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going back to uk and can't wait


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OMG !!!! Too much taxes? Bad drivers?? Racists??? You are kidding!!!!! I mean ok maybe you get racists over there, BUT you sure as he'll get them here in the UK!!! Bad drivers, yeah freaking idiots on the road!!! Too much taxes, you'd only moan about that if you was a scum bag benefit acro inches and don't know how many taxes are there to pay in the UK!!! I for one cannot afford to work here! Yeah! I cannot afford the childcare to be able to go and work! So only my husband works and with all the bloody taxes, national insurance , council tax and so on we have not got a lot left! And on top of that , the weather in the UK is probably the worst in WORLD!! I have never seen a more miserable bunch than English people!!!! I mean crack a smile mate, oh right you can't you moody nation your country is **** the weather is **** and you are surrounded by immigrants , temples , mosques and currys!! English?? Where what???

So basically all your lame points are no points as you have bad points in most countries, your just at a loss coz you paid **** loads of money to get to Australia only to realise that it's you that can't be happy! Not the country! Gutted! Spend more money to get back home and be miserable with the rest of the moodys!!!!!!!! See ya!

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I have to admit the expense of Australia gets me down.. just this year I have bills for braces $7.5K for my daughter, Root Canal and dental surgery $5K for my son from an accident at the skate park and then to polish things off I needed root canal work costing $2K. I earn good money but it just seems to disappear so I really don't know how others get by..

It's called insurance!!!

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We have now been back in the uk for 6 months now. I now get: child tax credit, working tax credit, child benefit, FREE dental care, yes correct! !!! I don't have to pay a penny. My mrs is getting a crown done for FREE. Help from the government to buy fresh fruit and veg. And help with my rent I am paying for a house for us to stay in. And don't have this "medicare gap" bollocks here. Free doctors. All this help has enabled me to start up my own business. Instead of being in Australia, being entitled to zero, and being ripped off on the tax of 48% in the dollar, for getting my butt out of bed at 4am every day for 55 hrs a week to try and make ends meet. I'm so glad I'm home.

Free free free?? Yeah! Have you forgotten how BAD BAD BAD your free healthcare is???? I know people who died because of the careless NHS!! Not even to mention my own experiences that are way to many to list !!! But if your someone who enjoys living of other people working than so be it! Enjoy your free dental ( that the next person has paid for) and enjoy the Grimm weather that goes with your freebies !! I'd rather pay my own way and enjoy a walk along the beach---- minus the rain and the grey clouds :)

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OMG !!!! Too much taxes? Bad drivers?? Racists??? You are kidding!!!!! I mean ok maybe you get racists over there, BUT you sure as he'll get them here in the UK!!! Bad drivers, yeah freaking idiots on the road!!! Too much taxes, you'd only moan about that if you was a scum bag benefit acro inches and don't know how many taxes are there to pay in the UK!!! I for one cannot afford to work here! Yeah! I cannot afford the childcare to be able to go and work! So only my husband works and with all the bloody taxes, national insurance , council tax and so on we have not got a lot left! And on top of that , the weather in the UK is probably the worst in WORLD!! I have never seen a more miserable bunch than English people!!!! I mean crack a smile mate, oh right you can't you moody nation your country is **** the weather is **** and you are surrounded by immigrants , temples , mosques and currys!! English?? Where what???

So basically all your lame points are no points as you have bad points in most countries, your just at a loss coz you paid **** loads of money to get to Australia only to realise that it's you that can't be happy! Not the country! Gutted! Spend more money to get back home and be miserable with the rest of the moodys!!!!!!!! See ya!


Out of interest, where else in the world have you lived?

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My ex MIL is newly widowed and she is struggling to pay the bills.


It can happen to almost anybody, all it takes is a job loss or to lose their partner. Let's not knock off the rose tinted glasses from them. I never comment on this side of the forum because it's not my place but that comment annoyed me

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Do you mean in Aus? My medical colleagues are from India, Singapore, Bangladesh, Eastern Europe ... and that's here in Aus
Of course they are - thats the same all over the world - loads of international medical students. I mean Black Australian ...you know like Black British and Black American - where are they all ? I cant understand it.......or maybe I can ...grrrr
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OMG !!!! Too much taxes? Bad drivers?? Racists??? You are kidding!!!!! I mean ok maybe you get racists over there, BUT you sure as he'll get them here in the UK!!! Bad drivers, yeah freaking idiots on the road!!! Too much taxes, you'd only moan about that if you was a scum bag benefit acro inches and don't know how many taxes are there to pay in the UK!!! I for one cannot afford to work here! Yeah! I cannot afford the childcare to be able to go and work! So only my husband works and with all the bloody taxes, national insurance , council tax and so on we have not got a lot left! And on top of that , the weather in the UK is probably the worst in WORLD!! I have never seen a more miserable bunch than English people!!!! I mean crack a smile mate, oh right you can't you moody nation your country is **** the weather is **** and you are surrounded by immigrants , temples , mosques and currys!! English?? Where what???

So basically all your lame points are no points as you have bad points in most countries, your just at a loss coz you paid **** loads of money to get to Australia only to realise that it's you that can't be happy! Not the country! Gutted! Spend more money to get back home and be miserable with the rest of the moodys!!!!!!!! See ya!


Yeh ...OMG ! ur gonna get a shock when you come over here cos a lot of what the OP says is actually true. Just be happy where you are.

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Yeh ...OMG ! ur gonna get a shock when you come over here cos a lot of what the OP says is actually true. Just be happy where you are.

I'm not saying it ain't true, what I'm saying is , that all that is here too if not worse and bad weather!!!! Come one there is a reason why he/she left the uk in the first place....

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I'm not saying it ain't true, what I'm saying is , that all that is here too if not worse and bad weather!!!! Come one there is a reason why he/she left the uk in the first place....


possibly like a lot of us they left because they could/had the balls/wanted to know what was out there.


UK is still a great place to live, trust me.

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Question to the happy poster called the Whites.. Have you ever been to Australia before....?

Actually not , no!! Can't wait tho! And yes you might say I don't know what you lot are on about.... But it ain't better here, the whole reason why people leave here! Or you telling me people pay thousands to leave the uk because they just love it here so much? Or is it because they are silly and think Australia is perfect? No crime anywhere!! No taxes to pay???!!! No car accidents coz everyone is an amazing driver??!!! Free everything so you don't have to work???!! I mean maybe people are just not realistic ....

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Of course they are - thats the same all over the world - loads of international medical students. I mean Black Australian ...you know like Black British and Black American - where are they all ? I cant understand it.......or maybe I can ...grrrr


Well there's certainly some here in WA my children have been at school with Black Australian ... although they tend to think of themselves as just Australian.

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...and now your trying Australia. You might not find what your looking for here either.

Ok so you might not wanna drop your opinions if you don't know people's story !!! Germany because I am german born there! NOT TRIED! America because I am american went to school there for a little while! NOT TRIED!! India because I moved there when I was a minor with my mother!!! Not tried!!! Love India actually, but work out there makes it impossible to live there full time!!!! Spain because we had money to spend and we travelled all over!!! Not tried!!! England (9 years) because my husband is English and hated it here all nine years! So basically tried England , don't like it neither does my husband so now Australia! Anyway I don't have to justify myself, I'm not the one saying uk is crap , move and then decide that the UK is actually not crap...

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Well there's certainly some here in WA my children have been at school with Black Australian ... although they tend to think of themselves as just Australian.


What ? i dont mean the black Australians arent in the schools - that would be ridiculous - I mean they arent doctors, news reporters or even teachers now you mention it, you know like they are in the UK or America. Just always wondering why ?

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possibly like a lot of us they left because they could/had the balls/wanted to know what was out there.


UK is still a great place to live, trust me.

No one in there right mind would leave the UK if they thought it was perfect for them here. Certainly not if it's gonna cost a few grand! Europe maybe, ain't gonna cost much no harm done... But paying all that money to move to Australia one would only do for a reason! However I'm not saying the UK is bad, but when one slags off Australia with points that are just as bad here if not worse, then you just have to remind people that there was a reason they left in the first place..... To me I would never judge about their choices , uk is not for me I need hot hot weather otherwise I don't survive well!! But that's just me! It's just a bit much getting nasty about Australia and it's people , when the issue lies with the unhappy person...

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No one in there right mind would leave the UK if they thought it was perfect for them here. Certainly not if it's gonna cost a few grand! Europe maybe, ain't gonna cost much no harm done... But paying all that money to move to Australia one would only do for a reason! However I'm not saying the UK is bad, but when one slags off Australia with points that are just as bad here if not worse, then you just have to remind people that there was a reason they left in the first place..... To me I would never judge about their choices , uk is not for me I need hot hot weather otherwise I don't survive well!! But that's just me! It's just a bit much getting nasty about Australia and it's people , when the issue lies with the unhappy person...



...but you were getting equally nasty about the UK ! (when the issue could lie with the unhappy person)

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No one in there right mind would leave the UK if they thought it was perfect for them here. Certainly not if it's gonna cost a few grand! Europe maybe, ain't gonna cost much no harm done... But paying all that money to move to Australia one would only do for a reason! However I'm not saying the UK is bad, but when one slags off Australia with points that are just as bad here if not worse, then you just have to remind people that there was a reason they left in the first place..... To me I would never judge about their choices , uk is not for me I need hot hot weather otherwise I don't survive well!! But that's just me! It's just a bit much getting nasty about Australia and it's people , when the issue lies with the unhappy person...


I still think theres many in a similar situation to me, whereby they had the opportunity to leave UK. Not necessarily unhappy as such...

wanted to know what was out there, and basically went out and did it. thought Oz might be good, might not be, might be amazing... theres your reason.


To do with this attitude you do need do be in a certain place, possibly a bit of cash behind you, no kids as your not 100% committed etc.


anyways, we are in that bracket and have gone and done it. Its kind of like we envisaged, different not necessarily better. Will return to the big UK in the next 1/2years as overall its a better life there.

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