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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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See by your response you have proved me right. You attended only to make a political point. You are a labor supporter and went to one to protest against Howard and now to protest against Abbott.

You make no mention of attending in the Gillard,Rudd years when thousands more drowned.

Don't pretend it was concern for any deaths. It was purely political otherwise you would go regardless of which party was in government.


Again sheer nonsense. Attended as a protest against the diabolical Abbott. I certainly attended rallies against detention during the Gillard/Rudd years. I don't need to pretend anything to you. So rest assured. Both sides equally at fault. Abbott I dislike for the agenda he has for Australia. His inhumanity for asylum seekers will be reflected on wider policy towards Australians in time.

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1,000 drowned after Labor came to power and not even crocodile tears expressed by the ALP and the Greens. One person dies at Manus, and it's the worst crime against humanity since the Nazis!


No one person died under Australian protection in an Aussie facility. Even a right winger, for goodness knows what reason, as yourself should fathom that.


Folk that take an opportunity to get onto a boat do so knowing there is a high degree of risk involved. Big difference.

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One death in custody under the protection of the Australian government is too much. This should never have happened. These people come seeking asylum and we send them to one of the most violent countries in the world. This was always going to end in a disaster.

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No one person died under Australian protection in an Aussie facility. Even a right winger, for goodness knows what reason, as yourself should fathom that.


Folk that take an opportunity to get onto a boat do so knowing there is a high degree of risk involved. Big difference.


Rudd relaxed Howard's succesful policies, thereby encouraging the boats and the people smugglers. He is directly responsible for the drownings.


Anyway, the nastier Australia's policies, the less attractive Australia will become. Why would any rational person want to come to a Nazi state like Abbott's Australia?

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Rudd relaxed Howard's succesful policies, thereby encouraging the boats and the people smugglers. He is directly responsible for the drownings.


Anyway, the nastier Australia's policies, the less attractive Australia will become. Why would any rational person want to come to a Nazi state like Abbott's Australia?


How do you know any drowned ??? because it was on the news??, because Dillard said they did??...I couldnt care less anyway, they could sink the boats for all I care, sick to death of hearing about it..

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Unfortunately not. Over 1000 men women and children have drowned coming by boat in the last 6 years. Many infants and young kids who had no say in the decision to get on a ricketty boat.

There were no candlelit vigils.

I believe this was very political and mostly greenies attending.


I am sorry for the man and his family though but this demonstration was over the top.



I think the public response to this is very telling. Whilst I'm sure that the majority of Australians share your sentiments entirely, a minority feel ashamed at the actions of their governments, Labor and LNP alike, in formulating policies which penalise vulnerable people arriving by boat.

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How do you know any drowned ??? because it was on the news??, because Dillard said they did??...I couldnt care less anyway, they could sink the boats for all I care, sick to death of hearing about it..

Wow!. That's quite a statement. Maybe we could have a news blackout on this issue to stop it from causing offence, or everyone could just carry on watching Channel 9?

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Only 1 death in custody is actually pretty remarkable considering the vast numbers that have come here illegally over the last 10 years or so.


There have been other deaths of course. Just this one was caused by violence while under Australian protection. You really go out on a limb in attempt to justify your flimsy point, don't you. No asylum seeker should be in custody considering they have committed no crime.


Those with no claim for asylum should be removed.

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Vunerable? you mean scrounging que jumpers, who actually pay for the trip thousands of dollars?


Wow! I'm pretty speechless... I can't think what to say to this comment though so I'll remain silent on the principle that "better to stay silent and be thought ignorant, than open one's mouth and prove it"!

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How do you know any drowned ??? because it was on the news??, because Dillard said they did??...I couldnt care less anyway, they could sink the boats for all I care, sick to death of hearing about it..


What a sad example to the human race you are. Why bother coming onto a thread on the matter if your so over the it and can at best sprout gibberish nonsense.

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I think the public response to this is very telling. Whilst I'm sure that the majority of Australians share your sentiments entirely, a minority feel ashamed at the actions of their governments, Labor and LNP alike, in formulating policies which penalise vulnerable people arriving by boat.


The majority are not politically inclined and the words used to describe them are carefully selected to create fear and anger.

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Vunerable? you mean scrounging que jumpers, who actually pay for the trip thousands of dollars?


Asylum seekers is the term. There is no queue (I guess that is what you infer) so how can they be jumpers? Who said refugees must be poor? More likely those of the middle classes have more reason to seek refuge, than a dirt poor subsistence farmer.

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Rudd relaxed Howard's succesful policies, thereby encouraging the boats and the people smugglers. He is directly responsible for the drownings.


Anyway, the nastier Australia's policies, the less attractive Australia will become. Why would any rational person want to come to a Nazi state like Abbott's Australia?


According to some on here they don't. The boats have been stopped. Abbott's creation of the Nazi state as you cited must then be spreading.

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How do you know any drowned ??? because it was on the news??, because Dillard said they did??...I couldnt care less anyway, they could sink the boats for all I care, sick to death of hearing about it..



That's not going to happen. The wonderful men and women who joined our Navy signed up to protect their country and not to drown innocents and non combatants.

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That's not going to happen. The wonderful men and women who joined our Navy signed up to protect their country and not to drown innocents and non combatants.


In a nut shell..


Mon, 2014-03-03 15:33 — Anonymous (not verified)

How many genuine asylum seekers - by definition?

Regrettably and tragically, asylum seeker from Iran, Reza Barati, was killed in a riot on Manus Island detention centre. As translated by a family friend, Reza was seeking asylum because ''All he wanted was to have a better life - he was an intelligent young man with productive years ahead of him and he would have been good for the Australian economy.''



By definition, asylum seekers do not have a home, and can't live in their own country because they are not safe. They should not be here for "a better life" or to contribute to the economy! Family friend said ''Reza was not a political refugee – he was a social refugee.'' Just how does "social refugee" fit into the category of being officially a refugee? Reza was the eldest of his siblings, who had trained as an architect, had particular responsibilities to his family. No doubt once he achieved a "better life" and job in Australia, he would unite with his family in Australia!



At the weekend, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison released a statement saying that new information suggests the fatal head injury sustained by Mr Berati, along with much of the violence that night, occurred inside the detention centre's perimeter.



It appears the attack that led to Mr Barati's death, and injuries to more than 60 asylum seekers, was an orchestrated response to a rolling protest that involved asylum seekers chanting ''F--k PNG'' and baring their buttocks. A Papua New Guinean police spokesman has told Fairfax Media that 23-year-old Reza Barati was killed by multiple blows to the head, probably from a piece of timber.



Iranians gain relatively painless entry to Indonesia, with the Middle Eastern country on the list of those whose nationals are able to acquire a visa on arrival. That has meant that Iranians ultimately seeking to arrive in Australia by boat are able to conduct the stretch of the journey as far as Indonesia without legal difficulty. After leaving Iran, many head to Dubai, make their way to Bali or Java before making the final journey south. Many of the Iranians arrivals are middle-class residents of big cities such as Tehran who have been able to summon up the tens of thousands of dollars to pay a people smuggler for a chance at entry to Australia.



The death is tragic, and Berati's murderer needs to be brought to justice. However, the justification that he was "fleeing from persecution", terror, torture, and was unable to live in Iran have been exaggerated. How many other asylum seekers are really "social asylum seekers" trying to get a "better life"- something that we all in Australia are all trying to do - in the face of massive legal immigration!



There has to be a better system than detention centres and imprisonment. Australia has the second largest acceptance of per capita in the world of humanitarian refugees.



We should remove our signature from the UN Refugee Convention, and decide off-shore the refugee we will accept into Australia, and the rest can then be considered illegal entrants. This would remove the impetus of detention centres, and exaggerated claims, public outcries, people smugglers, the lure of believing that Australia has got a '"better life" on offer, and the frustration and the political foot-ball asylum seekers have become.

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I'm not sure how quoting a great long article from an anonymous, unverified source, proves anything! But I'd still rather be deluded than hold racist, ignorant, bigoted views when it concerns someone's death by violence. Guess it's a choice we all make for ourselves...

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There have been other deaths of course. Just this one was caused by violence while under Australian protection. You really go out on a limb in attempt to justify your flimsy point, don't you. No asylum seeker should be in custody considering they have committed no crime.


Those with no claim for asylum should be removed.


So what should happen when their claim for asylum is being assessed?

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In a nut shell..


Mon, 2014-03-03 15:33 — Anonymous (not verified)

How many genuine asylum seekers - by definition?

Regrettably and tragically, asylum seeker from Iran, Reza Barati, was killed in a riot on Manus Island detention centre. As translated by a family friend, Reza was seeking asylum because ''All he wanted was to have a better life - he was an intelligent young man with productive years ahead of him and he would have been good for the Australian economy.''



By definition, asylum seekers do not have a home, and can't live in their own country because they are not safe. They should not be here for "a better life" or to contribute to the economy! Family friend said ''Reza was not a political refugee – he was a social refugee.'' Just how does "social refugee" fit into the category of being officially a refugee? Reza was the eldest of his siblings, who had trained as an architect, had particular responsibilities to his family. No doubt once he achieved a "better life" and job in Australia, he would unite with his family in Australia!



At the weekend, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison released a statement saying that new information suggests the fatal head injury sustained by Mr Berati, along with much of the violence that night, occurred inside the detention centre's perimeter.



It appears the attack that led to Mr Barati's death, and injuries to more than 60 asylum seekers, was an orchestrated response to a rolling protest that involved asylum seekers chanting ''F--k PNG'' and baring their buttocks. A Papua New Guinean police spokesman has told Fairfax Media that 23-year-old Reza Barati was killed by multiple blows to the head, probably from a piece of timber.



Iranians gain relatively painless entry to Indonesia, with the Middle Eastern country on the list of those whose nationals are able to acquire a visa on arrival. That has meant that Iranians ultimately seeking to arrive in Australia by boat are able to conduct the stretch of the journey as far as Indonesia without legal difficulty. After leaving Iran, many head to Dubai, make their way to Bali or Java before making the final journey south. Many of the Iranians arrivals are middle-class residents of big cities such as Tehran who have been able to summon up the tens of thousands of dollars to pay a people smuggler for a chance at entry to Australia.



The death is tragic, and Berati's murderer needs to be brought to justice. However, the justification that he was "fleeing from persecution", terror, torture, and was unable to live in Iran have been exaggerated. How many other asylum seekers are really "social asylum seekers" trying to get a "better life"- something that we all in Australia are all trying to do - in the face of massive legal immigration!



There has to be a better system than detention centres and imprisonment. Australia has the second largest acceptance of per capita in the world of humanitarian refugees.



We should remove our signature from the UN Refugee Convention, and decide off-shore the refugee we will accept into Australia, and the rest can then be considered illegal entrants. This would remove the impetus of detention centres, and exaggerated claims, public outcries, people smugglers, the lure of believing that Australia has got a '"better life" on offer, and the frustration and the political foot-ball asylum seekers have become.


Few people in life leave me gob smacked but you have somehow become the exception. I don't know whether I pity you, want to educate you...? I'm stuck! Maybe, instead of taking too much notice of the media and the governments information/ or lack of it at times, get out and volunteer for charities working with asylum seekers, if only a few times, to put faces and real life stories to the word asylum seekers/illegals. Get the facts straight from their mouths, listen to the horrific stories. It angers me that this argument goes on and on and on and on...but until you have spent time with an asylum seeker you can't possibly understand what they have and are still going through. You make it sound like when they get to Australia all is great, well how wrong could you be..living your life in fear is not something I wish to do, and I imagine something you wouldn't want for yourself or your family.

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