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How much sleep do you have?

Guest The Pom Queen

How many hours sleep do you have on average?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. How many hours sleep do you have on average?

    • Under 6
    • 6 - 7
    • 7 - 8
    • 8 - 9
    • Over 10

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Guest The Pom Queen

I tend to work until the early hours when the house is quiet and I can get things done, but I do wake up later.

Today there is an article in the news saying those that slept for less than 7 hours were stressed.

How many hours on average do you sleep per night?



The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index has found that people who sleep for less than six hours a night had lower wellbeing levels compared to those who got seven to nine hours sleep.

However, levels of satisfaction dropped off when people slumbered for more than 10 hours a night, according to the survey of 2000 Australians.

Overall, about 30 per cent of people surveyed slept for seven hours or less a night while two-thirds sleep between seven and nine hours.

The Deakin University report, The Wellbeing of Australians - Quantity and Quality of Sleep, said people who sleep more than 10 hours may have a lack of purpose in their lives, while those who sleep less than seven hours are more likely to be stressed.

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I have sleep problems as I think I may have already said, some nights I just can´t catch my sleep at all, but part of this is because my bed mate snores really badly, no amount of poking and prodding really stops it.


Fortunately though the past few nights have been good, on Saturday I was asleep before 10 PM but woke at 4 AM but did manage to get back to sleep. I would say I have around 7 hours on a good night, but on a bad night it is less than 6 and I get really grumpy the next day, I think because I am generally a light sleep and my OH could sleep through an earthquake his snoring plays a major part in my sleep deprivation :arghh:


One think I do hate though is Siesta if I have a Siesta I am no use to man nor beast, get grumpy and feel really tired for the rest of the day :wink: so I try not to have one .......

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Guest The Pom Queen

I wonder how many have siestas, I can remember my parents always having a couple of hours either when they got home from work or in the afternoon at weekends, this could be just dozing in the chair or off to bed. I am so jealous of those who can cat nap.

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I wonder how many have siestas, I can remember my parents always having a couple of hours either when they got home from work or in the afternoon at weekends, this could be just dozing in the chair or off to bed. I am so jealous of those who can cat nap.

I know what you mean, I wish I could do it without feeling grumpy afterwards, and I think the grumpiness comes from still being tired, like now I could have one, but can´t give in or I will be like a bear with a sore head later, then not want to cook tea, or do anything, LOL, I really am that bad after a nap .......

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Generally it's about 6 or 7 hours for me, although more often than not it's broken sleep as I wake a couple of times during the night. I do go to bed early as it seems that during the week my internal clock will always wake me between 4.30 - 5 am irrespective of what time I go to bed .. and late nights and early mornings leave me drained.


My FB friends will know that i'm always 'chatting' at about 5.30am lol

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Guest The Pom Queen
Generally it's about 6 or 7 hours for me, although more often than not it's broken sleep as I wake a couple of times during the night. I do go to bed early as it seems that during the week my internal clock will always wake me between 4.30 - 5 am irrespective of what time I go to bed .. and late nights and early mornings leave me drained.


My FB friends will know that i'm always 'chatting' at about 5.30am lol

4.30am I haven't done that for years, when I was working at the Vet hospital, i'd be on ICU duty so I would be up at 4am and didn't get home until 18:30, I don't think I could do that these days

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I get about 4-5 hours a night, usually broken into 1 hour segments. Yes I'm stressed and tired and grumpy! I have a nearly 4 year old who has only slept through the night for short periods. She drives me up the wall! She was sleeping well but when we made the move to Oz 2 months ago it all went up in the air again. I'm trying to get her used to her new bedroom and settled in it enough to go to sleep and stay in bed. Also, our shipping hasn't arrived yet so we are sleeping in a very old borrowed bed which is really hard so when Naomi is asleep, I'm usually struggling to get comfy. AND hubby snores like a tractor. so bah.

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I try to get 7-8 hours but that depends on whether the little one has teeth coming or not! She's usually great and actually starting sleeping through when we moved to Melbourne in December (aged 6 months) but the big teeth are popping up and so some weeks she wakes up frequently. Baby number 2 is due in January so I'll have a very different answer then!

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I need 8 hours to feel human. We have a very highly strung ginger moggy who howls and scratches at the door at 4.30 am to be let in. We have tried every trick under the book to get him to stop, water, hoover, noise etc. but nothing works. We now have to put him in a purposely built crate equipped with bed and litter tray and he keeps quiet in there, so finally we get some sleep zzzzzzz


My OH also snores so it's either ear plugs or I get so sleep at all, he also only needs around 5-6 hours sleep and wakes up waay earlier than me so we are not very balanced with our sleep patterns.


Cat naps are definitely the way to go, I love them. If only I could have a 30 min cat nap every day I reckon I'd feel on top of the world. Oh well.....

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We have a very highly strung ginger moggy who howls and scratches at the door at 4.30 am to be let in. We have tried every trick under the book to get him to stop, water, hoover, noise etc. but nothing works. We now have to put him in a purposely built crate equipped with bed and litter tray and he keeps quiet in there, so finally we get some sleep zzzzzzz



Sounds familiar! We've had to shut our cat in the bathroom over night with her litter tray, food and a night light (feel guilty because it's so dark with no windows!) as this is the only room other than a cuboard that has a door. She scratches at the door if she hears someone up but will otherwise be quiet all night.


I once had a job in London that had a Champneys Health Spa underneath, it had a gym and pool and spa treatments - but it also had a 'relaxation room' dark apart from a huge fishtank with lots of tropical fish swimming around. Then infront of the fish tank two rows of lazeboy recliner chairs complete with duvet and pillows.......used to spend my lunch break down there most days, was the best £85 a month I ever spent - and I never used the gym/pool!

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Guest Trueblue22

I usually get up between 6 & 7 but since I've stopped working (due to my impending move to Oz in 6 wks :D ) I am starting to go to bed later and later and getting up later and later....ooops!! I'm hoping the different time zones and jet lag will whip me back into a routine lol!! I can survive on very little sleep and never get grumpy when sleep deprived......hmmmmm she says.....let's see how I cope with jet lag and trying to get a 4 yr old into a bedtime routine!! :eek:

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Guest guest36187

We usually settle between 10-11pm and I am up 0445 every day for work. I need more sleep than this but make up for it on Sunday's. When OH goes to work on Sundays, (I don't!) he leaves me a coffee in my thermal mug so it lasts for ages! My iPad is on the bed so if I wake up early I just read. Never get up before nine on a Sunday!!

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Guest Guest16631

..........different everyday.............depends on how I feel......(few issues ATM)

.............what needs doing.........son may call after work often after 10 30......stays for a couple of hours....

..........so some days more than 8 hours including a couple of nana naps......

............somedays only 4 or 5.............no real routine for sleeping........!

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Guest The Pom Queen

Wow there are a few of you who get less than the 6. I may show this to my eldest who could happily stay in bed all day if we didn't wake him up.

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Wow there are a few of you who get less than the 6. I may show this to my eldest who could happily stay in bed all day if we didn't wake him up.



I read someone once (no idea where anymore) that teenagers need around 13 hours a night. I only remember because I stopped nagging my kids after I read it.

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Sleep is the key to looking after ourselves in my opinion.


Im just wondering how many of those who sleep few hours also suffer with low mood or weight problems. Theres a strong correlation between lack of sleep and both the above.

-weight issues due to the body seeking fuel to keep it awake and operational and too tired to do any effective exercise.

-low mood due to excessive tiredness and exhaustion, coupled with increased stress. Leads to poor interaction with people, isolation due to no energy to do social activities.......

The more i have on at work the less sleep i have, brain works overtime and i find myself thinking of stupid things at 130 am which lead to me not being able to get back to sleep.

last year i decided to sort my weight out, made sure i went to bed when i felt tired and to make sure i could sleep well. Commited to exercise at least 5 times a week. I had so much energy and felt amazing and had a great night sleep.


Ive noticed a massive change in me in the past 4 months. New job, increased stress, lack of sleep and no energy to exercise...........think i need to sort it out!!!

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Guest The Pom Queen
I read someone once (no idea where anymore) that teenagers need around 13 hours a night. I only remember because I stopped nagging my kids after I read it.

Ahh maybe I'm really a teenager in an older body :yes:

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Guest guest17301

I am useless if I get less than 7 hours, I usually have 8 solid hours in the week and if I'm lucky closer to 9 on a weekend, sometimes more, depends on who's decided to get up with our son....sometimes I'm wide awake when he wakes up other times...especially if Ive stayed up past 11... party animal I know...then I need to lie in....go to bed around 10.30 to 11 get up 7 am in the week, bed 11 to 12 weekend, up 7.30 to 9.30.....

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