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If only I could find.............What can't you get here in WA?


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I know there are loads of threads about food people miss but having just spent ages trying to find special slippers for OH and having to get them sent over from the UK, just wondering what other people have found impossible to find here? Do you think there is a difference in what's available here to what's available over East? I know there is the internet, but sometimes the shipping costs are prohibitive. I am surprised more people don't have their own busineses for the various gaps in the market.

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bet none of you are missing the weather - cant wait to enjoy it over there. Hopefully this year will be my last year of seeing the dreaded white stuff

Its been truly gorgeous today and actually all week where I live.We've had some rain over summer but when you've experienced living in a drought,you learn to really appreciate the rain.When are you going?If soon,you'll be in time hopefully for a full on blistering summer!Don't forget the sunblock!

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Pampers nappies. Outrageous the nappies here and unless you do an Internet shop and spend 100$ then it's baby love or crappy Huggies. Can't drink tea here there's something not right about it. Not sure if it's tea bags or the sugar but it's not good. Apart from that. Oooh fairy wash tabs. That is all. Lol.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest wendyandritchie

A good sausage, TCP, monster munch, was about to say vimto but i think my wife has seen it somewhere, gravy (proper gravy).

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest RubySoho

What do I miss?

Sitting in a cosy pub with a reasonably priced pint

Restaurants that serve food after 9.30pm

Partying till the early hours

Walking to a corner shop to buy milk and a paper

Shopping in a high street rather than an anonymous business park

Independent shops open 24/7

Autumn leaves

Uncensored media

Art galleries

Decent TV

Music festivals



I live in Perth you may have guessed.

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What do I miss?

Sitting in a cosy pub with a reasonably priced pint

Restaurants that serve food after 9.30pm

Partying till the early hours

Walking to a corner shop to buy milk and a paper

Shopping in a high street rather than an anonymous business park

Independent shops open 24/7

Autumn leaves

Uncensored media

Art galleries

Decent TV

Music festivals



I live in Perth you may have guessed.


You're missing quite a lot of things - are you thinking of going back so that you can experience them? (although my experience of working in MH drugs are pretty easy to come by - unless you were referring to having to pay for prescriptions.)


There's some nice cheese factories in Margaret River that do some great cheeses.


Have you been to the Art Gallery here? I'm looking forward to the pictures of New York exhibition

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Cheese - fantastic Aussie cheeses - try Mersey valley ploughmans from Tasmania

Music festival - Big Day Out, Soundwave, Steroesonic, furture music, Grove in the moo, Fairbridge, Blues and Roots - been to any of those - but oh bugger, might be Aussie bands so you'll have to cross over to the dark side.

Art Gallery - just seen Picasso and Wahol exhibition, then there's PICA right next to it - Perth Institute of Contemporay Art, great exhibitions at UWA art gallery, lots coming for the Perth Festival in Feb and look at Saturdays West under exhibitions and take your pick and there's the annual sculpture by the sea in Cottesloe- you may have to look at Australian painters though.


Partying til the small hours - try Northbridge on the weekend or stand in line for a taxi in Freo until 4am because there's too many people and not enough taxis, or go Leederville on a Wednesday night

Meals after 9.30- depends where you live, we often go out at 9pm for food and have no problems - try Subiaco, Claremont, Northbridge, Leederville, Mount Lawley East perth Fremantle and numerous places dotted in other places. Milk and paper - again depends where you live. I have a petrol station at the bottom of the road, a bakery, two cafes, an IGA. If you're in a new housing estate then you'll struggle.

High street - again try Claremont, Subiaco, Leederville, Fremantle (it is actually called High Street) Mount Hawthorn, Mount Lawley. Lots of small village places within Perth but again if you live out in a new area then you'll struggle.


Nothing I miss as there is usually an Aussie equivalent or the British shop sells it.

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A British ale in a decent pub.

A decent reasonably priced restaurant. We are going out tonight and you don't want to know what its going to cost.

Small independent shops such the little asain shops that were everywhere in Leicester and London

A range of newspapers.

A good curry.

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Oh, and as a cheese fanatic, I am sorry, but Oz cheese is crap. Was having a massive cheese platter down in Margaret river and we were thinking some were pretty average and a few very good. Then discovered the very goods were all imports. Likewise beef. Most Oz beef is from feedlots and it shows.

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A British ale in a decent pub.

A decent reasonably priced restaurant. We are going out tonight and you don't want to know what its going to cost.

Small independent shops such the little asain shops that were everywhere in Leicester and London

A range of newspapers.

A good curry.


I guess with the curry they don't make to the British taste (which is what my friend told me). She pointed told us of a place she and her family eat although she did say the Goan curry whist excellent wasn't how you have it in Goa (where she lived).

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What do I miss?

Sitting in a cosy pub with a reasonably priced pint

Restaurants that serve food after 9.30pm

Partying till the early hours

Walking to a corner shop to buy milk and a paper

Shopping in a high street rather than an anonymous business park

Independent shops open 24/7

Autumn leaves

Uncensored media

Art galleries

Decent TV

Music festivals



I live in Perth you may have guessed.


Other have said the same, but where in Perth are you?


The CBD & Northbridge are open late for partying, if you move to an established area there are shops (I've loads all within 5mins walk).

I've been to two festivals last year (and skipped invites to three others as it wasn't my kinda music).

Shopping in the city is nice and easy.

TV - well Fox = Sky and it's all the same stuff.


Let me guess. You are up in the northern suburbs somewhere. Probably Quinns or Clarkson?


What I want in WA :-


Stir fried chrispy shredded beef & chrispy seaweed (so much so I've started to make it myself).

Cheap performance cars.

A pub (not a bar) - but I think I've found someing close enough.

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Are any music festivals here multi-day affairs, or all one-dayers?


Straight question. IME multi-day music/arts festivals are totally different animals to one day music festivals


Most are one dayers, as people don't want to sleep in tents in the city centre when it's 40deg.


We don't have Glasto type festivals (thank goodness). I lived in Reading for 10ish years and it was always the weekend us locals used to go elsewhere to aviod to crusties.

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Most are one dayers, as people don't want to sleep in tents in the city centre when it's 40deg.




We don't have Glasto type festivals (thank goodness).

Perhaps that's the sort of thing the earlier poster misses. Can't speak for Perth, never been there, but the reason I asked the question is because the festivals I see over here in Sydney seem to be mostly one-day, highly organised and managed corporate affairs. If you prefer the other type (as I used to when younger, far too old now) than I could see how you'd miss them

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I guess with the curry they don't make to the British taste (which is what my friend told me). She pointed told us of a place she and her family eat although she did say the Goan curry whist excellent wasn't how you have it in Goa (where she lived).


Or to e Indian or pakistani or Sri Lanka tastes. Had lots of friends from these countries and spent time in them, so that is what I miss. Leicester, was excellent for them. Hindu people would travel specially to get to Bobby's. A little place with plastic chairs and no cutlery. But amazing food.

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Sorry, Bob, but the art scene compared to any European capital city is dire in Perth. The party scene for the 18-30 band is woeful. Perth is just not geared for it. To some extent it applies to all of Oz. The music festivals are very plastic sterile and dull compared to many of the big internationals. There are clubs in Europe that have more people partying in the one club that will be in fremantle partying.


Perth is great for my age band, where the last thing I want is 3 days of hardcore.



Cheese - fantastic Aussie cheeses - try Mersey valley ploughmans from Tasmania

Music festival - Big Day Out, Soundwave, Steroesonic, furture music, Grove in the moo, Fairbridge, Blues and Roots - been to any of those - but oh bugger, might be Aussie bands so you'll have to cross over to the dark side.

Art Gallery - just seen Picasso and Wahol exhibition, then there's PICA right next to it - Perth Institute of Contemporay Art, great exhibitions at UWA art gallery, lots coming for the Perth Festival in Feb and look at Saturdays West under exhibitions and take your pick and there's the annual sculpture by the sea in Cottesloe- you may have to look at Australian painters though.


Partying til the small hours - try Northbridge on the weekend or stand in line for a taxi in Freo until 4am because there's too many people and not enough taxis, or go Leederville on a Wednesday night

Meals after 9.30- depends where you live, we often go out at 9pm for food and have no problems - try Subiaco, Claremont, Northbridge, Leederville, Mount Lawley East perth Fremantle and numerous places dotted in other places. Milk and paper - again depends where you live. I have a petrol station at the bottom of the road, a bakery, two cafes, an IGA. If you're in a new housing estate then you'll struggle.

High street - again try Claremont, Subiaco, Leederville, Fremantle (it is actually called High Street) Mount Hawthorn, Mount Lawley. Lots of small village places within Perth but again if you live out in a new area then you'll struggle.


Nothing I miss as there is usually an Aussie equivalent or the British shop sells it.

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I'm just pointing out that there are art galleries, there are music festivals, there are places where you can party until the wee small house, there are corner shops, there are high streets and not just shopping centres, there is good cheese, there are places open after 9.30pm there's even autumn leaves. You can't compare Perth to big European cities but it's not some lifeless backwater or life. My son's 20 - never been short of places to party - it's having the cash to afford it that is the problem.

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