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This blokes a plonker - right?

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

UPDATE: Colin Barnett has defended his Government's plan to catch and kill great white sharks off WA beaches.

In a live chat at The West Australian this afternoon, the Premier said it was "a matter of human life coming first".

"The use of our coastline for swimming, surfing, diving [and] boating is part of the WA way of life," Mr Barnett said.

"We are trying to preserve that unique lifestyle."

Fisheries Minister Troy Buswell announced yesterday that the State Government will boost efforts to protect people in the ocean with "drum line arrays" set up in two zones.

Baited drum lines will be set one kilometre offshore - off the metropolitan coast and in the South West.

Great whites bigger than 3m will be targeted with the drum lines.

Mr Barnett said yesterday that the new measures would improve public safety and build on the State Government’s strong approach to shark hazard management.


Swim with animals in the natural surroundings then suffer the actions of those who live there i say, all he's into is money from tourists.



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Yes he is, you enter the water at your own risk its the sharks home not yours, they are just acting on instinct they don't know your a human and when they do they normally spit people out. Hence most people die from the injuries not because the shark ate them completely.

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Guest Guest 47403

Not saying I agree with it and we may well be entering 'there home' but you have to remember who is top of the food chain..........…….....and it's not the shark!

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Any shark attack which results in either an injury or death is tragic. But if you swim in their sea and you run the risk of becoming lunch. They are the apex predator in the ocean.


However I am all for killing sharks, but only if they start jumping from the water and chasing me down the street. Then it becomes a whole different story.

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Guest guest30085

Sharks live in water, humans live on the land. Go into their territory at your own risk, surely?


Disgraceful if they carry this out.

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I can understand W.A wanting to keep them away to an extent,but do they have to be killed?

I remember watching something about a shark shield?electronic deterrent,i wonder couldn't something along those lines be adapted


Yes they use electronic systems over east along with nets which I am no fan of because other animals get stuck in them, but all for the sonar ones but again this is a WA is 10 yrs behind everyone else thing!

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Not a plonker at all. At least not on this subject. I heard the guy who's in charge of Queenslands shark protection policies on the radio a couple of days ago. He was brilliant, just talked about facts.


Radio presenter asked him how long Queensland had been running their program. Since 1962, due to a lot of fatal shark attacks on the Queensland Coast. They've had one fatal shark attack since.


They have the same kind of measures that the Barnett government want to put in place with the exception of they class a shark over 2 metres as dangerous, for some reason WA has gone for 3m. They asked him how many sharks they had caught on their baited hooks this season. 650 with half of them being "dangerous". Other species have been caught in their measures whales and turtles were mentioned. They have 100% success rate in freeing whales and 95% turtles.


Their area of concern is from the Gold Coast to Cairns and they have a lot more people in the water, further out than we do here and only one fatal in all that time. Proof of the pudding is in the eating for me. You can have all the studying, tagging and tracking of sharks you want to waste money on and I think the only thing it will show is they are unpredictable. One might swim by you today and not bother you one bit. You probably wouldn't even know it was there. Tomorrow the same shark could bite you in two on a whim.


I've seen arguments about they wouldn't do it to lions in Africa. If you go into the jungle and get eaten it's your own fault but that's precisely what they did do. If humans decided they wanted to live near a jungle and a few people were getting killed by lions or tigers they would have and have been killed.


Sooner they get round to putting some measures in place the better in my opinion. It's not like the sharks don't have plenty of ocean to go at, the government are only talking about trying to keep 1Km out fairly safe, in a few areas. The sharks will be safe in the rest of the ocean.

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Guest Guest66881

Money is the issue, yet all 'pollies' talk up preserving coast lines the natural beauty of this great land, but the sharks can go we need bums in the sea it creates revenue such a sad way to run a business, what next cull Koalas just incase one falls on a baby's pushchair?

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I can understand W.A wanting to keep them away to an extent,but do they have to be killed?

I remember watching something about a shark shield?electronic deterrent,i wonder couldn't something along those lines be adapted


Try reading a book called search for a deterrent pabs. I read it years ago, ages before I emigrated. They've been trying to find something that will deter sharks since loads of people got killed after torpedo attacks in the war. The book was written about all the measures they tried. They tried a transmitter off South Africa, or somewhere with lots of sharks. Had some time lapse photos. They had put the transponder in a cave that was too small for the sharks to get in. When they switched it on the sharks bolted. 5 mins. later one shark came back curious, they had already realised it wasn't going to hurt them. A few more appeared and then started trying to get into the cave where the transmitter was. Next few frames was just a blank out of stirred up sand as more and more sharks came.


When they switched the transponder off and the water cleared their were bodies of sharks jammed into the hole as they had tried to get in to see what was making the "noise". As more and more of them had tried the ones at the front had been killed in the crush.


Wouldn't trust one of those shark shields one bit. They don't work till the shark is within a metre or so anyway. Depending on how big and ferocious the thing is I wouldn't like to think it was going to protect me.


I go in the water daily as do a lot of friends. Some have lived here all their lives, gone diving without a care in the world all those years. Every one of them has changed their habits in the last year or so and non of them feel comfortable in the water. Can't see anything wrong with giving a few fisherman licenses and catching a few to eat either. Where do you draw the line with protection. Are the people moaning about killing sharks going home and having snapper and chips and not even thinking that's the same thing. To me a shark is a big fish and top of the food chain in it's own environment. We are only talking about keeping 1km or so from the beach as safe as humans can make it, which is still not 100%.


Go for it I say. I had shark and chips last night, very tasty.

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Money is the issue, yet all 'pollies' talk up preserving coast lines the natural beauty of this great land, but the sharks can go we need bums in the sea it creates revenue such a sad way to run a business, what next cull Koalas just incase one falls on a baby's pushchair?


Mate, if one did fall on a babies push chair and kill it there would be measures put in place straight away to try and stop it happening again.

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Sorry, as a surfer, i think the measures are wrong. We go in the water knowing there is some risk. Same as many of us go into the country side knowing there is some risk (snakes and spiders). Where i live, there have been several people bitten by snakes this summer already. Nobody is asking for the snakes to be destroyed.


The chance of a shark attack is tiny - there are more people killed by lightning in Oz than by all of it animals combined. So, maybe we should all just stay in doors. Not sure i should write that as The King on the Hill might read it and the next thing we know we will be confined to our homes and shopping malls by law

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Sorry, as a surfer, i think the measures are wrong. We go in the water knowing there is some risk. Same as many of us go into the country side knowing there is some risk (snakes and spiders). Where i live, there have been several people bitten by snakes this summer already. Nobody is asking for the snakes to be destroyed.


The chance of a shark attack is tiny - there are more people killed by lightning in Oz than by all of it animals combined. So, maybe we should all just stay in doors. Not sure i should write that as The King on the Hill might read it and the next thing we know we will be confined to our homes and shopping malls by law


I know a lot of surfers that were dead against doing anything a few weeks ago VS. I've heard a few of them on the radio, since the guy at Smiths Beach got killed and a lot have changed their minds.


Everyone knows the chances are minuscule and there is more chance getting killed driving to and from the beach. Doesn't stop the theme from jaws echoing around my head every time I'm swimming off shore though. Me and the wife and a few friends did the 1600m rotto swinthru last weekend. Funny how you feel a bit safer when there are loads of people in the water with you eh. There were over 600 people in it, great weekend too. Band in the pub were a bit naff on Saturday night though.

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I know a lot of surfers that were dead against doing anything a few weeks ago VS. I've heard a few of them on the radio, since the guy at Smiths Beach got killed and a lot have changed their minds.


Everyone knows the chances are minuscule and there is more chance getting killed driving to and from the beach. Doesn't stop the theme from jaws echoing around my head every time I'm swimming off shore though. Me and the wife and a few friends did the 1600m rotto swinthru last weekend. Funny how you feel a bit safer when there are loads of people in the water with you eh. There were over 600 people in it, great weekend too. Band in the pub were a bit naff on Saturday night though.


Exactly what I mean, people referring to Jaws! That is a hollywood movie as are all stupid shark movies making them out to be monsters who seek out humans, that is not the case and anyone educated knows that. I can understand people being worried but you enter the ocean knowing there are loads of things that can kill you, are we going to start culling box jellyfish and blue ring octopus next it will never end..

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Exactly what I mean, people referring to Jaws! That is a hollywood movie as are all stupid shark movies making them out to be monsters who seek out humans, that is not the case and anyone educated knows that. I can understand people being worried but you enter the ocean knowing there are loads of things that can kill you, are we going to start culling box jellyfish and blue ring octopus next it will never end..


They already do. They spray masses of breeding jellyfish to reduce the risk.

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Exactly what I mean, people referring to Jaws! That is a hollywood movie as are all stupid shark movies making them out to be monsters who seek out humans, that is not the case and anyone educated knows that. I can understand people being worried but you enter the ocean knowing there are loads of things that can kill you, are we going to start culling box jellyfish and blue ring octopus next it will never end..


Where as the real danger is in the drive to and from the beach. Death in the sea by means of shark attack, jelly fish sting or drowning is not remotely comparable to the road carnage.

Should be looking at ways to cull traffic not sharks if looking at the preservation of life.

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