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Is this not the vilest woman ever.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

An aspiring glamour model who had a £5,000 breast enlargement on the NHS is planning to abort her baby to appear on Big Brother.

The 24-year-old who is four-and-a-half months pregnant said: 'This time next year I won't have a baby. I'll be famous instead.'

Josie Cunningham, 24, who sparked outrage when she had the operation to enhance her bust, is now pregnant after falling into a life of prostitution.




Josie Cunningham said she wants to terminate her pregnancy in a bid to star on the next series of Big Brother


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2608716/Woman-4-800-boob-job-NHS-glamour-model-admits-abortion-star-Big-Brother.html#ixzz2zOMujr8g

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How does she know she would be choosen to go on it anyway? sounds like a very naive and stupid woman to me and if the BB producers are watching the news and see this ,they should make sure she doesn't get to appear, at all, infact ,never. Oh how proud her parents must be..


Cal x

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Guest Guest66881

The real vile 'person'.

increase her bust from 32A to a 36DD at St James's Hospital in Leeds on the NHS







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I'm pro life, EXCEPT in extreme circumstances (mothers life at risk being the main one) so I don't think it's right to blanket everyone the same.

But this woman!? My god what a waste of space, if she does go through with it she will be one of the most hated on the planet and I guarantee would not win BB. The public wouldn't allow it. But similarly, what an awful awful life this child will have if she keeps the baby (I mean after the birth too). ?

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Well its just another choice of convenience for the mother.

It is hard to say abortion is ok because it might impact my career but not ok because I want to go on Big Brother.


At the end of the day you either think it is wrong or not regardless of reasoning.

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Well its just another choice of convenience for the mother.

It is hard to say abortion is ok because it might impact my career but not ok because I want to go on Big Brother.


At the end of the day you either think it is wrong or not regardless of reasoning.


an opinion you are entitled to of course. I am entitled to believe different.

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How does she know she would be choosen to go on it anyway? sounds like a very naive and stupid woman to me and if the BB producers are watching the news and see this ,they should make sure she doesn't get to appear, at all, infact ,never. Oh how proud her parents must be..


Cal x

To be honest with you cal these shows stoop to any level to get the local freaks on them so it would not surprise me if they pre planned it to get her on the news and then accept her as a contestant. Whatever she is a stupid dumb bimbo who probably deserves to go on bb so everyone can laugh at her

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If you believe in abortion you should support her.

I don't think so, some women have abortions for either medical reasons or perhaps they have been raped or maybe they are of an age where pregnancy is just not an option, I believe that in some cases abortion is an option as long as it is carried out early enough. Having said that I do understand why others abhor abortion and can see their thinking but I guess it is all about opinions.

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I would certainly not like to live in a country where abortion is illegal. But by the same token, I don't think it should be allowed for such fickle reasons as this. But is the story even true really, it seems quite far fetched..

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Most I think don't have it for such dramatic reasons as having been raped.

I think most have one just because the timing isn't right for them, it gets in the way of their lifestyle, or they aren't ready to settle down.


That is why I question saying it is wrong in this circumstance but okay in that circumstance.


I think it is either always wrong or always right ?

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Rarely is life black or white so even pro choice have a right to agree or not depending on the circumstances. Whilst pro choice agree with a woman's right to choose, the largest majority would also think it should be for good reason. Going on BB is not good enough reason.

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I believe her breast augmentation was funded by the NHS because she had a congenital condition which meant she had no breast tissue..so fair play on that one...

I'd be interested in the 'real' story her pregnancy and subsequent desire for a termination...the majority of women who seek abortion are not exactly proud of it or shouting it from the rooftops...

Gutter press can take one or two 'facts' and concoct the rest....bit harsh to vilify this lady but not unsurprising on PIO either.

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In an ideal world all children should be wanted and the parents care for them and love them. By denying abortion it increases the number of unwanted children who are likely to have bad lives and potentially grow into disaffected adults. It is a lot easier to be opposed to abortion; the pro choice arguments have many layers of complexity.

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I suppose in the old days these babies who are aborted today would have been given up for adoption.


Nope..............someone with a knitting needle would have seen to it. I heard once (in my very early years) of a neighbour dropping her new born into a tub of water.................that was usually reserved for unwanted puppies and kittens. Everyone seemed to know about it other than the authorities.

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I suppose in the old days these babies who are aborted today would have been given up for adoption.


In the old days many would have gone to back street abortionists with dire consequences very often and still the case in some countries. I am sure that giving up a newborn for adoption must be one of the hardest things to do too but the mother was often trying to hide the fact that she was carrying a child at all so abortion was the only option for her.

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