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Bitten to death...........


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Maybe it'll make you feel better to hear that it gets better with the years. Initially I reacted badly to aussie mossie bites and scratched myself bloody but a few years in I hardly notice the bites anymore. Desensitizing is the word I guess :)


Toughening up more like................

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Put a heaped teaspoon of powdered turmeric in to a smalllish glass of water (about 5 oz) mix and drink it quickly (it will make you gag) and take it everyday. It builds up in your blood and the mozzies don't like it. It will definitely stop them biting you as my family in Africa do it daily and never get bitten. It's not enough to put it in food and have it as you might use a bit in food, but it will be diluted by the fact that you are sharing say 2 teaspoons between 4 or 5 people in one curry. I'm going to start taking it next week to build up before I come over.

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Put a heaped teaspoon of powdered turmeric in to a smalllish glass of water (about 5 oz) mix and drink it quickly (it will make you gag) and take it everyday. It builds up in your blood and the mozzies don't like it. It will definitely stop them biting you as my family in Africa do it daily and never get bitten. It's not enough to put it in food and have it as you might use a bit in food, but it will be diluted by the fact that you are sharing say 2 teaspoons between 4 or 5 people in one curry. I'm going to start taking it next week to build up before I come over.


I heard turmeric is very good for us too.


Where in aus are mozzies worst? Are they everywhere?

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Funny, been a scorcher in Perth today. Oh done a BBQ, we've both sat out, he was getting bitten, but not me.


we have one of those blue light zapper things, at dusk it was banging away like a good un, even the dogs started to bark wanting inside, think they thought it was fireworks:dull:


i have no clue, why I don't get bitten, other than I do sit out most of the year, so maybe I've become immune....which is a good job because if I couldn't sit out, I would be off.

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Haven worked in malarial areas, I have learned how to try to deal with them. This is my advice:

Wear light coloured clothing - not bright colours. White is best

Wear lose fitting clothing - they can bite through clothing

wear long sleeves and trousers.

Use DEET based products. When they are bad, I use Bushmans 80% DEET

Avoid dawn and dusk outdoors

Mozzie attractors that give out CO2 can be effective - but expensive and need careful placing.

Ensure there is no standing water in your garden - a bucket with a couple of cm of water can breed hundreds of them.

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