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Perth - One month in.


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So, we’ve been here in Perth for a month and so far, so good. I’m sure different people will see the place differently but as there are a few talking about coming over, I thought I’d share out initial impressions:


Probably due to it being spring, the whole place looks a lot greener than we expected.

When it rains, it’s all-or-nothing. You don’t get hours of light rain here, you get a heavy shower usually accompanied by a strong wind to give you a feeling similar to standing in front of a pressure washer.


Every house we’ve been in has shockingly bad windows. We’re coming to the end of our stay in a new-ish $1.5M house (didn’t book it – long story) and even that has single glazing which doesnt close properly and when it rains really hard, you get puddles on the inside sills! I’ve yet to see a house with double glazing.


You need to get used to traffic lights – They’re everywhere.


Buy an automatic, not a manual (see above)


Most people drive exactly at the speed limit. This makes freeway (motorway) driving either very annoying or very easy, depending on your mood.


Buy a car with cruise control (see above)


All the Brits moan about the cost of things because they’re still spending pounds in their head. You need to understand that Perth is a very isolated place in a pretty isolated country – It costs a lot to get stuff here and you have to pay for that. Once you start earning dollars it seems a lot better.


Most of the TV shows are British or American. American Pickers, Storage Wars and Repo Man are quite entertaining and currently you’ll find at least one of these on TV every night.

The nightly “news” is a sports news show with a few other items at the start.


The free-to-air TV is like having 10 versions of Channel 5. (UK)


Foxtel (Sky equivalent) is just like Sky – Loads of channels filled with repeats and crap.


Every other ad on the TV is for a health supplement.


Perth city centre is clean, small and feels like a nice place to be.


The trains are great.


You can park most places for free. Parking for the train is a couple of dollars for all day parking – Unless you’re lucky enough to get one of the free spaces.


You’ll find yourself killing everything that resembles a spider if it is within a few feet of your house let alone IN the house!


Lots of people are into keeping fit – They’ll be power walking from 6AM.


People get up early and go to bed early.


There are scummy, lazy, work-shy people here too.


The woman are not as attractive as I was expecting (this pleased the wife!)


When you hear a V8 roaring up alongside you, don’t look up expecting to see a nice car – It’ll be a 10yr old Holden (Looking rather like a Vauxhall Omega)


A ute is hopelessly impractical – Thanks to my employer for lending me one for 2 weeks so I could find this out whilst doing the shopping on a rainy day.


The rental market is, in our experience, no where near as bad as some would have you believe. However, if you’re looking at the low end of the spectrum, expect a lot of competition. After all, everyone loves a bargain.


A cheap house is rarely a bargain. The cheap ones are cheap for a reason.


Pay $600+ a week for a nice place. You’ll also have a lot less competition. Go to as many viewings as you can to learn how the process works and get a feel for it.


Joondalup area is like an Australian version Milton Keynes mixed with a film set - Some of it just looks a bit odd (take the road leading up the hill to Clarkson railway station, for example)


Supermarket chickens sometimes still have the neck attached.


Kangaroo steak is quite good but kangaroo mince does not make a good chilli.


Learn to love millipedes.


There seems to be a lot more new cars north of the river than there are down south. Maybe this is a sign of relative wealth or maybe it's a sign of people in the north getting things on credit.

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Ha, Milton Keynes!


Funnily enough I was there today for a meeting, its a **** ole' *insert full stop here*


Good post though, were heading SOR so make of that what you will....


On the TV front, we experienced the turd that is Oz TV when we were there so are fully prepared for it... We may not take our TV... I don't want Sky (Foxtel) and like you said, adverts all the ****ing time.


Have you a job already lined up? if not have you found there is a lot of competition for jobs?





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I was lucky enough to find a job whilst sat in Staffordshire a couple of months ago. If you've got the skills required, you should be OK but it seems those who think "I can turn my hand to anything, it'll be fine" are struggling. The skills vacuum has pulled in experienced, skilled, qualified people from all over the worls so employers can easily find someone who meets the brief without the hassle of training someone new.



Ha, Milton Keynes!


Funnily enough I was there today for a meeting, its a **** ole' *insert full stop here*


Good post though, were heading SOR so make of that what you will....


On the TV front, we experienced the turd that is Oz TV when we were there so are fully prepared for it... We may not take our TV... I don't want Sky (Foxtel) and like you said, adverts all the ****ing time.


Have you a job already lined up? if not have you found there is a lot of competition for jobs?





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You can park most places for free.


Well please tell that to the *%^£E*$*& Parking ranger that gave me a $50 fine for parking in a 15min zone even though I paid for 3 hours parking, clearly anyone reasonable human being could see that I had made an honest mistake and I thought i was in a 3 hour zone.


I consider Perth City Council to be extremely greedy they charge you for parking anywhere cars regularly park near the business centres. Try and find free parking in Perth CBD, East Perth, West Perth or Subiaco. You pay $3.30 upwards for an hours parking


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Guest westwoodc

Hi, your post is great, pls if you get time would you do one monthly or something to keep us back here in the UK up to speed what what you think and how you feel etc? thanks

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