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Australia's detention regime sets out to make asylum seekers suffer


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If the average Iranian refugee is better qualified than skilled migrants, then why are they not taking the skilled migration route?


Because they are actually :-


not skilled


not skilled in what Australia requires


skilled, and actually going through the process correctly


Source : the 2 dozen or so Iranians that have come in via the proper channels, that I've been speaking to over the last few months.


The issue they have is the duration of time it takes (several years). So obviously those that don't qualify want to jump the queue.

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Just read in the guardian on-line that 1,000 African "refugees" have been intercepted in the last 3 days, trying to make it across the straits to Gibraltar. They are being held at a sport s centre because the official migration centre is overcrowded. Be interesting to see how long that can carry on and how the authorities handle it.

I wonder if they disliked their new accommodation and set sail for Australia if people would consider them genuine .

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If I don't reply to your posts, it's because you're on my ignore list...



You do reply to my posts. Does this mean I am on your Xmas card list?


I occasionally break cover and look at your posts, in the same way a child hiding behind the couch peers through his fingers at a snuff movie.


But sadly, you're on my ignore list. My mental health is better off that way. Don't take it personally though, you're very much not alone.

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I wonder if they disliked their new accommodation and set sail for Australia if people would consider them genuine .


But it's SO easy to become an asylum seeker to Australia. All you have to do is save the money to pay for your voyage, throw away all your documents once you are on the boat, and tell the Australian authorities, you are an asylum seeker.


I'm just surprised more Pommie are not doing it. If Scotland votes 'yes' in the referendum, well, you claim to be a Pommie living in Scotland who was terrified of being persecuted after independence. 'This mob came shouting down my street, chanting 'Sassenachs Go Home', & 'This is our revenge for Flodden and Culloden' and burning St George flags. We were TERRIFIED!'

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I occasionally break cover and look at your posts, in the same way a child hiding behind the couch peers through his fingers at a snuff movie.


But sadly, you're on my ignore list. My mental health is better off that way. Don't take it personally though, you're very much not alone.



You would have to be truly nasty to let a child watch a 'Snuff Movie?' Perhaps your true nature is revealed when you admit to watching them?

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If the average Iranian refugee is better qualified than skilled migrants, then why are they not taking the skilled migration route?


If you look at the Australian immigration flow it is rather consistent year after year in the country league. Note India grew from a constant moderate placing to number one after a political decision was made to allow it to be so.

Iran as never featured to any level on the immigration chart in acceptance to Australia, other than those coming by boat. Working with some of those they tended to be educated often to professional standards, literate and very capable. It should be noted while few get into Australia, the USA receives many, their first choice. Germany and France and to a lesser extent UK receive large numbers as well.

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Because they are actually :-


not skilled


not skilled in what Australia requires


skilled, and actually going through the process correctly


Source : the 2 dozen or so Iranians that have come in via the proper channels, that I've been speaking to over the last few months.


The issue they have is the duration of time it takes (several years). So obviously those that don't qualify want to jump the queue.


More obviously Iran is not being considered a nation to select immigrants. Nothing to do with their qualifications in the main, it shows Australia's selectivity. Your claim with speaking to the two dozen Iranians that came here through proper channels as you put it in the last few months would suggest you've spoken to almost every single Iranian entrant. Wow some doing. Bet none were semi skilled labourers.

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But it's SO easy to become an asylum seeker to Australia. All you have to do is save the money to pay for your voyage, throw away all your documents once you are on the boat, and tell the Australian authorities, you are an asylum seeker.


I'm just surprised more Pommie are not doing it. If Scotland votes 'yes' in the referendum, well, you claim to be a Pommie living in Scotland who was terrified of being persecuted after independence. 'This mob came shouting down my street, chanting 'Sassenachs Go Home', & 'This is our revenge for Flodden and Culloden' and burning St George flags. We were TERRIFIED!'


I'm afraid your ignorance knows no bounds. Here's an idea go out and work/speak with some and at least have a first hand opinion.

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Never ends the stream of humanity...to western countries..Europe/UK is going to be hell on earth to live oneday..They will be bursting at the seams with humans...horrible


Nothing or little to do with the topic under discussion. It has been agreed immigration is far too high. Refugees form a very small part at less than 10% at its very height. Far, far less now. In fact Australia is well down the list of accepting refugees.

Remember you came here in modern adding to our population explosion.

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If the African countries weren't such corrupt, awful, and undemocratic regimes, perhaps the 'refugees' would not want to leave? I think I heard on the news today, the UN was 'begging' the President and ?Vice-President? of South Sudan, to put aside their civil war and start caring about their own people more. Most of these countries have the potential to be thriving economies and democracies (just to counter the standard line that 'we' (the European colonisers) ripped off all their resources. If that was true, then Australia, New Zealand and Canada should all be struggling since they became independent.)


What a basic, ill informed assumption. The British never left did they? They became Australian. I don't recall a white withdrawal from any of the Old Commonwealth countries mentioned. Australia was not handed back to the First People, nor Canada nor NZ.


And you compare those countries to Africa amazing.

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I thought you were all for varied sources of information, Mary?


I'm sure you were lecturing @Endless Winter the other day on the importance of reading from different media outlets. Well, there ya go, knock yourself out.


'consumed with self-hatred for their own country'..way to go Mary, in terms of jumping to wild conclusions, that's stellar!


He claimed as much as but obviously only consumed by any usually misleading information if not darn outright lies, that further his world position that has come increasingly to light in recent times.

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I'm afraid your ignorance knows no bounds. Here's an idea go out and work/speak with some and at least have a first hand opinion.

This kind of cynical mirth making comes quite easily to Mary.


Only the other day she was crapping on about having nothing to do, paraphrasing a Beatles song along the lines of 'I head the news today, the IDF had just won the war!' To make a cheap joke of that situation is absolutely disgusting.

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More shocking/damning revelations which will, as sure as eggs is eggs, ruffle no feathers among the haters




Child asylum seekers' rights on Nauru 'systematically violated', inquiry told




But the anonymous workers’ document, with redacted references to documentary evidence, contains these further observations:



  • Childcare workers cannot remove children who are abused from detention




  • Children are bullied and threatened by fellow detainees




  • Save the Children staff are “actively discouraged” from advocating for the removal of children by their managers except “in the most extreme cases of documented harm”




  • A lack of access to interpreters inhibits the capacity to conduct child protection investigations




  • Inadequate access to food and nutrition for children




  • Inadequate child protection training for security staff




  • “Chronic” understaffing, meaning children cannot be adequately supervised




  • Family members being separated across the detention network, with some children left on Nauru while a parent receives treatment on the mainland




  • Unaccompanied minors self-harming and a lack of clarity over who has guardianship over them




  • There are only two bathrooms for about 200 children to share at the recently created classroom inside the detention centre




  • Save the Children and other stakeholders are pressured to remove children from “vulnerable minor management [VMM]” and “complex behaviour management [CBM]” lists. “Consequently, the number of children that are placed on VMM and CBM do not reflect the frequency or magnitude of mental health problems that exist in the general child population”


The submission also contains many shocking case studies:



  • A young female who was at risk of a “serious sexual assault” after “several adult males were overheard making plans” to attack her who was moved, with her family, to different housing but was then moved back within a “few weeks”. “SCA [save the Children] was informed that this was a directive from DIBP [Department of Immigration and Border Protection] and was provided with no notice to prepare the family for this transition. Despite the family’s concerns regarding their safety, the family was relocated closer to the perpetrators of bullying and threats,” the submission says




  • A seven-year-old boy was separated from his mother and sister for more than a month when they were flown to the mainland for medical treatment. “He was left in the care of his father who had serious mental health problems where he absconded from the centre on numerous occasions and assaulted another minor, resulting in an overnight stay in jail and assault charges”




  • A 13-year-old boy described as “socially isolated” with “multiple mental health issues” who was observed by other asylum seekers as “receiving oral sex in the camp from another boy”. No action by security guards was taken, but the boy was later observed by two guards with another child as “touching each other’s groins (over clothing)”. “Although two Wilson’s Security officers wrote two separate incident reports describing this behaviour, they allowed it to continue and did not stop the boys.” The submission adds that the officers misidentified one of the boys. “This further demonstrates the inadequacy of training and skill to Wilson’s Security officers to intervene in inappropriate sexualised contact between children and to conduct timely and accurate child protection investigations”




  • A 13-year-old girl who started menstruating on Nauru but had only two pairs of underwear; “She felt shame because ... each day she had to wash her underwear and hang them to dry in front of her father which was not culturally appropriate”




  • A Syrian father who was unable to care for his young children as he was awaiting surgery for his hernia. “He was in constant pain and the doctor had previously told him to limit his walking and talking as it would make it worse”




  • In March 2014 a group of children attending school were subjected to an “attempted assault” by a detention centre bus driver with a cricket bat. “Although this bus driver was dismissed, it highlights the lack of safety that children experience from employees that are hired to assist them and protect them”


The submission says it has provided “comprehensive evidence of the systematic violation of their human rights and a history of wrongdoing in the Nauru offshore processing centre”.

A Save the Children spokesperson said, “We are on record as strongly opposing the government’s decision to send children to Nauru. We know that prolonged detention of children threatens their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

“However, the Australian government has been very clear that no child sent to Nauru will come to Australia, so we take the pragmatic view that children accommodated there need our help. We are proud of our staff in Nauru who do their best, in an incredibly tough environment, to safeguard the rights, safety and wellbeing of children.”

The immigration minister, Scott Morrison, declined to comment.

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Pretty happy with the way Abbott has dealt with the boat people.

The dangerous voyages have to be stopped and discouraged, people trafficking is disgusting.

People want to enter the country, they can do it the right way.


They are doing it within the law if not the right way where they wouldn't put their life at risk. Still fleeing folk often don't have a choice. No right way to enter another country in such circumstances.


Wonder how you feel about the dodgy qualifications and bogus marriages false degrees that it would appear so many are getting into the country on?

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I occasionally break cover and look at your posts, in the same way a child hiding behind the couch peers through his fingers at a snuff movie.


But sadly, you're on my ignore list. My mental health is better off that way. Don't take it personally though, you're very much not alone.

Mate if your mental health is affected by what people you don't know say on he internet then I would throw your computer in the bin and go and play golf or something!

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More shocking/damning revelations which will, as sure as eggs is eggs, ruffle no feathers among the haters




Child asylum seekers' rights on Nauru 'systematically violated', inquiry told




But the anonymous workers’ document, with redacted references to documentary evidence, contains these further observations:



  • Childcare workers cannot remove children who are abused from detention




  • Children are bullied and threatened by fellow detainees




  • Save the Children staff are “actively discouraged” from advocating for the removal of children by their managers except “in the most extreme cases of documented harm”




  • A lack of access to interpreters inhibits the capacity to conduct child protection investigations




  • Inadequate access to food and nutrition for children




  • Inadequate child protection training for security staff




  • “Chronic” understaffing, meaning children cannot be adequately supervised




  • Family members being separated across the detention network, with some children left on Nauru while a parent receives treatment on the mainland




  • Unaccompanied minors self-harming and a lack of clarity over who has guardianship over them




  • There are only two bathrooms for about 200 children to share at the recently created classroom inside the detention centre




  • Save the Children and other stakeholders are pressured to remove children from “vulnerable minor management [VMM]” and “complex behaviour management [CBM]” lists. “Consequently, the number of children that are placed on VMM and CBM do not reflect the frequency or magnitude of mental health problems that exist in the general child population”


The submission also contains many shocking case studies:



  • A young female who was at risk of a “serious sexual assault” after “several adult males were overheard making plans” to attack her who was moved, with her family, to different housing but was then moved back within a “few weeks”. “SCA [save the Children] was informed that this was a directive from DIBP [Department of Immigration and Border Protection] and was provided with no notice to prepare the family for this transition. Despite the family’s concerns regarding their safety, the family was relocated closer to the perpetrators of bullying and threats,” the submission says




  • A seven-year-old boy was separated from his mother and sister for more than a month when they were flown to the mainland for medical treatment. “He was left in the care of his father who had serious mental health problems where he absconded from the centre on numerous occasions and assaulted another minor, resulting in an overnight stay in jail and assault charges”




  • A 13-year-old boy described as “socially isolated” with “multiple mental health issues” who was observed by other asylum seekers as “receiving oral sex in the camp from another boy”. No action by security guards was taken, but the boy was later observed by two guards with another child as “touching each other’s groins (over clothing)”. “Although two Wilson’s Security officers wrote two separate incident reports describing this behaviour, they allowed it to continue and did not stop the boys.” The submission adds that the officers misidentified one of the boys. “This further demonstrates the inadequacy of training and skill to Wilson’s Security officers to intervene in inappropriate sexualised contact between children and to conduct timely and accurate child protection investigations”




  • A 13-year-old girl who started menstruating on Nauru but had only two pairs of underwear; “She felt shame because ... each day she had to wash her underwear and hang them to dry in front of her father which was not culturally appropriate”




  • A Syrian father who was unable to care for his young children as he was awaiting surgery for his hernia. “He was in constant pain and the doctor had previously told him to limit his walking and talking as it would make it worse”




  • In March 2014 a group of children attending school were subjected to an “attempted assault” by a detention centre bus driver with a cricket bat. “Although this bus driver was dismissed, it highlights the lack of safety that children experience from employees that are hired to assist them and protect them”


The submission says it has provided “comprehensive evidence of the systematic violation of their human rights and a history of wrongdoing in the Nauru offshore processing centre”.

A Save the Children spokesperson said, “We are on record as strongly opposing the government’s decision to send children to Nauru. We know that prolonged detention of children threatens their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

“However, the Australian government has been very clear that no child sent to Nauru will come to Australia, so we take the pragmatic view that children accommodated there need our help. We are proud of our staff in Nauru who do their best, in an incredibly tough environment, to safeguard the rights, safety and wellbeing of children.”

The immigration minister, Scott Morrison, declined to comment.


Sadly nothing new. Little wonder the government won't comment. Very hard for those on the ground there to comment either due to obvious reasons. I guess the media in the main follows the line as little to gain other wise. Very noticeable to witness how The Australian, at one time a number of years back was sympathetic to their plight and in contrast the extreme right wing stance in recent years . Almost become a totally predictable, boring journal these days. Did I say almost? Thank goodness for The Guardian being not scared to disclose the goings on.


Nothing there will move this lot on here though which does make one wonder about elements of the society around us as well as some we're importing.

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More obviously Iran is not being considered a nation to select immigrants. Nothing to do with their qualifications in the main, it shows Australia's selectivity. Your claim with speaking to the two dozen Iranians that came here through proper channels as you put it in the last few months would suggest you've spoken to almost every single Iranian entrant. Wow some doing. Bet none were semi skilled labourers.


Why would Australia want semi-skilled labourers? We've enough here already.


And no, I said I'd spoken with a few dozen Iranians in the last few months, that had come here through the official channels.

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Why would Australia want semi-skilled labourers? We've enough here already.


And no, I said I'd spoken with a few dozen Iranians in the last few months, that had come here through the official channels.


Well hardly if Australia is so unwilling to train ever in the most basic trades.


And yes Iranians as many others find it long and odious to gain entry through the skill program. I know some that came via UK which was easier with UK professional experience and before that in USA. And yes many of the Iranians that came by boat were middle class and well schooled in professions. (others students, but few uneducated)

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Thank goodness someone actually gives a $hit more like! The complicity/complacency/collusion of MSM regarding the demonisation of refugees is breath taking


Something along class lines as well. But saying that although the issue would polarise other countries, those anti humanitarians and/or straight out racists would not be pampered to in quite the same way our 'statesmen' in this country handle the matter. The intellectual argument would be clearer articulated and more would demand action to end the suffering. I refer to west European countries obviously.

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