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Adjusting to life back in the UK


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My partner and I have been in Australia for around 6 years.


We have made the decision to return to the UK for good. This decision was a difficult one, and to be honest, if it wasn't for me wanting to return, I suspect my partner would stay. (Due to better job, weather, etc) I want to go back to be with my family.


Hopefully we will move back mid-way through 2015.


My question to anyone who has returned is how do you adjust? I know there will be days when it is cold dark and rainy when I am going to wish I was back in sunny Australia. I know the UK is ultimately where I want to be and start a family and grow old, but I suspect it will take a bit of getting used to before I settle back into the English way of life.


Who has done this and how did you feel initially and after a few months/years?

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I had no qualms and even the dark rainy days don't bother me. I was quite depressed in Aus though and it was situational so I knew that moving back would be easier. In your case sounds more like family is the pull? I hope it all works out for you, but beware the old ping pong cliche...moving back and forth is expensive. Have you visited much during your six years away? Will you move back to a nice area? Good luck

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I don't really mind a bit of rain to be honest, but I suspect after the 4th days of rain I might be a bit over it!


I don't not intend to come back to Oz after I return. I am happy to accept that it is a decision I have made and am going to make it work for us.


There are so many more people in the world worse off than us, I feel lucky that I can make a decision to be close to my family!


We are moving back near to our families and where we grew up, close enough but far enough. (Close enough for family to come and stay at weekends but far enough the we are not in each others pockets and that we can feel like it is a fresh start)

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Hi and welcome to PIO!I also don't pay too much attention to the weather tbh,and where I live (Wiltshire)its pretty mild anyway.If it does rain,I usually smile and think its what makes this land so green and beautiful! Like moving anywhere,it will probably take a little while to resettle.Thats only natural! I think some people that return to the UK have a new appreciation of it.Its like looking at the UK with new eyes.You will appreciate the seasons,diversity of places to visit within the UK,cheaper travel overseas and many more.

You might get the odd person who can't fathom why one earth you'd want to leave Australia and return here,but ask them if they've ever visited Oz or more importantly lived there and then remind them of all the great things about the UK.lol Best wishes for a successful return,and let us know how you get on.xx

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The weather has been the one big plus for me in UK! Today I sit in Canberra in 36 degrees - I'm drained having done very little (went to the gym at 6am to avoid the enervating heat.)


I love the British weather - there has barely been a day when I have been stopped from doing what I want. I walk and/or gym pretty much every day and most days are glorious for some of the day - sure it rains but it's usually rain that is quite civilized, not the torrential downpours of Aus. The light is so mellow and there is real variety - and when winter comes with frosty mornings (get an ice scraper!) and short days with the halo glow around street lights, that's pretty magical too.


There will be days when you think WTF have we done - we all get them, even me and I had come to loathe Australia with a passion - situational depression will do that to you! I'm back in Aus now for a holiday and I can't wait to get back home!


good luck!

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We are living in canberra too and were born in England. Lived here all our lives in our mid fifties with a teenage son and decided to go back to England to live mid to late 2015. I am quite nervous. Have moved to a few states in Australia now but it feels very different moving overseas. We have just come back from seven weeks over there. I can feel it going to take some time to adjust. Nice to know someone else from here is doing the same thing.

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I think moving back from the Australian winter to the British summer is ideal if you can manage it, especially if you have school age kids as they get some time off before school starts too. We arrived back mid-July and barely noticed winter and we live in Scotland:)


I think a lot depends on how easily you fit back in in other ways and for us after five years away it was incredibly easy. It was a matter of weeks before we felt like we'd never been away (in a good way)


Having hated the summer heat in Perth, on the days it isn't so nice I just think 'it could be worse' - at least most of the time you can be cosy and warm inside, being inside with aircon on a hot day just isn't the same - it's depressing!

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We are living in canberra too and were born in England. Lived here all our lives in our mid fifties with a teenage son and decided to go back to England to live mid to late 2015. I am quite nervous. Have moved to a few states in Australia now but it feels very different moving overseas. We have just come back from seven weeks over there. I can feel it going to take some time to adjust. Nice to know someone else from here is doing the same thing.

Happy to catch up for coffee in the next week if you fancy it!

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I am super excited to be going home for 3 weeks at Christmas. (Christmas really is not the same in Aus) While we are there we are going to make job enquiries and research places to live etc.


Great advice to come back in the English summer. ;)

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I'm sure you'll settle in fairly quickly especially if you have family to help you along. Don't expect any help or handouts from the DHSSin Britain, as you have been away for a few years now, so please make sure you have enough to fund yourself until you find work ( if you can't get fixed up with a job prior to arrival that is ). Also ,do get Australian citizenship if you have'nt done so already, as you may wish to come back to Australia further down the track. Good luck !

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  • 3 months later...

Just an update.


Me and my partner have made a decision about the best way forward regarding me wanting to leave and him wanting to stay in Perth. (He really wants to stay here for quality of life, I want to return as England is my home and feels it is where I belong)


The plan is for me to return to the UK for around 6 months and see how I feel (once reality sets in!). Find a job and somewhere to live etc, to see if I feel differently. My partner will remain in Perth. We will then make a decision based on how we both feel after 6 months (or longer, or less!)


Either he he will join me (after I have Sussed-out our 'new life', or I will come back (knowing the I gave it a shot).


I guess it is a try before you buy scenario.


Has as anyone else had a similar situation?

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Think of the much longer daylight hours in the UK when it does not get till gone 10.00 pm, the last few winters have been really nice sunny with crisp frosts and we have far less annual rainfall in the last few years than average, the last 2 summers have been long and warm and sunny and last year the good weather lasted from april till middle of november, it does not seem like we have had a winter and spring is around the corner, today is so mild I am in my shorts in sunny stratford...:cute:

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Just an update.


Me and my partner have made a decision about the best way forward regarding me wanting to leave and him wanting to stay in Perth. (He really wants to stay here for quality of life, I want to return as England is my home and feels it is where I belong)


The plan is for me to return to the UK for around 6 months and see how I feel (once reality sets in!). Find a job and somewhere to live etc, to see if I feel differently. My partner will remain in Perth. We will then make a decision based on how we both feel after 6 months (or longer, or less!)


Either he he will join me (after I have Sussed-out our 'new life', or I will come back (knowing the I gave it a shot).


I guess it is a try before you buy scenario.


Has as anyone else had a similar situation?


We kind of considered similar although we were going to come back together for a year and then decide but both of us wanted to return for similar reasons to you and in the end decided the chances of us wanting to return were slim so leaving property etc there would just make life difficult.


If you don't have children it sounds like a reasonable proposal although I'm not sure I'd want to be away from my partner for 6 months.


I assume if life in the UK is as good as you expect then your partner will move back?


I guess just bear in mind that your life in the UK without him isn't going to be the same anyway and there is a risk at the end of the 6 months he refuses to move anyway.

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Think of the much longer daylight hours in the UK when it does not get till gone 10.00 pm, the last few winters have been really nice sunny with crisp frosts and we have far less annual rainfall in the last few years than average, the last 2 summers have been long and warm and sunny and last year the good weather lasted from april till middle of november, it does not seem like we have had a winter and spring is around the corner, today is so mild I am in my shorts in sunny stratford...:cute:


I really don't think the OP needs any persuading with the Stratford weather forecasts tbh PB as she is returning for family reasons primarily.


To the OP; hope it all works out for you as it is certainly not a plan that would suit me I must say. It must be really difficult if 2 people both rate location ahead of a need to be with their partner.

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I really don't think the OP needs any persuading with the Stratford weather forecasts tbh PB as she is returning for family reasons primarily.


To the OP; hope it all works out for you as it is certainly not a plan that would suit me I must say. It must be really difficult if 2 people both rate location ahead of a need to be with their partner.


Did you read the ladies opening post?

know there will be days when it is cold dark and rainy when I am going to wish I was back in sunny Australia.

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I grew up in Wiltshire! (and intend to move back to Dorset!) :laugh:


It is a beautiful part of the country and when i have been back for Holidays I appreciate it so much more than when I used to live there!

We too have returned 12 months ago and are finding the weather and short days one of the biggest difficulties, that and the feeling of claustrophobia with the small houses and so many people but there are a lot of pluses, the shopping, the food, the pubs, the beer, eating out, people who understand what you're saying without needing an explanation, the closeness of Europe.

My only thought for you is that employment has become more and more focused on London and it may need a lot of thought about where you aim to live just because of employment opportunities, even tho you are returning to be close to family.

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It sounds like a fairly radical plan but if you focus on the long term I think it's a very good idea. Speaking as someone who returned last June, when you first come back the first month or two will be brilliant catching up with friends and family, especially if you come back to summer.


The next few months are naturally a bit of a struggle as the initial excitement wears off but its unlikely you'll be settled in a job and somewhere to live so soon. If you were to have someone with you who might constantly ask questions like "remind why have we come back to stay on your sisters floor?". So I think you having time to get set up before your partner comes over is a good idea. The other possible outcome is that you decide you had rose tinted glasses and want to go back to rejoin your partner. People will find that funny and expensive, but you'll have got it out of your system and can move on with life.


Good luck!

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My partner and I have been in Australia for around 6 years.


We have made the decision to return to the UK for good. This decision was a difficult one, and to be honest, if it wasn't for me wanting to return, I suspect my partner would stay. (Due to better job, weather, etc) I want to go back to be with my family.


Hopefully we will move back mid-way through 2015.


My question to anyone who has returned is how do you adjust? I know there will be days when it is cold dark and rainy when I am going to wish I was back in sunny Australia. I know the UK is ultimately where I want to be and start a family and grow old, but I suspect it will take a bit of getting used to before I settle back into the English way of life.


Who has done this and how did you feel initially and after a few months/years?



Be prepared,part of you will always be torn.

You don't just land back in the u.k and forget oz 100%.....its not going to happen....here iam ,in the main very contented here in the u.k

....but that doesn't mean I don't think about my times on oz....they were great.

You mentioned the weather,and your worries.

Ask quoll or melza,they will give you an honest answer.....the winter has been very acceptable...

.no days below zero....3 hours of snow....

I was in Worcester today,and there were brave souls sat outside the pub....in my humble opinion ,our weather is improving

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Don't set your expectations too high, for anything to start with. I always think its harder returning somewhere than going somewhere for the first time. Don't expect to just fit back in where you left off, you and others may expect this to just happen. You and everyone else will have changed to some extent. Slow and steady will win the race.


good luck.

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It sounds like a fairly radical plan but if you focus on the long term I think it's a very good idea. I think you having time to get set up before your partner comes over is a good idea. The other possible outcome is that you decide you had rose tinted glasses and want to go back to rejoin your partner. People will find that funny and expensive, but you'll have got it out of your system and can move on with life.


Good luck!


Thak you for the words of encouragement.


I am so scared about how this may turn out, but I know if I dont try, I will regret it.


I sincerely hope my OH decides that a future in the UK is what he wants, but I also do not want him to resent me for making him stay somehwere that he does not love. He needs to decide where he will be happy, as do I.


I guess time will tell!

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Good luck with whatever you decide. My family and i are very happy in Perth but we also have the view of "never say never" regarding one day living back in the UK.


To give you a little perspective on your plan to spend 6 months apart. It may seem like a long time now but it will soon go. I spent six years in The Royal Navy where I spent four months at a time underwater on nuclear submarines. No contact other than a 40 word telegram per week from my family and I couldn't send anything in return. Six months with full contact via Skype etc will go by in no time.





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Just an update.


Me and my partner have made a decision about the best way forward regarding me wanting to leave and him wanting to stay in Perth. (He really wants to stay here for quality of life, I want to return as England is my home and feels it is where I belong)


The plan is for me to return to the UK for around 6 months and see how I feel (once reality sets in!). Find a job and somewhere to live etc, to see if I feel differently. My partner will remain in Perth. We will then make a decision based on how we both feel after 6 months (or longer, or less!)


Either he he will join me (after I have Sussed-out our 'new life', or I will come back (knowing the I gave it a shot).


I guess it is a try before you buy scenario.


Has as anyone else had a similar situation?


I think it is kind of a scary plan, a make or break plan. But if you want different things well..


I read your opening post first and only just realised it was a few months ago. Anyway, we returned in January after five years. We were very happy in Australia, previously happy in UK, but the work in Australia dried up and prospects were better, for us, in the UK.


Settling back in has been simple, much easier than going the other way as you would expect. We moved back into our own house, had jobs lined up and just slotted right back in. My house is smaller here, but I like it and find it cosy. We are still indoor camping as we wait for the container and it is an excuse to spend one or two evenings a week in the local country pub which has a lovely atmosphere.


I had maybe convinced myself it goes dark at 4pm here but I haven't been finding it particularly dark here in the south east. Last night I left work at 5.30pm and it was still light. I am looking forward to the long days in due course. Winter has also been easy so far, seen snow once and I haven't even used an umbrella that much, maybe no more than half a dozen times.


So all up, it has been easy peasy. But I expect there will be a honeymoon period and I will miss Australia. I shall probably try to block it out and look forward now though.

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