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3rd time lucky ?????


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Sorry I cant be any help, I haven't even been once, however I would try and allow yourself not to be restrained by the fact this will be your 3rd time. If anything you know what to expect more than anyone. If you can afford it and you feel like you want this, go for it. Life can be too short at times to worry about what others think. After all, why is it too much different to people who go on holiday to the same place year after year?

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Sorry I cant be any help, I haven't even been once, however I would try and allow yourself not to be restrained by the fact this will be your 3rd time. If anything you know what to expect more than anyone. If you can afford it and you feel like you want this, go for it. Life can be too short at times to worry about what others think. After all, why is it too much different to people who go on holiday to the same place year after year?


My only thought is that if you have children, uprooting them for a third time from the UK may have well have negative consequences, both socially, and academically, which is not so fair on them.


If there are no children, well then go for it, it's your life.

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I believe that the previous two times you returned because you were homesick. Has anything changed in your life which would stop you from returning again if ever the going got a little rough. If the honest answer is no then you are probably where you should be right now.


There were children involved I believe so that is a major consideration as well as your relationship too. Are you both in agreement with all these moves?


I suspect if you return twice because of homesickness/family it is not meant to be but if you are looking for validation then maybe someone will have a first hand experience they can share.

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I think if you are aware of why you returned before and are confident you can overcome those issues should they arise again, then go for it. If everyone in the family is up for it (and able to understand what it is that is happening and why), then give it a go. Be careful though, if you hit a blip again and end up wanting to return to the UK, the implications for everyone else could be great. As in making those who are happy and settled in Aus unhappy at having to return to the UK and so on. Also the impact on a childs eduction would concern me if you did decide to return again. Its not fair on kids to drag them around, even if they are happy to go, if you decide to return and they would rather stay.... consider that aspect.


I think there is a limit to how many times you can ping pong before you perhaps have to admit migrating (to Aus) isn't for you. Its often not the place that people struggle with, but the missing family and friends, homesickness. Be prepared to toughen up a bit and to agree going in that you need to sit out and see if those things will pass if and when they hit. Be prepared to work through things rather than reacting, deciding on a course of action before you've given yourself a chance to see if you can overcome or get past whatever obstacle it was in your way.


The key things for me are a) did you all actually like Australia and the life you had there? and b) Who out of all the family coped well with being away from family and friends and who didn't? Think long and hard about where you see your family for the foreseeable future. Its easy to get swept up in the excitement of planning a return but a reality check and a long hard think about everything is perhaps not a bad thing.

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Sure there are some who've done it 3 times - one returned last year just down the road from me. It was the same this time as the previous two, she just did not belong. Perhaps a move away from Manchester might be a less draconian answer?

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Sure there are some who've done it 3 times - one returned last year just down the road from me. It was the same this time as the previous two, she just did not belong. Perhaps a move away from Manchester might be a less draconian answer?


wisdom again quoll .....the answer may lie 50 miles down the road in a different town

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LOL!! Don't worry about it being your third time.....I'm on my 5th....or maybe the 6th if you count when I was there on a WHV 11 years ago...anyway, I actually love everything about Blighty and Europe, but also love many elements of Aust., so I move when my heart tells me. It's all an adventure so I try to enjoy the ride, even when my bank account gets a battering!

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