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How much sleep do you have?

Guest The Pom Queen

How many hours sleep do you have on average?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. How many hours sleep do you have on average?

    • Under 6
    • 6 - 7
    • 7 - 8
    • 8 - 9
    • Over 10

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At the moment I probably get about 5 hours or so a night. I have been incredibly stressed and a little bit depressed of late, burning the candle at both ends with work, and of course two children who get up at 6am. I also have a severe dermatitis on my face, so I have to unstick myself from the pillow when I turn over (the skin is blistered and weeping and sticks sometimes, it really is as lovely as it sounds!). When I broke some of my vertebrae earlier this year, my doctor gave me some pills to help me sleep so I have been thinking about taking those for a week and making the effort to go to bed super early. I just can't seem to switch my brain off at the moment. I am pretty much at breaking point, but thankfully my husband has taken a couple of extra days off work this week so that we can catch up with the housework and some other bits that need sorting, and so that I have some help with the girls.


Hopefully, come Saturday, the housework and washing will be caught up, my skin will be feeling a bit better, and I should be able to relax a bit more.


It is a self-perpetuating thing though. I think if you don't get enough sleep, it affects what you eat and what you do during the day, which affects your health and affects the quality of your sleep and so on. It is breaking the cycle that can be hard.

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Sleep is the key to looking after ourselves in my opinion.


Im just wondering how many of those who sleep few hours also suffer with low mood or weight problems. Theres a strong correlation between lack of sleep and both the above.

-weight issues due to the body seeking fuel to keep it awake and operational and too tired to do any effective exercise.

-low mood due to excessive tiredness and exhaustion, coupled with increased stress. Leads to poor interaction with people, isolation due to no energy to do social activities.......

The more i have on at work the less sleep i have, brain works overtime and i find myself thinking of stupid things at 130 am which lead to me not being able to get back to sleep.

last year i decided to sort my weight out, made sure i went to bed when i felt tired and to make sure i could sleep well. Commited to exercise at least 5 times a week. I had so much energy and felt amazing and had a great night sleep.


Ive noticed a massive change in me in the past 4 months. New job, increased stress, lack of sleep and no energy to exercise...........think i need to sort it out!!!



I keep a notepad beside the bed - if I wake up thinking/stressed about work I write down whatever it is and am then able to go back to sleep. I have had so much practice I can write really well in complete dark.


Try it - you might be surprised how much it can help.

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I can survive on 6-7hrs a night I go to bed anywhere between 10.30pm and 12.30am, up at 6.30am kids to school then to work only 1 day a week at the moment as my back is stuffed, need a new job lol !!!

my OH on the other hand has to have his 7.5-8hrs a night.

I agree with the stress and weight issues though, I find I pick at night time:-(((

I usually have a good sleep in on a Sunday morning till about 9am so I do get 9-10hrs that night lol.

my DS is 6 and is in bed at 7.30pm and up at 7am, DD who is 10 is in bed at 8.30pm and up about 7am too, they stay up later on the weekends

mind you they seem to wake up earlier on the school holidays typical lol.



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Guest The Pom Queen
Sleep is for wimps,:wink: Seriously, I get annoyed if Im woken up by other peoples children in the mornings on a weekend at 6am but even more annoyed by parties until 4.30 am. not sure why, but get really really really annoyed when subjected to both!:biglaugh:

Try swapping that for the sounds of the rainforest and I can assure you it's just as annoying, especially in wet season, green tree frogs until 3am and then all the birds at 6am arrgghh

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Guest The Pom Queen

People say if you feel tired then it's your bodies way of saying you need sleep, is this really true as sometimes I feel I could sleep for a week, but I don't think I'd get away using that excuse.

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Guest guest17301

The birds start up here at 4 ish and at 6 it's a positive symphony...always surprised that youngest sleeps through it...last night I woke at 4.30 am...unusual for me and couldn't get back to sleep...hence knackered and will sleep tonight...I find I have a wakeful night if am thinking about work or have an unusually early start...if I want a good undisturbed night I take a phenergen, not a sleeper but has a good drowsy effect

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7-8 on average during the week. Find it hard to get up even after 8hrs during the week. in the weekend it's a different story, usually 6-7, up by 7am. I do get back into bed a bit later though, and can have siesta anytime of the day:yes: My partner can't understand how I do it, but anywhere, anyplace, standing or sitting I can go for a power nap :biglaugh:

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I try to get at least 7 hours, but usually fail miserably at the moment. Being pregnant has made my sleeping patterns completely screwed up - multiple waking up through the night, and my hips/SIJs are in total agony which makes it almost impossible to get back to sleep.


I'm looking forward to our little fruit loop arriving, so at least there's a concrete reason for lack of sleep!! (oh, and if one more person says 'it's your body's way of preparing yourself........ I'm going to slap them!)



Edit: consequently I'm happy if I get 6 hours a night atm ....

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I try to get at least 7 hours, but usually fail miserably at the moment. Being pregnant has made my sleeping patterns completely screwed up - multiple waking up through the night, and my hips/SIJs are in total agony which makes it almost impossible to get back to sleep.


I'm looking forward to our little fruit loop arriving, so at least there's a concrete reason for lack of sleep!! (oh, and if one more person says 'it's your body's way of preparing yourself........ I'm going to slap them!)



Edit: consequently I'm happy if I get 6 hours a night atm ....


Have you tried sleeping with a pillow or two between your knees, if you sleep on your side. I had spd and painful hips (still do) and found that helped.


I have just started taking vitamin d supplement, and I have noticed that I am tired in the evening, so I haven't been working, my sleep is more restful, and I have been waking before 6am and feeling wide awake. Don't know if is coincidence or the vitamin d.

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If I am good I can sleep for 8-9 hours if I am not good It's way less than 6. It's a viscious circle. I cannot nap as I just can't sleep at all, even if I were to nap for 30 mins I still couldn't sleep at night. Sleep, I think, is such a good sign of how our overall wellbeing is. Even if you have less sleep but wake up feeling refreshed it is a brilliant thing. Sleep is SO important, yay go sleep x

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Have you tried sleeping with a pillow or two between your knees, if you sleep on your side. I had spd and painful hips (still do) and found that helped.


I have just started taking vitamin d supplement, and I have noticed that I am tired in the evening, so I haven't been working, my sleep is more restful, and I have been waking before 6am and feeling wide awake. Don't know if is coincidence or the vitamin d.


Lol - I've been on 1000 ** of Vitamin D since early pregnancy 'cos my blood results were a little on the scary side. Ok a LOT on the scary side!


And the pillow is pretty good - unless of course I move in my sleep and then it miraculously disappears to an unknown location (I suspect under the dog's head.....)


But thanks for reminding me that the pillow DOES work if I persist :)

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