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Too hot to go out?


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When is it too hot to go out?


To be honest I don't particularly like going outdoors when its over 35d (unless to the beach). It's hot in Perth today 36d so the options till later are shopping or a trip to the coast. Doesn't bother me as such but looking forward to the cooler days where we can get about from 11 to 4pm outdoors. Trade off is I dont enjoy sitting outdoors of an evening once the cooler days come as they bring cooler nights too...that is till Winter when its wood burner time.


I think the weather does impact on your leisure time for most people, be it too hot/cold or rainy/windy..wherever you live. It's just a matter of making the most of the different seasons isn't it?

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Guest Guest66881

The 30's do for me when out and about, the afternoon doctor helps.

You know when it's really hot the shopping centres and cinemas are packed usually:laugh:

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Had to do a pet visit double doggy walk this morning. 10 am and allegedly 30 but it felt a lot hotter today sweast pouring off me. I think its humid which fortunately we don't get too often here. Going to clean the pool have as swim then flop in front the TV in the air con thentake my woofer to the beach at about 6 I reckon :cool:

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Too hot to go out? Never :cool:. I went out one time in 50 degrees heat ( in Saudi Arabia), there was a scheduled trip to the desert and I didn`t want to miss it. I ended up looking like a local lol, complete with the long but lightweight black cloak AND a scarf on my head . Drank about 4 liters of water.

I`m more careful with kids and I didn`t take them out if the weather was too hot - meaning over 35 degrees or so.

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It doesn't really bother me until it's in the 40's. I've never let the heat stop me from doing anything but most of the things I enjoy involve water so in many respects the hotter it is the better.


I'm not a fan of high humidity but even that isn't a problem if you are at the beach or can sit in a breeze.

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Anything over 30C in the UK is difficult. No air on at work or home. No pools to speak of and on a non working day massive traffic queues to the coast and nowhere to park when you get there. Doesn't happen too often though.


Unless you live in Stafford of course ................:wink:

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Guest Guest40285

Working out in the heat sucks, but you get used to it, luckily I work very close to the beach most of the time and carry 3 or 4 spare t shirts

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I enjoyed 35-38 degrees in Melbourne recently.


Once it got to 42 it was too hot for me but it didn't stop me going out to the local pool and corner shop. . .or sleeping under a duvet in a non-airconditioned room, my friends thought I was mental but I love to be cosy when I sleep!

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I enjoyed 35-38 degrees in Melbourne recently.


Once it got to 42 it was too hot for me but it didn't stop me going out to the local pool and corner shop. . .or sleeping under a duvet in a non-airconditioned room, my friends thought I was mental but I love to be cosy when I sleep!


I know exactly what you mean. Doesn't matter what the temp is, I have to wrap my duvet all around me so I am cocooned. Have always done so and can't sleep otherwise!

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For me personally it is the humidity that can make or break whether it is too hot or not. I enjoyed the heat of Perth, as it was a dry heat, although over 40 was too hot. Here in Canada, it may only be 33 degrees but with high humidity, it can feel like 43 or 44, and that is way worse than 40 dry heat.


We have had the other problem this winter in Canada, there have been some days too cold to go outside. Again it was windchill this time.


Send some heat over here, so we can melt the huge snowbanks lol.





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It's February and I'm in Scotland and just in the last couple of weeks I've got fed up of the weather, having a typical weather whinge at the hairdressers yesterday and i did say the funny thing is in Perth people will be looking forward to the cooler weather.


Up to 35 degrees I was happy enough, over 40 degrees I gave up & stayed indoors between the two I found it bearable so long as nothing more strenuous than drinking by the water was needed!


I have a friend with family in Sri Lanka and I said to her yesterday to give me plenty of notice of her next trip and I'd come with her & continue on to Perth for a visit - she said she was thinking of going at Christmas at which point i swiftly changed my mind! If i do visit it'll be Spring or Autumn :)

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It's February and I'm in Scotland and just in the last couple of weeks I've got fed up of the weather, having a typical weather whinge at the hairdressers yesterday and i did say the funny thing is in Perth people will be looking forward to the cooler weather.


Up to 35 degrees I was happy enough, over 40 degrees I gave up & stayed indoors between the two I found it bearable so long as nothing more strenuous than drinking by the water was needed!


I have a friend with family in Sri Lanka and I said to her yesterday to give me plenty of notice of her next trip and I'd come with her & continue on to Perth for a visit - she said she was thinking of going at Christmas at which point i swiftly changed my mind! If i do visit it'll be Spring or Autumn :)


rainbow , I do like you and find you rather delicate ...........I love it when you involve yourself in my threads .....:wink:.......but tonight , have you been drinking or even worse smoking something ........this is not like you ..........

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rainbow , I do like you and find you rather delicate ...........I love it when you involve yourself in my threads .....:wink:.......but tonight , have you been drinking or even worse smoking something ........this is not like you ..........


I like you too Tonyman, funny how we perceive others on-line 'delicate' is a word least likely to be applied to me in real life! Like I've been drinking or smoking something maybe but no definitely sober :)


Not sure why you find this post weird though - I can do much weirder that this!

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