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The all new UK weather game.......


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Guest The Ropey HOFF
There have been 11 days over 20 so far in London (England) since 5th May..........poor old pb has been looking at London in Kentucky (USA)........You couldn't make it up :D:D



I think you need to update the scores from now on mate, it's a tough decision, but these weather threads are important to the masses and clearly jiggery pokery has been going on and it's a bit like golf, if you cheat your only cheating yourself.

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Oops promised to keep off this thread. PBs is rubbish compared to Hoffs. I enjoyed last years, and I nearly but not quite got there with my predication.



still failing to understand what PB was trying to achieve . Do you reckon he knows when he is beat?

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To hot Simmo so hot in Stratford again great few weeks here


its perfect for me. They keep predicting storms here but not seen one, not even a rumble... we had a light shower for about 10 mins yesterday but it was warm rain so no biggy. TBH i was hoping it would p!ss down because i've covered half the streets cars with dust from the angle grinder.

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Snowing here in the north now,just threw the Rabbit bones out of the skillet into the garden for the wolves and noticed my clogs were buried under two foot of snow,ah well,we're used to it by now up here....


I think we have a cyclone developing here, you now with all this hot humid weather n all.

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Guest Guest 47403
I think you need to update the scores from now on mate, it's a tough decision, but these weather threads are important to the masses and clearly jiggery pokery has been going on and it's a bit like golf, if you cheat your only cheating yourself.


I might just have to do that, no room for mistakes where the weathers concerned mate.......the truth will out!

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Guest Guest 47403

Have to be truthful it got to 23c at 3.20pm in London.......positively tropical :D:D


Below 20c for most the day though...........what a scorcher :D

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Guest Guest 47403
Snowing here in the north now,just threw the Rabbit bones out of the skillet into the garden for the wolves and noticed my clogs were buried under two foot of snow,ah well,we're used to it by now up here....


Snow :shocked: SMNW (sure it snowed in June when I was binlid)


Watch out for them there wolves pabs they'll be after yer stash of green little buggers :goofy:

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Snowing here in the north now,just threw the Rabbit bones out of the skillet into the garden for the wolves and noticed my clogs were buried under two foot of snow,ah well,we're used to it by now up here....


ayyy...weathers shite tup north....innit....just keep those pigeons warm and look after them there ferrets....like.:wink:

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Guest Ptp113
I just finished a tiled victorian path and it came over black but home now and its blues skies and hot hot hot!!

not seen any of the predicted storms


Define 'hot'?

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Snowing here in the north now,just threw the Rabbit bones out of the skillet into the garden for the wolves and noticed my clogs were buried under two foot of snow,ah well,we're used to it by now up here....

Tuff upt north mate.....ah well you can come to sunny birmingham soon as villa ave you lot second game of season.

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