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What would you do??


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Hi all,


I have a quite important decision to make and would like to have your opinion, whatever that will be.


I have been working in Australia for a number of years, then last year after I got my PR I decided to go back to Europe. I have actually enjoyed a lot my life in Australia but I felt I wanted to settle down close to my family as long term plan.

In order to do that, I quit my job with the hope I could find another one in Europe in a reasonable time. What happened though, was that after 6 months I could not find a job and at the same time I missed Australia and I found out that if I had returned I could apply for Citizenship after only 9 months which mistakenly I did not realise before leaving!


So I decided to return to Australia and I have been here now for about two months. I have applied for tens of jobs but did not get a single interview so far and I get the impression it will not be easy to find something as unemployment is increasing also here.


Now the other day unexpectedly, I got a very good job offer but from the UK , which made me very confused about what to do.


If I leave, I would miss the opportunity to get citizenship, but I would have a job!


If I stay here other 7 months , I can get my citizenship but I might still be jobless and end up being out of work for a long time which will make it more difficult to find something in the future.


What are your thoughts?





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Jeez thats a tough decision to make and only you can make it. My personal opinion would be to get citizenship as you never know what might happen in the future and then if you want to move back to the UK go, unless you can see yourself coming back to Australia. Could you widen your search for jobs in Australia and maybe look at other areas? Do you have kids? Maybe also apply for jobs that your over qualified for and apply for anything you can do.


Again its your decision I guess it depends on if you think your ever might return back to Australia or not. If yes get citizenship and keep presuring a job if not then maybe take up the job. Sorry I can't help any further.

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Jeez thats a tough decision to make and only you can make it. My personal opinion would be to get citizenship as you never know what might happen in the future and then if you want to move back to the UK go, unless you can see yourself coming back to Australia. Could you widen your search for jobs in Australia and maybe look at other areas? Do you have kids? Maybe also apply for jobs that your over qualified for and apply for anything you can do.


Again its your decision I guess it depends on if you think your ever might return back to Australia or not. If yes get citizenship and keep presuring a job if not then maybe take up the job. Sorry I can't help any further.



I think I do want the possibility to come back in the future, especially because when you know you can't have something , you want it more. My idea is that once I have citizenship and eventually go back, I would be more relaxed about coming back to Australia cause I know I can do it whenever I want in the future.

The problem is that waiting to get it now might cost me a lot without a job. I have applied for jobs where I am overqualified but still nothing. And it's not just the money that scares me but the fact than having a one year gap on my CV might affect my future possibilities to find something in my field.

And no, I have no kids.

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What would I do? Bird in the hand and all that, I'd take the job, given that it's been hard to crack one thus far. It's just another first world country, you wouldn't be disadvantaged if you didn't have citizenship. Get a RRV, that'd buy you some time as a back up in case it all goes pear shaped.

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If you have the funds to support yourself, and think you may want to return then stay. The UK seems to be picking up job wise, so depending on what you do, opportunities will probably still be there. If it was me, I would be tempted by the job and go back but that's because I had a period of unemployment here, which was miserable and at my age don't find it easy to get work in Oz (but find it easy in UK). I also know long term that I want to be home but it took me a few years to realise that and my longing to get here was fierce once! . It's a short time to wait. If you are young and can get back here easily that is another factor. If you are older and it's more of a last chance then worth waiting for if unsure.

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I would take the job, but that is me, as we can't afford to contemplate being out of work for a long time. Also, how old are you? Your age may play a part i.e. if you are young you probably have plenty of time to figure out what to do, plan a return to Oz or not?

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Thanks for all the replies.


I am in my mid 30's to answer some of your questions, not married and no kids.

I could also support myself financially but being unemployed makes me feel miserable even if it's a short wait and I fear it won't be easy to find a job soon. All recruiters I have been contacting so far , have not even replied and this would not happen before. I might be wrong but I feel that things are going to get worse here job wise.

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Thanks for all the replies.


I am in my mid 30's to answer some of your questions, not married and no kids.

I could also support myself financially but being unemployed makes me feel miserable even if it's a short wait and I fear it won't be easy to find a job soon. All recruiters I have been contacting so far , have not even replied and this would not happen before. I might be wrong but I feel that things are going to get worse here job wise.

I think you're right - Aus lags UK by 2-3 yrs so it's on the way down and UK is on the way up. That's the way it goes.

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In your situation I would wait the seven months and get citizenship so that I had various choices down the track. If you can support yourself financially for a while then I'd take the time to do some volunteer work (looks great on a CV), travel (also a great gap-filler for a CV) or do some training/education courses (again, great on the CV). If the UK is indeed on the way up then there will be other jobs on the horizon if, after you get your citizenship, you still can't find work in Australia.

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You say you can get citizenship in 7 months time - is that when you are eligible to apply? I applied last November, passed my citizenship test in December but am still waiting for the ceremony - and without the ceremony you are not officially a citizen. I contacted my local council to find out when the next ceremony would be and they said there are still people from last September on the waiting list for a ceremony !! - so who knows when I will get mine. All I am saying is the 7 month wait may turn out to be many months longer.

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You say you can get citizenship in 7 months time - is that when you are eligible to apply? I applied last November, passed my citizenship test in December but am still waiting for the ceremony - and without the ceremony you are not officially a citizen. I contacted my local council to find out when the next ceremony would be and they said there are still people from last September on the waiting list for a ceremony !! - so who knows when I will get mine. All I am saying is the 7 month wait may turn out to be many months longer.


PP is right, it will 6 to 9 months to get citizenship after you apply...!!!! good post

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PP is right, it will 6 to 9 months to get citizenship after you apply...!!!! good post



In 7 months time I will be just eligible to apply but didn't think it could take that long for the ceremony. Thank you for letting me know.

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I'm saying stay to get your citizenship.


Getting into Oz seems to be getting harder n harder plus more expensive if you were to start over again.


Your so close now. Sometimes we just have to suck it up in the short term to make it work long term.


I do agree though, not finding/having work is horrible but if it was me I think I would take basically anything and just try and zone out for a year, but at the same time always be looking n planning ahead.


good luck, its a tough call, but in a way having no dependants should make it a bit easier xx

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I would tend to think stick it out for the citizenship, this maybe your one chance for that whereas there will be other jobs.


I wouldn't overly worry about a years gap in your CV - there are ways to fill it :)


It sounds like you only have yourself to think about so another 18 months in Australia is worth doing, it's not like you were unhappy there before. Who knows in the future you may have a partner and children very happy that you did.

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Hey Sarens,


I'd hang on in there and wait, not having a job is horrid, but being stuck somewhere you don't wont to be and having a job is equally as horrid! Until you start a job and have been in it a while you'll never know if it's your ideal job anyway -


Where are you in Aus and what's your profession? if you don't mind me asking! Like yourself, I'm in my mid 30's, taking a year out wouldn't really bother in the slightest, nor would it look that bad on the CV. Many people take year long sabbaticals, although I would focus on improving my professional skills, which would lead to additional work related certification's. Either that or take up a cheap hobby and become really good at it!

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Hey Sarens,


I'd hang on in there and wait, not having a job is horrid, but being stuck somewhere you don't wont to be and having a job is equally as horrid! Until you start a job and have been in it a while you'll never know if it's your ideal job anyway -


Where are you in Aus and what's your profession? if you don't mind me asking! Like yourself, I'm in my mid 30's, taking a year out wouldn't really bother in the slightest, nor would it look that bad on the CV. Many people take year long sabbaticals, although I would focus on improving my professional skills, which would lead to additional work related certification's. Either that or take up a cheap hobby and become really good at it!



The job they have offered, seems very interesting on paper but I am not too sure I will like the place (Birmingham area)..

I actually agree with you that having a job in a place I do not like much, might suck after the initial excitement.

I am an engineer and in Sydney at the moment.

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Hi all,


I have a quite important decision to make and would like to have your opinion, whatever that will be.


I have been working in Australia for a number of years, then last year after I got my PR I decided to go back to Europe. I have actually enjoyed a lot my life in Australia but I felt I wanted to settle down close to my family as long term plan.

In order to do that, I quit my job with the hope I could find another one in Europe in a reasonable time. What happened though, was that after 6 months I could not find a job and at the same time I missed Australia and I found out that if I had returned I could apply for Citizenship after only 9 months which mistakenly I did not realise before leaving!


So I decided to return to Australia and I have been here now for about two months. I have applied for tens of jobs but did not get a single interview so far and I get the impression it will not be easy to find something as unemployment is increasing also here.


Now the other day unexpectedly, I got a very good job offer but from the UK , which made me very confused about what to do.


If I leave, I would miss the opportunity to get citizenship, but I would have a job!


If I stay here other 7 months , I can get my citizenship but I might still be jobless and end up being out of work for a long time which will make it more difficult to find something in the future.


What are your thoughts?







Stay and get your citizenship .....it gives you OPTIONS and CHOICE , and these days that's massive ......you could arrive back here and land on your arse , and you will forever kick yourself ....

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As you know It's always a gamble with any new job, I'm sure we have all done it a few times in the past! Some have worked out others have not! It's all about your expectation of what you feel the job will offer you.


What you do know - Birmingham wont offer you the life you have over in Aus, but it will offer you employment, although a jobs a job really, no matter how interesting it looks on paper.


Mate I'd hang it out and keep applying for jobs / skills improvement. You mentioned you're an engineer, is there anything you can study / work on to make you stand out more than the other candidates who are applying for the same jobs.


Just make sure you keep yourself up to date with all the latest terminology and technology, whether it be now or in 7 months time you'll always be able to demonstrate you're the right person for the job.


What facet of engineering do you specialise in? Put out there? You never know, there may be a forum member looking for an engineer in Sydney..

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