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anyone else in Oz missing the NHS?


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Well having had a bit of a bad time healthcare wise ( have been diagnosed with, auto immune disease arthritis, damaged nerve in back plus damaged disc a few years ago, then the icing on the cake I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September last year). I do not have health insurance couldn't really afford it, then really couldn't afford any after various diagnosis. I have a great GP who bulk bills, I've had free physio sessions ( I believe your entitled to 5 a year, which along with care plan my gp put together was enough to give me the help I needed for arthritis, auto immune and back problems). The care I have received since the BC diagnosis has been fantastic, cannot fault it. I don't know what the level of care would have been in Uk or what wait I would have had for treatment as I've been in Australia for nearly 7 years now, but I do know, I can book online for my gp appointments, the wait for the rheumatologist was about 6 weeks ( though I think they look at it on case by case depending on severity) and the wait from being diagnosed with BC to seeing a surgeon was a week, I was then poked prodded, injected, xrayed to within an inch of my life for a couple of weeks before starting chemo. As for dental treatment, well I try to avoid if possible, but the times I have had to go were a bit expensive, and my daughters braces were $6000, though we did get some money back for that at tax time.


Wishing you a full and speedy recovery my lovely. We have a couple of friends in common and I'd heard a bit about your diagnosis through the power of Facebook although I've never met you personally they've both said how lovely you are. Good luck with all of it.:hug:

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I'd like to tell you about what I don't like about the Australian health system. I was told recently by a specialist that I needed an operation and that I had no choice as I would eventually die if the procedure wasn't performed. I was given a quote for private treatment and also put on the public hospital waiting list. The public hospital wrote to me and said that I was a category 3 patient, the lowest of priorities. The category is chosen by the specialist. The waiting time is around 11 months, by which time I would probably be dead. I contacted the private hospital that the specialist works in to find out the cost of the required one nights stay and was informed that $4600 was the price. Added to this is the cost of the operation itself. I am not happy about being bullied into being treated in the private system, and it's not the first time a member of my family has been forced into private treatment.

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I'd like to tell you about what I don't like about the Australian health system. I was told recently by a specialist that I needed an operation and that I had no choice as I would eventually die if the procedure wasn't performed. I was given a quote for private treatment and also put on the public hospital waiting list. The public hospital wrote to me and said that I was a category 3 patient, the lowest of priorities. The category is chosen by the specialist. The waiting time is around 11 months, by which time I would probably be dead. I contacted the private hospital that the specialist works in to find out the cost of the required one nights stay and was informed that $4600 was the price. Added to this is the cost of the operation itself. I am not happy about being bullied into being treated in the private system, and it's not the first time a member of my family has been forced into private treatment.

If I was you I'd be contacting my MP or phoning around other specialist, can your GP not put you in contact with a different specialist?

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you miss it because you were spoilt and didn't realise it, because you are led to believe everywhere else is better ....it aint .......free healthcare , cheap prescriptions , the no 27 bus , a postbox on every other corner , the milkman .....we may not score 10 out of 10 in some departments ...but its a steady 7 out of 10 for everything .

I read a post on here about doctors appointments or lack of ....what a load of sh,te ....if I want to see the doc , I turn up at 8 any morning , in by 9 .....any day of the week .

my mate has just had a minor heart attack , and has to have regular medication , every week at 7 quid a prescription ...so hes bought a 12 month unlimited prescription £108 ...not bad eh from poor old blighty .

and theres the family member over from oz , who had a major chest infection , he rolls into a fast track nhs centre , the doctor checks him out and hands him a prescription ...."how much for your time " .....nothing says the doctor ......


Lack of doctors appointments.. So are you calling me a liar when I say I have to wait 2 or 3 weeks?

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Lack of doctors appointments.. So are you calling me a liar when I say I have to wait 2 or 3 weeks?

The appointment system was awful.


I moved house. As soon as the doctors close to my work had my proper address, they told me I could no longer go there, and needed to check into a local one.

Had to phone after 9 to make an appointment for that day. Well, that's all good, but I start work at 7:30 and it was a 45min drive back to the doctors. I had to try a few days in a row to get a suitable time.

When I did get an appointment, he used Google to give me a printout of what I had (shingles). That's fine, but I could have done that.


I found that the NHS really isn't geared to people who are generally healthy and work.

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Going to add my daughters experience. Moved to Islington from south London, tried 3 different surgeries to register. All were full and she was refused. She is epileptic so needed to to be with a local Dr. She was told she was only allowed 1 emergency visit, not very reassuring for her, also needs regular meds, and of course her previous surgery had taken her off their list. Eventually managed to get some sense out of the local health authority and was given a Dr. Certainly wasn't by any stretch the closest, but beggers can't be choosers.

it was a very worrying time for her and took several weeks before she was sorted.

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I would have to wait at least a week for a doctor unless it was for one of the children then it would normally be the same day. We had a village surgery I could not register there as they were full so had to register the next village along about 6 miles away which meant a car was essential as there was no bus.

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I do and don't.


A friend moved to Australia 2 weeks ago. For 3 years she has been going to the doctors in London. They were treating her for an ulcer. When she arrived here her stomach was in constant cramps. She finally had to go to A&E and they carried out an ultrasound. Turns out she has a gall stone 9cm diameter which is causing the pain! Unfortunately she cant be treated for 6-12 months as she has only just arrived and isn't entitled to surgery via Medicare unless life threatening, though she is on the emergency list.


Had the NHS bothered to investigate they probably would have treated it immediately. So that would have been a plus.


I guess there are both sides to the coin.


I believe the NHS would be very good if it weren't understaffed. I never had a good experience with a doctor in the UK...EVER. Though my mam and dad have had pretty good doctors.


I do miss the 7 pound prescriptions. And free appointments, though to be honest because I have to pay for an appointment here I use it to its full benefit.


My mam has been diagnosed with lung cancer since I have been in Australia, she is in UK. They have been very fast in treating her, for which I am grateful, but again they were so understaffed she had to travel 2 hours to Leeds to be treated over a 2 week period. She is disabled (not claiming any benefits as she is too proud) and diabetic. My dad had to take time away from work(he is self employed and works at sea, so doesn't get paid if he doesn't work), to drive her. Every appointment was late by 2.5 hours and they weren't advised of the delay until they actually asked a nurse, when they finally found one.

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What I'm saying is this is how the system works.


perhaps that's how it worked for you but it isn't the norm.


I presented merely with pins and needles in my hand on a Tuesday...............had an angiogram on the thursday where they found 5 blokages, they cracked me open the following tuesday for a quadruple by-pass. From pins and needles in my hand to life saving surgery all in a week. I know what would have happened in the NHS if I'd presented with pins and needles..............they'd have shown me the door.

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I rang the GP at 8.01am this morning, I had a appointment at 8.45 am. Had a lump appear on my wrist over weekend and the GP gave my a local anaesthetic and got rid of it and I was out of their just after 9am. All bulk billed on Medicare. I got no issues with either NHS( I experienced during 2012) or Medicare, they served me well. My wife on the other hand is sitting here saying people have to be bloody mad if they miss the NHS. Used to drive her mad waiting 2 weeks for a appointment.

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One only has to ask emigrating nurses if they miss the NHS and is it a factor in their migration? Of all the nurses/PIO members that I have asked, they were all glad to be out of it. All I can say is that apart from waiting times, my experience as a patient is that I received excellent care, my OH, (a nurse) OTOH, would tell you that the failures of the NHS (when hospitals went trust) was her main reason for emigrating

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I think the problem with the NHS is lack of funding and inconsistency. Practice and Trust managers are well aware that the funds just aren't there to provide the same level of care to all patients and they devise ways to deal with this and some are better than others ie the ring at 8am for a GP appointment madness. I moved 2 miles up the road in the Uk and forced to leave a GP practice with which I was very happy to move to one with this ludicrous appointment system. I have written on here before that this surgery told me to take my daughter who had an ear infection to A&E as they couldn't see her. My previous GP surgery had an emergency surgery every morning and everyone who turned up between 9am and 11am was seen. Sometimes you had to wait 2 hours after they locked the doors, but that was Ok as you knew you would be seen. The afternoons were devoted to appointments so those people who needed a monthly check up or to get test results could book in. I was actually given blood results over the phone by the receptionist at the new practice and completely the wrong health advice.


So far here in Australia I have been very happy with the care I have received and the choices I can make. I love being able to chose my GP practice. Since being here I have been diagnosed with two conditions which should have been picked up in the blood tests I mention above. I have had additional tests which are not done on the NHS as they are too expensive and have access to drugs which the NHS does not cover and you cannot access in the UK. I pay a $38 every 3 months for my meds which aren't covered by Medicare. That's a hell of a lot better than not getting them which would have happened on the NHS.


There are many dedicated professionals working in the NHS but the lack of funds and the hard decisions that creates are causing poor patient care in some areas. It breaks my heart to hear of the medical neglect in some of the posts in this thread. I know incidents like these could also happen in Australia but at least there is more money coming into the system here which may reduce the likelihood.

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perhaps that's how it worked for you but it isn't the norm.


I presented merely with pins and needles in my hand on a Tuesday...............had an angiogram on the thursday where they found 5 blokages, they cracked me open the following tuesday for a quadruple by-pass. From pins and needles in my hand to life saving surgery all in a week. I know what would have happened in the NHS if I'd presented with pins and needles..............they'd have shown me the door.


If it had been my mums doctor he probably would have given you a throat spray for those pins and needles and told you not to waste his time again.

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For the benefit of people that are not familiar with bulk billing can somebody pls describe this system. Is it after several visits you get one hefty bill for all, instead of being billed after each individual visit. Does either work out cheaper.

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For the benefit of people that are not familiar with bulk billing can somebody pls describe this system. Is it after several visits you get one hefty bill for all, instead of being billed after each individual visit. Does either work out cheaper.


No nothing like that at all. If your doctor "bulk bills" he sends the bill to medicare to be paid by them. Presumably he keeps stats on who he's seen, for what and gets paid accordingly. There is no cost to the patient.


I had a vasectomy done by a doctor who bulk bills. Just looked through white pages and rang around locally until I found one. Hadn't been to him before and never been there since. Went to his practice where he had a surgery in the back. He did the op, didn't cost me anything, not even for the local anaesthetic.:cool:

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Sounds like Dr Nick from the Simpsons! Seriously though he must have been good for you to use him. Are the bulk billing docs few & far between. Cheers


Could have been mate. Didn't ask his name or credentials. Could have been a part time butcher but his price was right. No problems apart from the usual soreness and bruising for a day or two. I had a friend having the same op and he refused to go to the doctor I went to. He was South African and I don't think he could get his head round maybe getting something done for free and getting a decent job. He also didn't fancy the local anaesthetic, so paid a fair bit to go to another doctor that gave him a general.


We had the op done within a day or two of each other and at the weekend at the beach we were stood up to our armpits in the sea, comparing notes and trying to take the swelling down.:laugh:


A few days later he had to go back in as he had an infection where one of his stitches had gone a bit yellow. Cost him again for another visit. Mine was OK but my missus is a nurse and insisted on checking out the stitches and cleaning around. :wink:

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The appointment system was awful.


I moved house. As soon as the doctors close to my work had my proper address, they told me I could no longer go there, and needed to check into a local one.

Had to phone after 9 to make an appointment for that day. Well, that's all good, but I start work at 7:30 and it was a 45min drive back to the doctors. I had to try a few days in a row to get a suitable time.

When I did get an appointment, he used Google to give me a printout of what I had (shingles). That's fine, but I could have done that.


I found that the NHS really isn't geared to people who are generally healthy and work.


Thanks for backing me up. Apparently anybody that doesn't get a appointment same day is talking crap. I've never said that the whole of the UK is like that, obviously isn't but it really pisses me off when a few on here act like I'm telling lies about it. It's not like I'm saying it to slag the UK off.. Why would I.


I saw online that sometimes you can get same day appointments for the doctors here in Guernsey, it's a different system here. I'm paying a private insurance type thing or else you have to pay every time you visit

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No nothing like that at all. If your doctor "bulk bills" he sends the bill to medicare to be paid by them. Presumably he keeps stats on who he's seen, for what and gets paid accordingly. There is no cost to the patient.


I had a vasectomy done by a doctor who bulk bills. Just looked through white pages and rang around locally until I found one. Hadn't been to him before and never been there since. Went to his practice where he had a surgery in the back. He did the op, didn't cost me anything, not even for the local anaesthetic.:cool:

My OH went to Peel hospital for his. He had general anesthetic and he paid $100 and got $75 back on Medicare! He was able to choose the date.

Fantastic system here.

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Thanks for backing me up. Apparently anybody that doesn't get a appointment same day is talking crap. I've never said that the whole of the UK is like that, obviously isn't but it really pisses me off when a few on here act like I'm telling lies about it. It's not like I'm saying it to slag the UK off.. Why would I.


I saw online that sometimes you can get same day appointments for the doctors here in Guernsey, it's a different system here. I'm paying a private insurance type thing or else you have to pay every time you visit


You in Guernsey now are you Stacey? Lock up your sons all you Guernseyites. Have a great summer Stace, how are you finding it so far?

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You in Guernsey now are you Stacey? Lock up your sons all you Guernseyites. Have a great summer Stace, how are you finding it so far?


Yeah I've been here a few days. Lol I think most of them will be safe, the ones I've met so far seem too posh for me. Yeah it's been mostly fine, think I'm still feeling a bit disorientated the now but it's my day off so I'll make the most of it.

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Didn't Could have been a part time butcher but his price was right.

Mine was OK but my missus is a nurse and insisted on checking out the stitches and cleaning around. :wink:


Did you get a free 1lb of bacon with the op ha.


Glad your op went well and also the after effects.....hope it got fully cleansed !!!

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