the turkey in the webber

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Well, in that case your options are a bit limited. Is there such a thing as "breast of chihuahua"?


Lol. I have had dog before and didn't think much of it. And wouldn't get much off ours - barely a serve lol.


I did a 9kg Turkey last year! We were eating the damned thing for days. Seriously thinking about a duck or pheasant this year

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We have our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. We have turkey, glazed ham, roast spuds, sprouts (I love sprouts), Christmas pudding (homemade). Same things we used to have in the UK tbh. We like to have it then as it frees up the whole of Christmas Day to do what we feel like. We don't have any family here so don't have to be anywhere. We open the presents early, go to the beach by around 9:00am it's usually packed by then but we have friends with a house 2 mins walk from the beach we meet at so park the car at their house. It's about the only day in the year that you can't get a parking spot by the beach after about 8:30am.


There are a few friends that we only see a couple of times a year that make it to the beach, it's a great atmosphere with most people having champagne, croissants, beer and the police turn a blind eye as long as no-one is causing trouble. The cops usually come by a couple of times on their beach buggie things but I've never seen them mention not drinking to anyone on Christmas Day.


Usually have a few hours at the beach then head off to our friends house for a few more beers and drinks and throw some prawns on the barbie later. Great relaxing day, love Christmas in a warm climate.

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Lol. I have had dog before and didn't think much of it. And wouldn't get much off ours - barely a serve lol.


I did a 9kg Turkey last year! We were eating the damned thing for days. Seriously thinking about a duck or pheasant this year


We get a Turkey crown, so only breast meat really, other than that when we had whole turkey we would freeze leftovers in portions for curries later in the year. dogs do well out of it too!

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No! sorry but traditional is not Peruvian, your good wife WILL need to change I'm afraid (or change your wife - kidding) she and you will be the better for it:rolleyes::wink:


So are you having peacock? The traditional English dish prior to the introduction of turkey? (A meat which has repeatedly been described as one which is barely fit to ward off starvation)

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Half our family will be overseas but there are still 14 of us in the other half and they are all coming for a trad Christmas Dinner. One daughter does the entrees ( seafood) and I do the turkey , ham and veg. Another daughter does desserts. There will be 6 of our grandchildren and our great grandson. Two others will be in the UK with my other daughter and SIL and my youngest daughter will be in LA to set up her art show. For next Christmas ( 2015) we've already booked a cruise for a change and a rest!

If you emigrate the best plan is to breed and create your own extended family- works every time!

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Turkey, roasties and all the trimmings (especially sprouts), followed by Christmas Pud and custard. Washed down with a couple of bottles of a nice French red, courtesy of ALDI.

Then it's time to hit the sofa for a family - friendly movie, or last year's Dr Who Special (in anticipation of the ABC showing this years on Boxing Day.)

Forecast is for a nice cool day with a spot of rain in Melbourne on Christmas Day, which makes it easier in the kitchen. Last year it was a scorcher and I reckon I lost a couple of pounds in body weight cooking the roast!

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Can't be arsed with a roast dinner it's too hot here in adelaide we are going to have a drink and nibbles down the beach ( might be our last Christmas here) make the most of it and all that then back for a seafood dinner( woolies sell lobster now yeah) and get more hammerd . Happy Christmas everyone where ever you are.

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Can't be arsed with a roast dinner it's too hot here in adelaide we are going to have a drink and nibbles down the beach ( might be our last Christmas here) make the most of it and all that then back for a seafood dinner( woolies sell lobster now yeah) and get more hammerd . Happy Christmas everyone where ever you are.


Surprising you find it too hot in Adelaide !! Our first Xmas in Perth it was 40deg plus...no dramas, we had a sit down traditional dinner for 14. Nobody died.

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