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Eastern States people going home


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Guest Guest66881

I worked with a bloke when we first got here who was from Melbourne originally, he said he would be here three years tops then go back home...he did two months ago and he's working for his old boss again.

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Guest Guest66881
Well it would appear a general decline in population growth.(according to The West) Plenty more rentals on the market now and I do detect more special offers in North Bridge pubs to entice the punters. Hopefully things are on the mend from the gross excesses of the past decade.


I concur heres to relaxed pricing across the board.

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Tbh I would probably rather live there than England. But in terms of Australia, yes the beaches are good but its very dull. it lacks atmosphere and is very isolated. And the mining boom has meant countless amounts of bogans have come to money and are living in distasteful houses and showing off their wealth. They were like overindulged children.

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I love Perth and found it awesome whereas in Melbourne it was raining cats and dogs all the time last November when EVERY city in Australia had summer.


Melbourne is also very nice but unpredictable with weather and also can't deny a job downturn, too.

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yes it rained heaps. we used to have one hot day a week. But then I remember that at least I'm in Melbourne. And there's more stuff to do even when it does rain. But in other cities there's not a lot to do if you don't get the weather.

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Could be alot more on the way too. BHP may soon lay off another 3000 workers from their iron ore facilty, and reduce salaries for contractors by 15%..The big business and govts plan is coming to fruition with the reduced wages..This has been their plan all along by allowing mass migration into WA, whilst australians sit back mute and comatose watching the footy..The next step not tooo far away will be to disband the unions and reduce salries even more, whilst still allowing 457 visa holders to pour into the state..and work for less.

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The end of the mining boom is going to have a impact. There have been lots of lay offs and a lot of them guys would have come originally from the eastern states and so will head back. During the boom most of my neighbours were either kiwi or from the east. All were working in resources. They have all gone home now.

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.The big business and govts plan is coming to fruition with the reduced wages..This has been their plan all along by allowing mass migration into WA, whilst australians sit back mute and comatose watching the footy..The next step not tooo far away will be to disband the unions and reduce salries even more, whilst still allowing 457 visa holders to pour into the state..and work for less.


But the biggest investor in "Big Business" are pension funds. Won't this mean better returns and hence bigger pension pots when we retire? That's good news, isn't it?

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Many people leaving never intended on staying permanently but rather came to make some hay while the sun shined. I would often speak to mainly kiwis and Irish up North on the mine sites who openly admitted to just being here to make some dollar before going home and several Irish guys in my company have just left to return home or to go to London.

FIFO rosters are becoming less family friendly also which is giving foreigners the urge to go back home.

I think the masses leaving and who will leave within the next couple of years is a positive thing for all of the people who intend on staying here permanently. The 457 visa seems to be getting slowly but surely filtered out.

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yes it rained heaps. we used to have one hot day a week. But then I remember that at least I'm in Melbourne. And there's more stuff to do even when it does rain. But in other cities there's not a lot to do if you don't get the weather.


Jack if you couldn't find stuff to do in and around Perth you weren't looking very hard.

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Many people leaving never intended on staying permanently but rather came to make some hay while the sun shined. I would often speak to mainly kiwis and Irish up North on the mine sites who openly admitted to just being here to make some dollar before going home and several Irish guys in my company have just left to return home or to go to London.

FIFO rosters are becoming less family friendly also which is giving foreigners the urge to go back home.

I think the masses leaving and who will leave within the next couple of years is a positive thing for all of the people who intend on staying here permanently. The 457 visa seems to be getting slowly but surely filtered out.


Agree Weegie. I think the 457 visas slowly disappearing can only be a good thing for the people who want to stay. Nothing wrong with 457's and people coming to WA from interstate when the boom was at it's highest, now it's gone into a production phase from construction, a blind man could have told you it couldn't carry on for ever. The number of people that have come into WA in the last few years has been incredible, probably nowhere in the World has seen such growth and may not happen again. I don't think it's a bad thing if we have a bit of an easing off, as long as you don't lose your job.

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Guest Guest66881

Part time entry only really means one thing doesn't it, same goes for the ones who manage to get here then have no intentions of purchasing a house or doing citizenship just milk off what they can then run at the first sign of a bigish down turn, bugger off i say.

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Part time entry only really means one thing doesn't it, same goes for the ones who manage to get here then have no intentions of purchasing a house or doing citizenship just milk off what they can then run at the first sign of a bigish down turn, bugger off i say.


To be fair, it does work both ways, and if the jobs aren't there long term, would you want them to stay, dragging down wages, stopping your kids from getting jobs? Supply and demand. It's a good thing.

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I know of some people who have 457 visas , and they live in Singapore, India and Thailand and work for this company on an occasional basis when the said company

has a contract in Australia...These people pay no tax in Australia, and dont get paid out of Australia..So this Govt is giving out 457 visas and not enforcing their tax laws..Funny hey?

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I know of some people who have 457 visas , and they live in Singapore, India and Thailand and work for this company on an occasional basis when the said company

has a contract in Australia...These people pay no tax in Australia, and dont get paid out of Australia..So this Govt is giving out 457 visas and not enforcing their tax laws..Funny hey?


Let's hope it's only a small minority. These big companies only have one thing at heart, profit.

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Agree Weegie. I think the 457 visas slowly disappearing can only be a good thing for the people who want to stay. Nothing wrong with 457's and people coming to WA from interstate when the boom was at it's highest, now it's gone into a production phase from construction, a blind man could have told you it couldn't carry on for ever. The number of people that have come into WA in the last few years has been incredible, probably nowhere in the World has seen such growth and may not happen again. I don't think it's a bad thing if we have a bit of an easing off, as long as you don't lose your job.


Yes, I've previously mentioned that the 'boom' was nothing more than the construction / expansion of many mine sites which required a lot of contractors to carry out the works. The mines are now all operational (with the exception of Roy Hill which will be up and running soon enough) and naturally all the contractors that were employed to do the works are now finding it a tough market out there at the moment. I can see some of the smaller less adaptable contracting companies going under within the next year or so.

There will be a lot of metro infrastructure works beginning to take place over the next few years to alleviate congestion with a couple of decent sized highway upgrades having already been given the green light to progress into planning stages. Perth stadium is due to go into construction phase and the airport will be getting upgraded from next year up until 2019 with a lot of associated surrounding infrastructure works and Perth will continue to grow with projects such as the light rail will no doubt happen within a couple of years.


As for mining there will be a transitional phase over the next few months where the companies such as BHP and Rio will ruthlessly cut jobs as there is a lot of people sitting around the offices and sites of these companies doing feck all and being paid well for it. I am often shocked at the amount of overkill on mine sites and people with big mouths trying to justify their jobs so I reckon BHP are doing the right thing at the moment. And of course the ore price will fluctuate depending on China but WA will continue to churn out ore to waiting ships at Port Hedland. A record quantity has been exported so far this year. People 'big up' this mining boom being over / WA is doomed thing waaay too much. It's like they want to see it collapse in a strange twisted way.

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