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Australia's detention regime sets out to make asylum seekers suffer


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India isn't signatory to the convention. These people were living in camps having fled from Sri Lanka, with no work rights, no education, no future. Who knows what their life was like? I'm sure you couldn't give a flying f&&k though.


Do you really think that by virtue of being Tamil that they are welcomed with open arms, just because they are in Tamil Nadu? Are you REALLY that thick?




I thank flag for continuing to fight stupidity and ignorance

your coming over as a little bit shouty and a bit ranty . It's starting to sound like your a bit mad .

Can you comment calmly on the Al Jazeera interview and report. ? I personally think the Tamil / Sri Lankan boat asylum seekers are harming the cause of what I would consider genuine cases.

Have you seen or can you reproduce any evidence of serious human rights abuses in Sri Lanka ?

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For all you asylum seeker supporters...If you havent noticed yet..unemployment in Australia is increasing rapidly, there are more and more Australian living on the streets-homeless, more and more Australians struggling financially, infrastructure struggling to keep up, cost of living exploding...So why on earth would anyone want more people here in Australia..especially economic migrants, most who cost a fortune to support..If they are not paying tax or working from the moment they arrive how are they of any benefit to anyone...?

unemployment in oz..what's this got to do with asylum seekers..the gov won't allow them to work so not 'taking any jobs for australians'

more Australians living on the streets? Again what's this got to do with asylum seekers? They pay rent like anybody else..due to the tiny amount of money they receive they often have 5-10 people in a property so they can afford to have a roof. Otherwise homeless shelters just like anybody else who are homeless.

whats Australians finances got to do with asylum seekers??

Gov won't allow asylum seekers to work so maybe take it up with the gov.

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Most of the asylum seekers who come here to Australia are economic migrants whether you like it or not..Most not all of them pay to come here..so where did they get the $10,000 from to come here in the first place.

They are a drain on tax payers money, and as if there arent enough drains on tax payers money already..Most of them never fit in and have no interest in fitting in with people already living here, unless they are the same as them. Look at the satate of the UK now, with it hoards of immigrants..Dont want them here full stop and dont want to pay anything towards them full stop...

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Most of the asylum seekers who come here to Australia are economic migrants whether you like it or not..Most not all of them pay to come here..so where did they get the $10,000 from to come here in the first place.

They are a drain on tax payers money, and as if there arent enough drains on tax payers money already..Most of them never fit in and have no interest in fitting in with people already living here, unless they are the same as them. Look at the satate of the UK now, with it hoards of immigrants..Dont want them here full stop and dont want to pay anything towards them full stop...

wow you are so insightful...most are economic migrants..what a statement ..shame it's not correct...hey ho..

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Most of the asylum seekers who come here to Australia are economic migrants whether you like it or not..Most not all of them pay to come here..so where did they get the $10,000 from to come here in the first place.

They are a drain on tax payers money, and as if there arent enough drains on tax payers money already..Most of them never fit in and have no interest in fitting in with people already living here, unless they are the same as them. Look at the satate of the UK now, with it hoards of immigrants..Dont want them here full stop and dont want to pay anything towards them full stop...


80% are found to be genuine refugees. Sounds like you have no interest in fitting in with people unless they are the same as you...

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80% are found to be genuine refugees. Sounds like you have no interest in fitting in with people unless they are the same as you...


Rubbish. In most cases, they hide heir identity, destroy papers and it is hard to prove anything else. That is all. Gosh some people are so gullible.

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I don't doubt that the Sri Lankans would be good for the economy and hard working . There's a sub continent culture of making the most of business opportunities .i don't believe they'd try and milk the state if they were given the opportunity to work. That doesn't make them genuine asylum cases though , or put them in anyway nearer the front of the queue than genuine war zone refugees

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your coming over as a little bit shouty and a bit ranty . It's starting to sound like your a bit mad .

Can you comment calmly on the Al Jazeera interview and report. ? I personally think the Tamil / Sri Lankan boat asylum seekers are harming the cause of what I would consider genuine cases.

Have you seen or can you reproduce any evidence of serious human rights abuses in Sri Lanka ?

Too right mickyb, I am bloody mad! Mad at the stupidity which trots off the tongue of so many people like 'they're all economic migrants' or 'they're taking all the jobs'.


With regards to Tamil asylum seekers, there is significant doubt and concern about their safety in the hands of the Sri Lankan government. So much so that to decide their fate on the basis of a 4 question 'interview' seems, at best, overly cavalier.


All us 'boat chasers' ask for is justice and due process, considering each case on its merits. Not blanket statements based on zero facts like 'they're all economic migrants'. Haven't watched your Al Jazeera report but if they're to be labelled 'economic migrants' then that needs to be tested legally, again through due process.


We also ask that these people (whether or not genuine refugees, and we know that they are 80% likely to be so) are treated with dignity, not like dog meat. It's not too much to ask, is it?

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I don't doubt that the Sri Lankans would be good for the economy and hard working . There's a sub continent culture of making the most of business opportunities .i don't believe they'd try and milk the state if they were given the opportunity to work. That doesn't make them genuine asylum cases though , or put them in anyway nearer the front of the queue than genuine war zone refugees


I know some very hard working Tamils. Anyway your own personal prejudices play no part in the determination of who and who isn't a refugee. Luckily for them. Hence the reason a process is in place.

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Rubbish. In most cases, they hide heir identity, destroy papers and it is hard to prove anything else. That is all. Gosh some people are so gullible.


Some are gullible, as the above comment suggests. What do you know about most cases? Should read in some cases. Many come from places where it was not possible to roll up and get a passport or identification papers. They are fleeing the authorities or had to leave with haste.

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Most of the asylum seekers who come here to Australia are economic migrants whether you like it or not..Most not all of them pay to come here..so where did they get the $10,000 from to come here in the first place.

They are a drain on tax payers money, and as if there arent enough drains on tax payers money already..Most of them never fit in and have no interest in fitting in with people already living here, unless they are the same as them. Look at the satate of the UK now, with it hoards of immigrants..Dont want them here full stop and dont want to pay anything towards them full stop...


You obviously have no knowledge on any of the vile you constantly write. Most are hard working and want to work as soon as possible. What great insight prey share that avails you such faulty comments, outside of the Pom tabloids.

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your coming over as a little bit shouty and a bit ranty . It's starting to sound like your a bit mad .

Can you comment calmly on the Al Jazeera interview and report. ? I personally think the Tamil / Sri Lankan boat asylum seekers are harming the cause of what I would consider genuine cases.

Have you seen or can you reproduce any evidence of serious human rights abuses in Sri Lanka ?


Who wouldn't be mad as hell with the ignorance on display with repetition. UNHCR has commented in the negative with regards to Australia's hasty return without fair hearing to Tamils. In what way does this group hurt the cause? The haters will hate regardless of origin of group.


What is very wrong is how the recent governments have al fanned the seeds of intolerance for short term political gain.

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Too right mickyb, I am bloody mad! Mad at the stupidity which trots off the tongue of so many people like 'they're all economic migrants' or 'they're taking all the jobs'.


With regards to Tamil asylum seekers, there is significant doubt and concern about their safety in the hands of the Sri Lankan government. So much so that to decide their fate on the basis of a 4 question 'interview' seems, at best, overly cavalier.


All us 'boat chasers' ask for is justice and due process, considering each case on its merits. Not blanket statements based on zero facts like 'they're all economic migrants'. Haven't watched your Al Jazeera report but if they're to be labelled 'economic migrants' then that needs to be tested legally, again through due process.


We also ask that these people (whether or not genuine refugees, and we know that they are 80% likely to be so) are treated with dignity, not like dog meat. It's not too much to ask, is it?


Mmmmm so many people hay!, you make it sound like the majority and that your in the minority! Just an observation

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Last time I looked, India was still a democracy, with a huge Tamil population in one of its states, and a relatively short distance from Sri Lanka, itself much more peaceful since the end of its civil war. I am also highly suspicious that former Tamil Tiger terrorists could come to Australia claiming to be asylum seekers, especially if they destroy all their papers.


You could at the very least make an informed argument on a topic that would appear to garner your interest, but to which to date you do not avail yourself to any insight on the matter. The repetition of argument is tedious at best and like the present government, doesn't make it any more valid regardless of the slogans and saying the same thing over and over doesn't make it any truer.


May win you some converts on here. But your welcome to them.

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You keep harping on about 457 visas yet it was Gillard and her union mates who whipped up the storm about alleged, but so far unproven abuse of 457 visas. If an Australian firm cannot find an Aussie to do a job, and it requires a certain skill, what is the problem with a 457 visa? Are they handed out free to anybody who asks for one? Do 457 visa holders have the automatic right to unlimited social services help in Australia, or do they have to bring enough money to pay for their own upkeep? Are they entitled to 'dole'?


And so what if a WHV person moves to a 457 visa? If they have a skill that is in demand, they have not engaged in any subterfuge. They still have to prove themselves fit and able to support themselves before getting a visa.


What do you want exactly? An end to all forms of legal migration, to be replaced by unlimited intake of alleged asylum seekers?


You really need to wise up to what is really happening out there and where the real abuse and rorts are happening. Back door immigration through the use of 457 and the sponsorship of WHV impacts directly on those living here. Nurses is an example. Locally trained not getting positions yet around 7,000 arrived in past year on 457's and temp visa's. IT full of 457's. The list goes on right down to construction and service jobs.


Asylum seekers have conveniently made various governments look tough on immigration while flooding the market and keeping the housing market inflated.


Migration needs to reflect the reality of the time. Asylum seekers has nothing to do with the issue apart from being a political football. I recall a time when The Australian was rather pro asylum seeker as was business. Days before 457 rorting of course.

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The Tamils who paid for the boats from India are significantly better off than half a billion Indians . Have any ' boat lovers ' protested outside any of the non convention embassies or written strongly worded letters ? It seems a bit daft that someone can go to India , for whatever reason , most probably financial and then expect australia to take them in. A boat full of Syrians or Iraqis is a completely different story . But surely every slum dog and pot wallah must have a legitimate claim?

India has 3 different categories along with employment rights for Sri Lankans . Some can work , some can live freely .

Al Jazeera reported them as financial refugees and interviewed ones who complained of no job prospects .


How is a boat load of Syrians or Iraqi's any different? Both groups are sent to so called off shore processing centres to rot for years to further the governments get tough policy. Sri Lanka still certainly has issues for its Tamil citizens. The UNHCR agrees with that assessment as well.

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How is a boat load of Syrians or Iraqi's any different? Both groups are sent to so called off shore processing centres to rot for years to further the governments get tough policy. Sri Lanka still certainly has issues for its Tamil citizens. The UNHCR agrees with that assessment as well.

The world can see what's happening in Iraq and syria at the moment.thats a clear case , the Sri Lankan case is different having ended officially in 2009 . Did you choose to read the article ? I even put the page up where the guy stated he was an economic refugee , no mention of horror stories . Straight from the horses mouth . Still not found travel bans to Sri Lanka or the north .

Ive stated before that I'm not entirely comfortable with intercepting the boats , people should be given a chance to prove their genuine under treaty legislation. But it does raise the levels of scepticism from the public and do you or harpos argument no good when your defending people who admit to being economic migrants . Read the article , it will only take a few moments . And I'd like to see some recent reports of inhuman conditions there . I can't find any .

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I suggest to go blind folded to Heathrow Airport next time. That way your eyes averted from all that disturbing alien presence around you. Muffs on the ears cut out the sound and problem solved.


Really are you serious? Heathrow Airport remains I think the biggest international airport in the world. What do you expect to find?


It would be nice to find a few English people working there for a start.

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So learn up and get on board the real issues with regards the abuse of employing 457's and backpackers going onto permanent visa's. Look at the overwhelming numbers still being admitted on immigrant visa's.


The government adjusts immigration visa intake regularly. I know the criteria for making the points changed monthly when we were applying in 92. Since then it's become a lot harder to get in on the points system, let alone the cost putting good people off. Anyone that gets a visa is well qualified, can generally speak English, has good work potential and is more than likely going to add value to Australia and hopefully fit in well and be prepared to accept Australian way of life, laws, religion (if they're bothered).


There are a few people that make it from 457's to permanent visas and I say good on them. They had a job to come to, they made the most of their opportunity and they must be still working, happy

and fitting in well. Otherwise they wouldn't be getting a permanent visa. Backpackers would have to be seriously lucky to get permanent residency from a WHV visa but if they do good luck to them too.

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