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Trip reports of a guy on a WHV


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I have to say I look forward to your posts because you seem to be the antidote to people who struggle to find a job. Clearly, you'll go pretty much anywhere and take what there is, but it's good to see someone who's basically getting off their backside and making it happen.


As a backpacker though, with next to no outgoings and the biggest worry where the next dollar is coming from for the nights booze, anyone in that situation would be willing to do just as tingtongman has. Not having a go at him or any other backpacker btw. I hope they all have a great time and make the most of it, only young once.:cool:

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I just realized its been a while since I posted pics....


Dont these people have a job, going surfing at 2pm!!!!!! :)




Somewhere near the center of Sydney I think, rainy day




Skate park on Bondi beach, not sure how young this kid was, but he was taking center stage.





To cool for school



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yeah I think your right hyde park.


So I went back to Gatton, I worked 2 out of the last 3 days, one in a hay shed and another picking pumpkins. I thought the season was gone for pumpkins. I havent met many backpackers yet so I dont know what the work situation is like just yet, but after a week or two I should have a better idea and ill share with everyone what i find out.

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I just picked tomatoes for the first time. I really dont advise anyone to do this unless you are super fit and fast.


To add only do it if you are getting $60 per bin (direct rate from farmer), if you are getting $45 per bin (contracted), your hourly will be $12<


I'm glad I did it as it was an experience, but so far that is the worst thing I have done on the farm. I am quite tall and its suited for the smaller person, so that adds some bias to my comments.

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I just picked tomatoes for the first time. I really dont advise anyone to do this unless you are super fit and fast.


To add only do it if you are getting $60 per bin (direct rate from farmer), if you are getting $45 per bin (contracted), your hourly will be $12<


I'm glad I did it as it was an experience, but so far that is the worst thing I have done on the farm. I am quite tall and its suited for the smaller person, so that adds some bias to my comments.


I'm a short arse so height wise it would suit me but I'm definitely not super fit or that fast so I'd probably make like almost zero money lol

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Hey TingTong,


follow your thread for 5 month know and i love your never ending energy. I got a little question so far. How do you make it with the accomodation?

You talk always about houses :). So you don`t use Hostels? Can you be more specific. Would be interesting. Thx and greetings.

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use gumtree/airbnb or go to the local supermarkets and check the notice boards to find house shares. They work out much cheaper, and better value in every aspect.


Yes I dont use hostels. A hostel in Oz costs the same as a room generally on Airbnb. But with Airbnb I get a private room in a house of maybe 1-3 people, where for the same price in a hostel I share with 8+ people, with shared showers and kitchen with like 100+ people.


For short stays (1-3 days) I use airbnb


If I want to stay in a place 1week or longer, I use gumtree/supermarket notice boards to find rentals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have to say I really enjoy reading your blog. I had stopped coming on here for a while but am more frequent again now. Your blog is very entertaining especially some of your entries in Thailand!! Makes me wish I was 20 something again and could travel!

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Did some greenbean picking a couple days ago, was contracted at $1.10 per KG, my first time, think I made like $13.50 an hour, not great, but im sure after a day or so I could get it even higher to $16. Working directly for the farmer you would be getting more.


Work was fairly easiy, just pick the beans off the plant, invloves bending over, but I was just on my knees, easier on the back.

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as mentoned I have been working in the hay shed quite a bit these last few weeks, its very old and full of dust







I just wait for the bags to full up with hay, take them off and pass them to someone else, each bag is appox 25kg. I need to stop the machine when it hits 25kg, its guess work but you get a nack for it. Not a good job for people who hate dust.



Then today I got told by the boss to pick up 5 people than head to a farm to do some planting. I pick everyone up and get to the farm. Then he calls me


boss "where you are"

me " Im at the farm boss"

Boss" yeah the wrong ***** farm"

me" haha"


Had to go lol, will hopefully get to the right farm tomorrow

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