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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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I like the exchange of ideas, and I also like it when posts go 'off topic', just like they do in normal conversation. I never mind in the least if i start a thread and it goes off at a tangent. One thing leads to another. People think of different things. For me, it makes it more interesting.

I too like the way the threads spread out into different directions , and get a chance to listen to what the wide audience feel and think, even if I don't agree with them. Also, I try to argue and attack any idea that i might find not to my liking, but try not to make it personal and keep it civil.

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Trying to solve is not enough. We have to solve it. Either through education or through affirmative actions if we are to be considered part of the civilized world.

I think Tony Abbott is doing a good job here by trying to spend more on indigenous education and recognizing the first people.


So you criticize India for trying to solve its problems and say its not enough. But when its your country, you try to justify the problem by victim blaming?


You are right, education is the start, you need to educate people so they want to be helped.


you must have me confused with someone else about India, I haven't been involved in discussions about India.

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You are right, education is the start, you need to educate people so they want to be helped.


you must have me confused with someone else about India, I haven't been involved in discussions about India.


Probably means me!? I started a thread about 'Q and A', which went off into something to do with 'left' versus 'right', then 'unions', then 'Chartists', and I ended up Googling for information about factory condtions in the 19th century and the Chartists, and how some were transported to OZ. Sometimes 'it' (going off topic) just happens, just like any 'conversation?'

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But, on the topic of the boats, something, someone, (Flag?) was going on about, why governments and RAN are being secretive. Well, I noticed that when the British Government diverted a nuclear submarine to help with the search for the MAS aircraft, they broke their rule about absolute secrecy on nuclear submarine missions, to inform the Aussie and/or Malaysian governments.


I saw another thing in the paper about the cost to Aussie government and RAN of using their ships in the search - millions of dollars, although the article also pointed out that the ships might be at sea anyway, and they are training for search and rescue amongst other things too. It occurred to me that if there are no boats, then the RAN is either saving money, or able to divert their ships to other tasks?

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But, on the topic of the boats, something, someone, (Flag?) was going on about, why governments and RAN are being secretive. Well, I noticed that when the British Government diverted a nuclear submarine to help with the search for the MAS aircraft, they broke their rule about absolute secrecy on nuclear submarine missions, to inform the Aussie and/or Malaysian governments.


I saw another thing in the paper about the cost to Aussie government and RAN of using their ships in the search - millions of dollars, although the article also pointed out that the ships might be at sea anyway, and they are training for search and rescue amongst other things too. It occurred to me that if there are no boats, then the RAN is either saving money, or able to divert their ships to other tasks?


No boats arriving does not = no boats departing.


It also doesn't guarantee no boats in the future.

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Probably means me!? I started a thread about 'Q and A', which went off into something to do with 'left' versus 'right', then 'unions', then 'Chartists', and I ended up Googling for information about factory condtions in the 19th century and the Chartists, and how some were transported to OZ. Sometimes 'it' (going off topic) just happens, just like any 'conversation?'

Nope. It wasn't you MaryRose.

India came into picture with this post.

[/color]Where did you get that one from Flag? You come out with some tripe mate. Where is that "fact" generally known? If you say somewhere like India mate then they need to start looking in their own back yard first.


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I watched a TV program the other night, it was about Casuarina prison in WA.and just how many are held there and at what level of life they receive.


Interesting stat -Aboriginals make up 2% of the Australian population but make up 75% of the prison population.


Judging by how much they get let off and how the courts bend over backwards to not put them inside the percentage could and should be a lot higher. Should be a few more after the trouble at those poor peoples wedding at the weekend but lets see what happens to them eh.


You don't think they are there because they are good law abiding citizens do you and they are just being picked on?

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Guest Guest66881
Judging by how much they get let off and how the courts bend over backwards to not put them inside the percentage could and should be a lot higher. Should be a few more after the trouble at those poor peoples wedding at the weekend but lets see what happens to them eh.


You don't think they are there because they are good law abiding citizens do you and they are just being picked on?


I hope that was an attempt at sarcasm mate?

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Guest littlesarah
My goodness how patronizing can you get ??


It reminds me of the poster who chastised me to not read newspapers that weren't reputable.

A reputable paper being one that obviously agrees with her point of view in its editorials.


Newsflash ! It is the height of arrogance to assume that someone who disagrees with you must be less intelligent, or just hasn't thought through the issue deeply enough.


Critical thinking has nothing to do with intelligence - in the sense in which I intended, it's a learned skill - one that in my experience isn't widely taught within the education system (I spend a lot of time trying to encourage undergrad students to develop their critical thinking skills). I didn't intend to be patronising, and apologise if it came across that way. I should probably avoid commenting on anything controversial while sleep-deprived!

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  • 2 months later...
Its terrible that a country the size of Australia with only 23 million people can become obsessed with controlling numbers. Yes there should be controls but the "stop the boats" campaign has IMO been over the top.


Size of country, area and or population really has nothing to do with it, but if you insist then Antarctica is pretty big with a low population to boot! they could bypass Australia as they bypass other counties to get to Aus in the 1st place, the illegal immigrants that is, legal ones should always be welcome when coming through the correct channels.

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This brings up two possibilities. Either the people are committing more crime or the people are being jailed more than the rest of the population.

Either way, we need to come up with new ideas to solve the problem and move people from committing crime and into the job market.


My friends a prison officer at Casuarina and he says jail time for the aborigines is like a right of passage. Nobody accepts that they've grown up until they've done some time. In my opinion the cops and the justice system bends over backwards to keep them out of jail. They get let off a lot more than your average non aboriginal.

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Size of country, area and or population really has nothing to do with it, but if you insist then Antarctica is pretty big with a low population to boot! they could bypass Australia as they bypass other counties to get to Aus in the 1st place, the illegal immigrants that is, legal ones should always be welcome when coming through the correct channels.


I'm not condoning illegal immigration but the campaign itself. It just smells of racism IMO as they have to drill home that we simply can't have a single illegal immigrant entering the country. Why make such an election issue out of it ? You can have an immigration policy without making it an election issue. Its just insensitive.

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I'm not condoning illegal immigration but the campaign itself. It just smells of racism IMO as they have to drill home that we simply can't have a single illegal immigrant entering the country. Why make such an election issue out of it ? You can have an immigration policy without making it an election issue. Its just insensitive.


Well that's politicians for you, and not just here either.

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Jase, it was one of the main election platforms.


It really was only such a big issue because it was so out of control.

Boats were arriving every day, and our navy and coast guard had become a glorified taxi service.

People smugglers knew all they had to do was sail out to Australian waters, put out a distress call, wait till the cavalry arrived and then scuttle the boat when they got there.

It was like shelling peas.


Aussies were sick of it and needed a different approach.


Next election will be interesting.

Will the Australian people risk going back to Labor and the boats possibly starting up again ?

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Size of country, area and or population really has nothing to do with it, but if you insist then Antarctica is pretty big with a low population to boot! they could bypass Australia as they bypass other counties to get to Aus in the 1st place, the illegal immigrants that is, legal ones should always be welcome when coming through the correct channels.


Antarctica unlike Australia is not a settler country. No such thing as illegal asylum seekers until their claim has been heard. I don't make the laws but I do expect the government of the country I live in to respect what they signed up to do. The contempt displayed towards legally asylum seeking folk today and be redirected tomorrow at the aged, unemployed, disabled, poor and the like. Oh I forgot the early political assaults on these the most vulnerable is already en train.

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Jase, it was one of the main election platforms.


It really was only such a big issue because it was so out of control.

Boats were arriving every day, and our navy and coast guard had become a glorified taxi service.

People smugglers knew all they had to do was sail out to Australian waters, put out a distress call, wait till the cavalry arrived and then scuttle the boat when they got there.

It was like shelling peas.


Aussies were sick of it and needed a different approach.


Next election will be interesting.

Will the Australian people risk going back to Labor and the boats possibly starting up again ?


Your entire platform seems to be based of fear of foreigners. I wonder when you will ever fess up, that a lot of the blame on continuing boat arrivals, was a result of Lib's policy in wanting the issue to run for as long as possible. A party with no policy and only slogans, could hardly afford to have the issue controlled prior to the election. Being their only platform to grandstand on.


The question for the future will be can Australian's increasingly awoken from their apathy, allow the country to become forever divided, unfair and run for and by corporates and the top few per cent, over decency, protection of the weaker members and fair go for all.


Not a very difficult choice in the circumstances and Labor is on notice as well.

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