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5 months in..........BE positive!!


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Hi Everyone,


I remember how nervous I was moving here and the thoughts I had going through my mind. I had a lot of anxieties around the lack of money me and Mark had and the fact that we didn’t have a job to come to. We also worried that we would run out of money and that we would have to come back to the UK. I have to say that, at times PIO was not helpful as people are often negative and you have to wonder if that’s because they are in Australia and are unhappy with the way their journey worked out, so they channel that towards other users of PIO. I saw several conversations where people moaned about the price of bread, the cream didn’t whip the same as cream in the UK and that you couldn’t buy cheap socks.


I want to tell you my experience of Australia as moving here was the best thing I have ever done and even after 5 short months I can honestly say I would not move back the UK.


When me and Mark arrived it was a rainy Tuesday afternoon. We felt pretty lost in the Airport, everything looked unfamiliar and it didn’t seem real. Luckily we had someone collect us from the airport and stayed with them until we got on our feet. Two days in and we had applied for our TFN’s, sorted out the bank accounts that we set up in the UK before we left and I had two job interviews lined up and an appointment at AHPRA to get my registration.


Two weeks in and I had started at work and we had found somewhere to rent even with the two dogs. I had bought a car for $1400 and Mark spent his days applying for jobs. It was pretty tough at first and I was working about 70 hours a week just to build our cash up. We bought cheapy furniture from Ikea and furnished the house with bits we brought over from the UK. We got a TV on an Australian credit card to build up our credit for the future and we seemed pretty sorted.

Mark then got a job working in a Bureau de change which was only casual but it brought in some money and that was fine. He thought about what he could train to do and considered university BUT then he fell lucky and got a job at a hotel as a manager despite having ZERO hospitality experience.

We drove to Melbourne and collected the dogs which was brilliant. Our little one was really sick for a while I thought he was going to die which was pretty bad but after a trip to the vets and a few hundred $ later he was absolutely fine again.


What I want to say is that yes, things are more expensive here BUT only if you compare them to the pound. We have never had so many savings. We arrived here with less than $8,000 (which some people on PIO told me would not be enough) and since then we have been away to the Great Ocean Road, booked and paid for a trip to Bali, a trip to Sydney and a trip to the Gold Coast. I have been away with my friend for a weekend to Melbourne at Christmas which was fantastic. We eat out once a week and we no longer live month to month with our pay. We have managed to save money and have a nice little amount in our savings. I remember reading a post on here that said if you earn less than 100K a year you will struggle. Me and Mark earn enough but not A LOT of money by Australian standards and we leave really well, granted, we don’t have kids so I can not comment on the cost of schooling ect.


Nursing in the UK was pretty horrific I remember having 26 patients to one RN and now its considered a “bad day” if I have 5 because someone is off sick. I have perks such as salary sacrifice and the Super is great. I love my team, they have all been fantastic and helped me settle in really well.


If you moan and groan and can’t take a joke and you judge books by their covers you will not get on well settling into a new country. If you work hard and REALLY want it, make the effort to get to know people you will be fine. I find my life is simpler and that I am more free. I love the country and I think if we have been blessed with the opportunity to live in this amazing place, moaning about it should not even come into play. I really think that positivity attracts positivity so please, those of you that really want to move…Don’t do what I did and scare yourselves reading the negative posts on here, read the positives, embrace the country for what it is. I promise if you come with the right attitude it will work out.


I quoted the great Walt Disney in my last post and stand by that beautiful saying....."All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them"



Lots of love,

Laura xxx

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Thank you for a great post,

I know what you mean about negative post's putting the fear of god into you! I have 4 children and a lot of worries about our move ( heading over in May )

and the negative post's stick in your mind longer than the positive ones.

I have not logged on to POI for a long while now as I seemed to find all the wrong post's, Lucky for me your post is the first I have read in many months and it has stirred up all the good feelings I had when I first started this journey a few years back.

I have to say you and your other half were very brave to go for it with very little security in the way of funds and have my total respect and admiration.

I am very pleased for you and hope you have the best time's of your life and never look back, Well Done!!!


As for my family and I we sold our house last week and it is very much game on! The nerves do tingle a bit now it is getting closer and the difference between excitement and worry are a very fine line indeed but positive post's help no end so thanks again.

I also met another couple on here who though I have never met in person I like to call them friends and they are having a great time in WA and are definitely another success story ( hi Lucy and Dan ) just incase they come across this post. One day I hope to meet them and buy them a cold one and be able to say yep,,we did the right thing.

Here's hoping!!!!



All the best Laura


Thanks Again



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Awww Hon really glad its worked for you.I can remember your worries about going!Adelaide and SA is a great place to live.Here's to loads of future happiness and a great new life!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:ssign19:



Ahh Melza Its so good to hear from you.I hope your keeping well. I have to say thanks to you because your words were always so positive. When I was quite anxious you said some really encouraging things and I wont ever forget that.I LOVE SA and although I wont stay here forever there are some amazing things to see and do. Were really lucky, we live 10 mins away from the Barossa. Mark actually works at the Novotel there and really likes it. We live in a beautiful part of the world. xxx

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Thank you for a great post,

I know what you mean about negative post's putting the fear of god into you! I have 4 children and a lot of worries about our move ( heading over in May )

and the negative post's stick in your mind longer than the positive ones.

I have not logged on to POI for a long while now as I seemed to find all the wrong post's, Lucky for me your post is the first I have read in many months and it has stirred up all the good feelings I had when I first started this journey a few years back.

I have to say you and your other half were very brave to go for it with very little security in the way of funds and have my total respect and admiration.

I am very pleased for you and hope you have the best time's of your life and never look back, Well Done!!!


As for my family and I we sold our house last week and it is very much game on! The nerves do tingle a bit now it is getting closer and the difference between excitement and worry are a very fine line indeed but positive post's help no end so thanks again.

I also met another couple on here who though I have never met in person I like to call them friends and they are having a great time in WA and are definitely another success story ( hi Lucy and Dan ) just incase they come across this post. One day I hope to meet them and buy them a cold one and be able to say yep,,we did the right thing.

Here's hoping!!!!



All the best Laura


Thanks Again




Hey Kev,


Ah its good to hear that you have found something good from my post. I thought about not starting a thread on here but hearing this, I am glad I did. God favors the brave and sometimes you have to jump in feet first. Ha ha well, people called us stupid for not taking that much money over but in hindsight I am glad we didn't because the ponds disappeared quickly and it made sense just to jump in and start making and spending dollars. The lack of funds made me work harder for a job and it helped us settle quicker and establish ourselves. I listened to the negative things on here and it really made me doubt myself when I knew that moving here was the one thing I have never been more certain about, I even considered taking a rural job which would have been a total mistake. I find that people are very money orientated sometimes and thats what spurs on the negativity. At the end of the day Id be happy living in a tiny house with Mark, here in Australia than I would in a massive house at home. I tell you, It makes a difference when the sun is shining most days, especially on your attitude. I feel more spiritual here, more at peace and definitely more relaxed. I said I never wanted children but here I see families and they look like they are all having such fun with their kids on the beach.


You will LOVE it. I see your headed to Victoria? What an amazing place. Melbourne is such a good city ( and I dont even like the city). When do you arrive?


You are definitely doing the right thing, always follow your gut. I'm glad I did. You will have the time of your life and you'll be setting your family up for an amazing future. xx

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great post.... and i was about to give up on this moany negative site. good on ya.


No surfandsea dont give up. Take from here what you need to. I have to wonder though.... when I was at home I would see a lot of people posting from Australia "advising" and giving "warnings" to prospective migrants about the cost of things and how the Australians are racist and that Australia is boring and that there arent any pubs (you get my drift, im sure you have come accross the same). Since I arrived, I dont watch the TV, I am never on the internet and wouldnt have time to be posting negative things. I spend my time outside exploring this amazing, exciting and wonderful country with my friends both of whom are Australian and my English friend Laura who I have known for a long time. I have embraced the country and the people that live here and even when I miss home I make a conscious effort not to complain because I want people to know how lucky and privileged I feel to live here. Please don't get me wrong, there are some amazing people on PIO who live in Australia who post a lot but like me, they post positive things and factual things. I feel that the negative posters are probably keyboard warriors who it hasn't worked out for or maybe they have had a bad experience and feel bitter, maybe even jealous of others coming over who want to start a new life.


Sadly I am learning that people who regret their decisions do not like people with a zest for an adventure of those bold enough to do what they are scared of. A lot of people will sit around (not only with regards to emigrating but in life) and wait for the exchange rate to go up or for something else to come along but really, I think its a shame because they are missing out on time here or even in anything they want to do in life. Life is short, embrace it, live your dreams. xxx

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great post.... and i was about to give up on this moany negative site. good on ya.


People will have negatives of aus tho,i think sugar coating aus would be a thousand times worse than people posting the pro's and con's tbh,glad it's worked out for Laura,but it doesn't for everyone,and i appreciate realism

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People will have negatives of aus tho,i think sugar coating aus would be a thousand times worse than people posting the pro's and con's tbh,glad it's worked out for Laura,but it doesn't for everyone,and i appreciate realism


I 100% agree and everyones story and journey is individual however, I am aiming what I am saying about people that complain and moan all the time and warn people off coming. I'm not saying people will land on their feet, Mark and me have been VERY lucky especially in the current economical climate.... BUT, if you are willing to take a shot and work hard your chances are much better than people that find the negatives about everything and who arent willing to give things a go.xx

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I 100% agree and everyones story and journey is individual however, I am aiming what I am saying about people that complain and moan all the time and warn people off coming. I'm not saying people will land on their feet, Mark and me have been VERY lucky especially in the current economical climate.... BUT, if you are willing to take a shot and work hard your chances are much better than people that find the negatives about everything and who arent willing to give things a go.xx


There's a few on here who hate the uk,and a few who hate aus,i dont take a blind bit of notice of either,but it wouldn't be an informative site if we didn't hear the downsides of aus either,do people only want to hear what they "want" to hear?because thats what i gather from surfandsea's post,aus isn't for everyone,it has its problem's just like the uk,if people want to believe its utopia then they could be setting themselves up for a big fall,that's all im saying,i'd sooner have balanced posts from balanced posters

Anyway,not here to put a downer on your thread,just saying it doesnt mean its a moany negative site if people post that it isnt for them,thats all,i'll leave it there

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There's a few on here who hate the uk,and a few who hate aus,i dont take a blind bit of notice of either,but it wouldn't be an informative site if we didn't hear the downsides of aus either,dopeople only want to hear what they "want" to hear?because thats what i gather from surfandsea's post,aus isn't for everyone,it has its problem's just like the uk,if people want to believe its utopia then they could be setting themselves up for a big fall,that's all im saying,i'd sooner have balanced posts from balanced posters

Anyway,not here to put a downer on your thread,just saying it doesnt mean its a moany negative site if people post that it isnt for them,thats all,i'll leave it there


But complaining about cream and sausages isnt informative, thats what I'm getting at. Not the genuine posters who are giving reasons why it hasnt worked out. Anyway, I am only on here to give my experience and hopefully help people with the same anxieties as I had. IF I had listened to the majority on here i'd still be back in the UK saving to come over. I'm glad I trusted myself. x

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But complaining about cream and sausages isnt informative, thats what I'm getting at. Not the genuine posters who are giving reasons why it hasnt worked out. Anyway, I am only on here to give my experience and hopefully help people with the same anxieties as I had. IF I had listened to the majority on here i'd still be back in the UK saving to come over. I'm glad I trusted myself. x



Agreed,thats why i mentioned "balanced" posters

Glad its working out Laura

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Thank you for this post Laura. Just what I needed to hear.. Very true positive thinking and it will all come together with the right attitude..


I am quite new on this forum.. I am waiting for my PMV grant half way there...


My fiance and cousin and Auntie live in Adelaide can't wait to move... My Fiance spent xmas with me was so sad saying goodbye to him at Heathrow last week.. We know we won't see each other again until I get the visa hopefully in the next 4 months..


Your comments are very true it is what you make it.. Really pleased for you..

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