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Bulk billing is dead. Not a good time to be in Australia if you are sick


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I think politics should be discussed in any way and everywhere when it affects peoples lives and livelihoods, and the comments in this thread show that people care and are passionate about their beliefs. To be honest I was never really interested in politics until now but this government has triggered something in me to want to try and stick up for the vulnerable people who are going to be affected and who find it hard to have a voice in today's society.


For most of us who can afford it we are not bulk billed anyway so this $7 is manageable, the majority of people on concession cards are the ones who are bulk billed so it's pretty obvious they are being the ones targeted. The liberals want to get rid of the dole bludgers, want people to be more responsible about their health, and they want single parents to get out and work. So they're attacking everyone on low incomes to target that minority. And how is taking my Family Tax B away from me encouraging me to work when I already do and always have, I'm only entitled to it because I earn below the specified income and I'm a single parent. But I feel I have no right to complain as there are many other single parents who earn far less than me and consequently are going to miss it and it's my contribution to help pay off the country's debt I suppose! So you're taking that away then you're also telling them they have to pay co-payments for GP visits for themselves and their children. And not all single parents are single due to choice either.


And then to top it all you see the man responsible for these cutbacks from the vulnerable having had his daughter receive a $60,000 scholarship for a degree when evidently other fellow students didn't even realise that a scholarship was available. I thought scholarships were there for not only high achievers but for high achievers on low incomes who otherwise would not be able to afford it? It stinks and it confirms it's not a question of what you know but who you know.

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I think politics should be discussed in any way and everywhere when it affects peoples lives and livelihoods, and the comments in this thread show that people care and are passionate about their beliefs. To be honest I was never really interested in politics until now but this government has triggered something in me to want to try and stick up for the vulnerable people who are going to be affected and who find it hard to have a voice in today's society.



For most of us who can afford it we are not bulk billed anyway so this $7 is manageable, the majority of people on concession cards are the ones who are bulk billed so it's pretty obvious they are being the ones targeted. The liberals want to get rid of the dole bludgers, want people to be more responsible about their health, and they want single parents to get out and work. So they're attacking everyone on low incomes to target that minority. And how is taking my Family Tax B away from me encouraging me to work when I already do and always have, I'm only entitled to it because I earn below the specified income and I'm a single parent. But I feel I have no right to complain as there are many other single parents who earn far less than me and consequently are going to miss it and it's my contribution to help pay off the country's debt I suppose! So you're taking that away then you're also telling them they have to pay co-payments for GP visits for themselves and their children. And not all single parents are single due to choice either.


And then to top it all you see the man responsible for these cutbacks from the vulnerable having had his daughter receive a $60,000 scholarship for a degree when evidently other fellow students didn't even realise that a scholarship was available. I thought scholarships were there for not only high achievers but for high achievers on low incomes who otherwise would not be able to afford it? It stinks and it confirms it's not a question of what you know but who you know.

Absolutely spot on post.

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There was a lot in your post I'd like to get me teeth into, but this line stood out.


I guess we'd have to put some kind of definition of what you mean by "supporting", but to me, the role of govt is just that, to support private individuals and organisations. By "support" I mean not shackling them with heaps of bureaucracy and taxes. Let them flourish, because this is what will provide jobs and wealth.


Surely you must understand that in any given society, the productive sector can only support a finite non-productive sector. The non-productive sector might be because of age, ill-health, unwillingness or unsuitability. But regardless, the carrying capacity of those producing a surplus is limited. The only way to increase that capacity is to increase the number of people in productive roles. Historically, governments haven't been as good as this as the private sector.


I do not want to go in depth to this but giving money to badly run private business is not the way to do it either. I agree we have to support business but business gets lots of support and incentives like individuals being able to income split etc etc could go on and on and on.


The problem is that there are not enough jobs anymore and are we going to have shanty towns, more crime, if people cannot get any money they are going to take it from others. Of course it will be the same kind of people as themselves under privileged people.


We are a rich country and we need to support people, we also need them to work and instead of calling them dole bludgers we need to get people trained, reducing TAFE funding and Education funding is definitely the way to get people employed and off welfare.

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Of course 16000 aren't active contributors to a thread that is discussing something that they don't believe needs to be discussed in this way. Have you ever thought there are a lot of people with different opinions that if they choose to share that different opinion on this thread they will be jumped on? This thread was started originally regarding the end of bulk billing, I've already given my 2c worth in saying that surely it would be easy enough to not charge the people that have concession cards or the like and they should be easily identifiable. on the whole though if you have to pay $7 to see the doc then I think the majority could afford that.

Your right wakey, most can afford the $7. Just might affect their lifestyle living on unemployment benifits a bit. They might have to cut back abit in luxuries they buy with the tax payers dollars. Some might even decide it's actually time to find a job and stick at it longer than a week.

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I do not want to go in depth to this but giving money to badly run private business is not the way to do it either. I agree we have to support business but business gets lots of support and incentives like individuals being able to income split etc etc could go on and on and on.


The problem is that there are not enough jobs anymore and are we going to have shanty towns, more crime, if people cannot get any money they are going to take it from others. Of course it will be the same kind of people as themselves under privileged people.


We are a rich country and we need to support people, we also need them to work and instead of calling them dole bludgers we need to get people trained, reducing TAFE funding and Education funding is definitely the way to get people employed and off welfare.


If you're referring to bailing out the car in industry then I agree. The issue is then, what conditions will best encourage businesses to create jobs?


Well, extra training and education would provide a higher skilled workforce, but that in itself won't provide jobs. And government "create-a-job" schemes like the insulation scheme have downsides too. What's required is for private companies to take people on. Look around you, there are thousands of small companies who have been built up by sole traders. Ask them if they would take someone on. A lot will tell you that it's just too risky. The commitment from employer to employee is too great. Maybe someone on the board in this situation will confirm what I'm saying. It's a real problem.

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Well, extra training and education would provide a higher skilled workforce, but that in itself won't provide jobs.


Yes, the job situation is dire, and getting worse...but I really can't see how raising costs for further education until it is an option only open to the higher earning people in the country (or perhaps I should say 'people of calibre' or those who have rich friends who can give them scholarships), lowering the allowance that already low-paid apprentices get for their tools (as of course 'they only spend it on mag wheels and parties'), reducing the aged pension (who also only spend it on 'holidays and cruises and having fun'), making sick people pay more to get early intervention GP treatment so they put it off and end up costing the state more when their condition has progressed to needing more expensive treatment, and treating everyone that doesn't have a job as a dole bludger, rather than refusing to invest in the manufacturing industry in this country, and realising that the jobs maybe just aren't there for the taking, is a the way to fix things.


Add to that the fact that someone who gets very little mention and who most people probably didn't realise they were voting for at the last election, Peta Credlin, is pulling her puppet's strings from behind the scenes - a puppet that is incapable of doing his job properly unless strictly controlled and scripted, and is seemingly unable to stick to the script and avoid putting his foot in his mouth at every opportunity, despite her best efforts. The spending of huge amounts on private party dinners, and family room rugs. The restricting of information availability to the general populace (for example by closing down the FOI Office) apart from through the more and more biased Murdoch papers. The investing of millions - or is it billions - of dollars into Fighter Jets whilst offending as many of our neighbouring countries as possible. The fact that neither Abbott nor Hockey seems to have really thought through any of their budget policies and are unable to get their facts straight in interviews (pi$$ poor planning leads to poor performance, you might say). Spending a fortune of public money on a Royal Commission into the Pink Batts scheme which is not bringing anything new to light and just seems like a witch hunt. The increasing level of corruption that's coming out about Liberal slush funds from the other Royal Commission. The sleaziness of our Prime Minister that is making Australia a laughing stock overseas.... I could go on but it's just depressing me! Where is Malcolm Turnbull these days too? Is he planning something behind the scenes? I hope so, I really do!!

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Yes, the job situation is dire, and getting worse...etc, etc, etc


All I see is a lot of vitriol aimed personally at Abbott, and demands to spend money on this and that. I never hear any suggestions of how to pay for it. That's just "someone else's problem", isn't it.


Don't you see that's why they got in; because the ALP also didn't consider how money is raised, just how many they could string out on welfare addiction to guarantee a vote in the next election.


Just spend a few minutes to consider how the private sector could be encouraged. The public sector is built upon the private sector, so the bigger the base, the higher the structures above. Erode the base, and the rest will come crashing down.

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To be honest I was never really interested in politics until now but this government has triggered something in me to want to try and stick up for the vulnerable people who are going to be affected and who find it hard to have a voice in today's society.



For most of us who can afford it we are not bulk billed anyway so this $7 is manageable, the majority of people on concession cards are the ones who are bulk billed so it's pretty obvious they are being the ones targeted.

Not only that but GPs are to be incentivised for charging the $7 specifically to concession card holders.

How f'ing sick is THAT??! A complete reversal of the current model whereby there is an incentive to bulk bill concession card holders.


And how is taking my Family Tax B away from me encouraging me to work when I already do and always have, I'm only entitled to it because I earn below the specified income and I'm a single parent. But I feel I have no right to complain as there are many other single parents who earn far less than me and consequently are going to miss it and it's my contribution to help pay off the country's debt I suppose! So you're taking that away then you're also telling them they have to pay co-payments for GP visits for themselves and their children. And not all single parents are single due to choice either.

I was talking to a single mum at school the other day. She said she's going to have to work LONGER hours after the FTB is withdrawn. She already works full time and relies on grandparents, before/after school care, other parents to fill in the gaps. How is working longer hours going to help her bring up her child FFS?


And then to top it all you see the man responsible for these cutbacks from the vulnerable having had his daughter receive a $60,000 scholarship for a degree when evidently other fellow students didn't even realise that a scholarship was available. I thought scholarships were there for not only high achievers but for high achievers on low incomes who otherwise would not be able to afford it? It stinks and it confirms it's not a question of what you know but who you know.

Absolutely! Never more so than with this current lot, for whom the word 'entitlement' was seemingly invented.

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Yes, the job situation is dire, and getting worse...but I really can't see how raising costs for further education until it is an option only open to the higher earning people in the country (or perhaps I should say 'people of calibre' or those who have rich friends who can give them scholarships), lowering the allowance that already low-paid apprentices get for their tools (as of course 'they only spend it on mag wheels and parties'), reducing the aged pension (who also only spend it on 'holidays and cruises and having fun'), making sick people pay more to get early intervention GP treatment so they put it off and end up costing the state more when their condition has progressed to needing more expensive treatment, and treating everyone that doesn't have a job as a dole bludger, rather than refusing to invest in the manufacturing industry in this country, and realising that the jobs maybe just aren't there for the taking, is a the way to fix things.


Add to that the fact that someone who gets very little mention and who most people probably didn't realise they were voting for at the last election, Peta Credlin, is pulling her puppet's strings from behind the scenes - a puppet that is incapable of doing his job properly unless strictly controlled and scripted, and is seemingly unable to stick to the script and avoid putting his foot in his mouth at every opportunity, despite her best efforts. The spending of huge amounts on private party dinners, and family room rugs. The restricting of information availability to the general populace (for example by closing down the FOI Office) apart from through the more and more biased Murdoch papers. The investing of millions - or is it billions - of dollars into Fighter Jets whilst offending as many of our neighbouring countries as possible. The fact that neither Abbott nor Hockey seems to have really thought through any of their budget policies and are unable to get their facts straight in interviews (pi$$ poor planning leads to poor performance, you might say). Spending a fortune of public money on a Royal Commission into the Pink Batts scheme which is not bringing anything new to light and just seems like a witch hunt. The increasing level of corruption that's coming out about Liberal slush funds from the other Royal Commission. The sleaziness of our Prime Minister that is making Australia a laughing stock overseas.... I could go on but it's just depressing me! Where is Malcolm Turnbull these days too? Is he planning something behind the scenes? I hope so, I really do!!

IMO he should hang his head in shame, having associated himself with this bunch of nutters


Your list was spot on Diane, except for failing to mention what for me is the worst of all: the appalling treatment of asylum seekers and refugees, under the watch of one Scott Morrison. His latest announcement this week, the nearing of a deal to send refugees to Cambodia of all places. A country whose opposition has expressed grave concerns about Cambodia's ability to house refugees, provide employment or even basic human rights.


Of course it would be a voluntary scheme for refugees to sent there......


....but here's the classic LNP punchline: if they refuse, the DIBP will be forced to reconsider their claim for asylum.


I have a word for people who play games with the lives of defenceless people like this. I wonder if you can guess what it is?

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I think politics should be discussed in any way and everywhere when it affects peoples lives and livelihoods, and the comments in this thread show that people care and are passionate about their beliefs. To be honest I was never really interested in politics until now but this government has triggered something in me to want to try and stick up for the vulnerable people who are going to be affected and who find it hard to have a voice in today's society.


For most of us who can afford it we are not bulk billed anyway so this $7 is manageable, the majority of people on concession cards are the ones who are bulk billed so it's pretty obvious they are being the ones targeted. The liberals want to get rid of the dole bludgers, want people to be more responsible about their health, and they want single parents to get out and work. So they're attacking everyone on low incomes to target that minority. And how is taking my Family Tax B away from me encouraging me to work when I already do and always have, I'm only entitled to it because I earn below the specified income and I'm a single parent. But I feel I have no right to complain as there are many other single parents who earn far less than me and consequently are going to miss it and it's my contribution to help pay off the country's debt I suppose! So you're taking that away then you're also telling them they have to pay co-payments for GP visits for themselves and their children. And not all single parents are single due to choice either.


And then to top it all you see the man responsible for these cutbacks from the vulnerable having had his daughter receive a $60,000 scholarship for a degree when evidently other fellow students didn't even realise that a scholarship was available. I thought scholarships were there for not only high achievers but for high achievers on low incomes who otherwise would not be able to afford it? It stinks and it confirms it's not a question of what you know but who you know.


If Abbott had any sense of fairness he would refuse the scholarship and make sure it went to a high achiever from a poor background. If he was particularly clever to an aborigine or torres strait Islander, that might get him a couple of days respite. I'm sure his family could afford to pay for his daughters education.

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Yes, the job situation is dire, and getting worse...but I really can't see how raising costs for further education until it is an option only open to the higher earning people in the country (or perhaps I should say 'people of calibre' or those who have rich friends who can give them scholarships), lowering the allowance that already low-paid apprentices get for their tools (as of course 'they only spend it on mag wheels and parties'), reducing the aged pension (who also only spend it on 'holidays and cruises and having fun'), making sick people pay more to get early intervention GP treatment so they put it off and end up costing the state more when their condition has progressed to needing more expensive treatment, and treating everyone that doesn't have a job as a dole bludger, rather than refusing to invest in the manufacturing industry in this country, and realising that the jobs maybe just aren't there for the taking, is a the way to fix things.


Add to that the fact that someone who gets very little mention and who most people probably didn't realise they were voting for at the last election, Peta Credlin, is pulling her puppet's strings from behind the scenes - a puppet that is incapable of doing his job properly unless strictly controlled and scripted, and is seemingly unable to stick to the script and avoid putting his foot in his mouth at every opportunity, despite her best efforts. The spending of huge amounts on private party dinners, and family room rugs. The restricting of information availability to the general populace (for example by closing down the FOI Office) apart from through the more and more biased Murdoch papers. The investing of millions - or is it billions - of dollars into Fighter Jets whilst offending as many of our neighbouring countries as possible. The fact that neither Abbott nor Hockey seems to have really thought through any of their budget policies and are unable to get their facts straight in interviews (pi$$ poor planning leads to poor performance, you might say). Spending a fortune of public money on a Royal Commission into the Pink Batts scheme which is not bringing anything new to light and just seems like a witch hunt. The increasing level of corruption that's coming out about Liberal slush funds from the other Royal Commission. The sleaziness of our Prime Minister that is making Australia a laughing stock overseas.... I could go on but it's just depressing me! Where is Malcolm Turnbull these days too? Is he planning something behind the scenes? I hope so, I really do!!


I know the job situation in Aus is not great Diane, but I don't think it's quite as bad a picture as you're painting. Adelaide might be a lot worse the WA I admit, but the unemployment figures have been pretty stable for a few months. Going against what was predicted mostly.


There are pockets of high unemployment for sure and it's not easy for the young unemployed, a lot of them desperate to get a job and not the dole bludgers they are so often accused of being. Most of them are just looking for a chance.


This budget hasn't helped those people one bit.

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The budget is the budget its the targets in the budget that have to lose out and pay more that is the issue. I personally pay to see my doc I choose to do that but its not a new thing I have always done that. I do not mind the fuel tax going up if provision is made for those of us who are unable to pay the price rises for basics that will come because of it. Its a good idea to fix the roads with a fuel tax as this means user pays, however the people who will pay without any assistance as well are those who do not have cars or cannot afford cars and use public transport.


Education, if you want to educate your child in a private school, so be it, why not, as long as that private school does not disadvantage other public schools by taking funds away from the public system.


We cannot have government supporting private enterprise, its just not on.


I do not get a pension too many assets but I accept that, its fine and I was not getting a pension before they changed it. Why am I telling you this because its a furphy that people with money are getting pensions, lets put it this way they are not if they are honest and care about the country and others, they may be if they risk lying and hiding money under the bed.


Since I do not want to be the richest person in an urn I just pay my way and if I get to the stage I need a pension I like to think I can get a pension. After all I have been a tax payer and only took 2 years off my working life.


Back to class distinction where our brightest people no longer get to go on to further education due to cost etc etc etc


The bottom line is its about the disadvantaged and uneducated, low income people, and students and young, they are to pay the brunt of this budget and its not cricket and its not what mates do.


The most sweeping statement I have heard in a while. It happens everywhere and will continue to happen

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Fighter jets for RAAF? Bilateral decision taken before Abbott won election and endorsed by ALP.


Pink Batts? Labor Govt incompetence led to four unnecessary deaths. Ask the parents if it is a witch hunt.


Is Australia a pariah in the region? The only true democracy apart from NZ. Of course cutting the foreign aid we pay into corrupt govt offshore bank accounts will make us unpopular.


Seeing the way those thuggish socialist students rioted almost made me wish Abbott was a dictator. Id love to see them in a gulag.


I did my degree part time whilst working fulltime and paid my fees back thru Hecs. Let them do the same thing.


If Abbott and Hockey are wrong, they will lose at the next election. I voted for them and I am proud of it.

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Of course 16000 aren't active contributors to a thread that is discussing something that they don't believe needs to be discussed in this way.


You were the one who stated that the budget can't be bad because only 20-30 out of the total 16000 PIO subscribers had spoken against it ie......


I think judging by the reaction on here amongst 16,000 members, I think it is, the budget cant be that bad. Only what???? 20-30 odd members or so dead against it.


I was just pointing out why that was irrelevant.


Have you ever thought there are a lot of people with different opinions that if they choose to share that different opinion on this thread they will be jumped on?


Of course....for the 4+ years since I've been reading PIO. We all get jumped on by others who have a different opinion on all threads. If you are not prepared for that, don't join an internet forum.


I've already given my 2c worth in saying that surely it would be easy enough to not charge the people that have concession cards or the like and they should be easily identifiable.


Which is the status quo at the moment. The change will be that doctors are financially penalised if they DON'T charge everyone, including those with concession cards. The government will deprive them of a fee over and above the $7 which they haven't collected


on the whole though if you have to pay $7 to see the doc then I think the majority could afford that


There are already many doctors who don't bulk bill and who charge upfront. Two years ago, the average out-of-pocket cost for these patients for each GP visit was $48 (undoubtedly more now). They are not the issue. It is the concession card holders and those with chronic health problems and low income families with children who can't afford it.

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You were the one who stated that the budget can't be bad because only 20-30 out of the total 16000 PIO subscribers had spoken against it ie......




I was just pointing out why that was irrelevant.




Of course....for the 4+ years since I've been reading PIO. We all get jumped on by others who have a different opinion on all threads. If you are not prepared for that, don't join an internet forum.



Which is the status quo at the moment. The change will be that doctors are financially penalised if they DON'T charge everyone, including those with concession cards. The government will deprive them of a fee over and above the $7 which they haven't collected




There are already many doctors who don't bulk bill and who charge upfront. Two years ago, the average out-of-pocket cost for these patients for each GP visit was $48 (undoubtedly more now). They are not the issue. It is the concession card holders and those with chronic health problems and low income families with children who can't afford it.


IThanks, I will remember that line for further down the track

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You were the one who stated that the budget can't be bad because only 20-30 out of the total 16000 PIO subscribers had spoken against it ie......




I was just pointing out why that was irrelevant.




Of course....for the 4+ years since I've been reading PIO. We all get jumped on by others who have a different opinion on all threads. If you are not prepared for that, don't join an internet forum.




Which is the status quo at the moment. The change will be that doctors are financially penalised if they DON'T charge everyone, including those with concession cards. The government will deprive them of a fee over and above the $7 which they haven't collected




There are already many doctors who don't bulk bill and who charge upfront. Two years ago, the average out-of-pocket cost for these patients for each GP visit was $48 (undoubtedly more now). They are not the issue. It is the concession card holders and those with chronic health problems and low income families with children who can't afford it.


When we lived in Aus for the 15 months in 2010-2011 we used a bulk billing doc for about 6-8 months, we had just moved to a new area and didn't know any doctors through friends or family so just registered with the closest medical practice. It was bulk billing, now for the times we went in there I would think that just by looking at people the majority could afford the $7, my assumptions are based on the brand name clothes they were wearing, the cigarettes they were smoking and the shopping bags they were carrying. People that cant afford the $7 could surely give up the cigarettes, the nike shoes and the 3-4 shopping bags under their arms that could only contain items that are over and above what would be necessary. yes there were some people that certainly looked like they didn't have a dollar to their name and I'm sure there could be provision to not charge these people, but these people certainly are not the majority.

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When we lived in Aus for the 15 months in 2010-2011 we used a bulk billing doc for about 6-8 months, we had just moved to a new area and didn't know any doctors through friends or family so just registered with the closest medical practice. It was bulk billing, now for the times we went in there I would think that just by looking at people the majority could afford the $7, my assumptions are based on the brand name clothes they were wearing, the cigarettes they were smoking and the shopping bags they were carrying. People that cant afford the $7 could surely give up the cigarettes, the nike shoes and the 3-4 shopping bags under their arms that could only contain items that are over and above what would be necessary. yes there were some people that certainly looked like they didn't have a dollar to their name and I'm sure there could be provision to not charge these people, but these people certainly are not the majority.


That was 3- 4 years ago. Since then the job market has slowed and effected many people. I personally know of people who earned $106,000 a year 4 years ago who now earn $54,000 doing the same job just different employer and they took the job because it was all they could get.

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Fighter jets for RAAF? Bilateral decision taken before Abbott won election and endorsed by ALP.


Pink Batts? Labor Govt incompetence led to four unnecessary deaths. Ask the parents if it is a witch hunt.


Is Australia a pariah in the region? The only true democracy apart from NZ. Of course cutting the foreign aid we pay into corrupt govt offshore bank accounts will make us unpopular.


Seeing the way those thuggish socialist students rioted almost made me wish Abbott was a dictator. Id love to see them in a gulag.


I did my degree part time whilst working fulltime and paid my fees back thru Hecs. Let them do the same thing.


If Abbott and Hockey are wrong, they will lose at the next election. I voted for them and I am proud of it.


I am glad you are proud of it... perhaps read this which was posted on a social media site recently and see if you still feel proud at the end. Shame on you, shame on the Liberals.


reposting: Thank You for sharing March Australia Caboolture

This was shared recently by one of our beautiful followers, a caring decent Australian.


'"I am not coping well today. This morning a friend and resident in the Village killed herself. The note said she didn't want to live in a country where she was hated for her age and her humanitarianism and therefore her lack of wealth and could not afford to live on what Hockey and Abbott were taking away from her Age Pension. Two others in the Village had attempted suicide last week, the same reasons. All three had been abused by angry persons, assume died in the wool LNP voters by what they said. The Ambo's said there have been a number of suicide attempts by Age Pensioners since last week. I fully understand their pain and depression and feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. There will be many more unless Hockey and Abbott and their LNP ilk are kicked out NOW.....not in 3 years.

I am not handling it very well and have the black dog hanging around. However I did what I needed to do today, went to see friends in my spiritual program. For those of you who were there, thank you so much for your loving support and hugs. And extra thanks to the person who rang early this evening and gave me extra support. You know who you are. It was so comforting to talk to and listen to another who suffers depression and who knew just what to say."


......it is with deep regret and sorrow we share this situation with you. In these troubled and worrying times - please keep an eye on your loved ones, friends and neighbours. We need to be a shoulder to share everyone's pain before they decide there is no solution.


The elderly are our wise ones and should be treated with the respect they deserve. How dare this government compromise that! Some have gone through a Depression and numerous wars, let alone what life has thrown at them. In their older age they should be praised, honored and respected. This is not what the Australian government is doing.

It is with respect to this beautiful soul, that we share this story and hope we as the people of Australia can stop this from happening again.

This beautiful, productive, respected 82 year old soul with high morals and ethics, who has devoted her life to volunteering for the under privileged had a horrible experience about a month ago, she was physically and mentally abused by a 'suit' as she was walking along with her walking cane to her voluntary work and suffered spinal and hip damage from being pushed and falling

This government has targeted asylum seekers, the elderly, the young, the people who want education, the disabled, single parents, the sick, the indigenous people, the environment, women - this list goes on and on.

PLEASE do not let this beautiful lady's death go unnoticed and unrespected.

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Abbot and Hockey are taking away what is great about this country. They are eroding away our rights to education and a reasonable pension.


im proud that the students are protesting. They are the ones who have the nerve to stand up

to this govt and be counted. They are not willing to stand by and let the Universities charge what they want for degrees. We all know what that means. It will ensure the average student will not be able to afford to go to University. The fees are likely to double from what they are now.


Its saddening to see how pensioners are forced into hardship because of this uncaring govt. They have worked hard all their lives they should be treated with respect and dignity.


I can't believe we voted for this govt. I sincerely hope that an early election is called and we have a change of govt. To the liberals, I want you guys to work hard at undoing this tragedy, lets get the country back on track.


Cut the debt by investing in our countries future, not my cutting off it's blood supply.

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