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possible breast cancer


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Hi everyone, my wife and I are hoping for news of our 457 visa application, expecting to hear any day soon, and she thinks she can feel a lump in her breast (her mother and sister died from it).She wont go to get it checked out because of our application. As I am the main applicant, would it affect her if she was diagnosed before the visa was granted, would our visa be granted and the health problem dealt with under reciprical care with the UK, or is this the end of the line for us? Thanks in anticipation!!

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Don't bugger about with health, especially not with a family history - do not delay!


No idea if Medicare would cover it - it all depends on what item number they put on it. But if it is cancer then it screws up your potential for PR.


It's only a visa, you only have one wife!


good luck with it!

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...........if you don't have your health......

...........living anywhere is challenging.......

...........and if your wife is going to need some support.....( and I sincerely hope she's ok)

............perhaps moving across the world is not going to be a good idea.....

.............your life quality......support........family and close friends....

..............are going to be important in times of illness and stress.......ime...

...............sort out her health......

................and the best of luck with the journey you choose...........tink x

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Hi weldaboy46 firstly I am sorry to hear about your wife and i really hope the lump turns out not to be cancer, but as she will know with her family history she needs to go and get it checked out sooner rather than later as the prognosis is so much better if you catch it early on. (I too have history in the family of it - one who died and one who survived).


you said you 'are hoping for news of our 457 visa application' does that mean you should get it any time now? if so - have you already been through the medicals and passed? (if that is the case then i guess it won't affect your grant?). Also even if you haven't don't the medical yet unless there is an actual diagnosis of cancer then surely the medical would be passed anyway? (only guessing - have no idea if that is right or not!)


as others on here have said health is the most important thing and if you don't get it checked out you will both worry (and go forbid wish you had if it does turn out to be cancer). maybe you can still go through the process and make decisions on if to actually move if and when you know for sure either way?


i do hope it turns out to be just a fatty deposit or cyst. good luck

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Don't bugger about with health, especially not with a family history - do not delay!


No idea if Medicare would cover it - it all depends on what item number they put on it. But if it is cancer then it screws up your potential for PR.


It's only a visa, you only have one wife!


good luck with it!


Don't you need private health on a 457? Would this affect things.

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To be blunt. I would not even be thinking of the move. Get it sorted. The last thing you want is to be in a serious health situation on the other side of the world from family support. International moving is stressful not just for the move but for some time after. Forget the visa / job. Concentrate on what's important.

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She has a breast lump with a history of Breast cancer in the family .Get her to the Docs today! I recently had the same, three times to be exact and Medicare covered it all but you'd be delaying a vital check up. Fingers crossed she'll get the all clear like me and you can move with peace of mind.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I'm sorry to say this but as someone who has been fighting different types of cancer for 11 years on and off and going down to Sydney for another op this weekend I would not consider the move over. Even with private health the gap fees can be a fortune. Also you need to consider where you are heading for example Cairns has no one up here who has been able to help me so it meant heading to Brisbane or in my case I chose Sydney. If you are going to Melbourne then the care there is excellent.

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