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Everything posted by SWMOY04

  1. SWMOY04

    Am i mad!?

    I'll start with apologising to you Simmo... because (at least to me) MY feelings have quite clearly touched a nerve of yours.... quite why, I have no idea... now that that's outta the way, don't mind my future posts, I'm gonna wax lyrical all I want and enjoy my life, so don't come back with your comments again, coz your nerves will not be able to handle all my joy??????????
  2. Hi all. any rough ideas how long AHPRA reg. is taking from submission of all docs to reg. in principle? Rough estimates will do I want to time my notice period in England and inform my Oz Employer of a rough landing date. I submitted all my stuff about 6 weeks ago and I know the payment was processed about 4 weeks ago.
  3. SWMOY04

    Am i mad!?

    I invested a lot mentally and financially into The UK and still couldnt persuade myself that this is home. my brain actually told me..."I don't care how much this place has cost us...let's leave!" for perspective... of the 4 countries I will have spent more than 1 year in, only South Africa works out cheaper than Australia. USA and UK both cost me significantly more to get to their 189 equivalents. (I didn't proceed with he US one as I had already spent a lot and decided to come to the UK). ASSUMPTIONS?
  4. SWMOY04

    Am i mad!?

    I felt I was going to get pilloried for admitting feeling at home ina country I had never been to.... glad to know I'm not the only one
  5. SWMOY04

    Am i mad!?

    I've spent most of my life in the UK than all other countries combined in my relatively short life, and I've never felt at home here. However, strangely enough, when I went over to Melbourne to recce and compare with Brisbane/Sunshine Coast, I got a massive feeling of being at home as I drove back into Melbourne and for the next few days having returned from the road trip. on landing at Manchester, I figured I'd get that same feeling...I didn't... I felt like I had left home. I think Ramot is right, if people go out of their way to welcome you, you feel at home. I also think the home versus away decision is probably better led by the heart and not the brain... I'm glad I found this thread as I have been worrying about leaving my parents, my sister, my in-laws here and going halfway round the world, but saying that, our family is all over the world so if anything, I'm reassured that I should be able to make the WORLD my home and no particular country. interestingly, I did go back to my country of birth about 10 years ago...didn't get the feeling of being home. I went back to California were I spent my teenage years about 5 years ago... didn't get the "home" feeling.... maybe I'm just "homeless"...but the Melbourne feeling was really good! just my two cents...
  6. Melbourne... Western areas, but we haven't fixed our minds on a set place yet.
  7. JOB SECURED!!! At a higher level than I anticipated too!! Now ready for the big move in a few weeks!!!
  8. WOW thanks @Marisawright... this makes a lot of sense now. thanks again
  9. thanks guys... it helps...but only a little... could you expand more on this? I'm afraid I'm slow at times... so far I get that bulk billing is to do with the GP billing the govt...so does this mean I pay something still? where does insurance factor in? where does medicare fit in? where do reimbursements come in? I'm sorry to bug, but its coz the information has come back a bit disjointed for me.
  10. Learning this one the hard way...its been 10 days and counting (unheard of in my experience in nursing)...lollol... my fingernails are nearly completely gone now... I'm enjoying this advice thread...
  11. WOW! Some very interesting stories... absolutely pleasurable to read positive stories My first encounter with Oz was when I was about 6 or 7. My mum had jut got a subscription to readers digest.. the small A5 magazine ... I used to go through that magazine quick and would read the main story first. One day, I read about a Road Train...the descriptive writing just caught my attention and imagination... I had this awkward mental picture of what a road train looks like.. then the writer described the driver checking the tyres and the dusty road... (I'm getting vivid memories of that article)...then I saw the picture on the double spread a page later... I think I spent most of my art class time drawing random long lorries with teachers questioning my sanity as we didn't have any such lorries where I'm from... By this time, I had never been out of my country of birth, but I told myself If I ever leave my country of Birth, I have to go and see a Road Train in oz... Fast forward having lived in over 5 countries on three continents so far, and travelled to a further 20plus on holidays, and having married a young lady with similarly itchy feet...we finally decided 5 years ago we would move to Oz. We had been married 5 years at the time...no kids. We decided to have kids first, then move... two kids later, I finally got to see (no a proper one) a road train .. I think it was a B-Double... Kangaroos and Sydney Opera House amongst many other things. Looking forward to moving in the next few weeks or so. Had a Skype interview last week, which I hope secures me a decent job in the profession that I love... Mental Health Nursing I'm going to see a road train within my first 12 months even if it takes going to a cattle station to see one... (I'm the reason Quest channel replays Outback Truckers at 3am on random nights...)??
  12. ???? I used to work random shifts in Bury at Alpha/Cygnet Mental Health Hospital...
  13. I'm sure if your husband writes tot he standard you write at, he should be ok... Have a look at IELTS Liz ...She has a brilliant website full of free resources I've heard others say that PTE is better for non-English speakers who work I medical field... That said...English is actually my 4th language and I didnt struggle too much with the IELTS... good luck to you and your fella!
  14. Also Rampa, look into whether your profession can give your husband an extra 5 points... on the 189 that is... I'm not sure if the same applies for 190 and 489. so for exams my wife is a Lecturer, Qualified high school teacher and has Accounting degree... she easily came up to 75 points and we had decided even if she got 65 (without the bonus 10 points for good english) we could have added my profession (Nurse) to her application for another bonus 5points on her application. you guys will be fine.. I'm sure... it's hard work but it can be done... lots of research and good attitude will get you there
  15. I'm only speaking form experiencing the 189 visa application process... I'm not well versed on 190 and 489.
  16. If he applies as the main applicant, you get the same visa he does... with the same working rights... you wont need to apply for a separate partner visa... I think there was an assumption that your husband already HAD a visa, however it would appear he doesn't yet. I'm inclined to agree with everyone...have you done a points test for your husband? If he's below the age threshold then I think its a no-brainer, he has to be the main applicant for you guys to be swiftly picked... you just enjoy the ride ?
  17. Had an interview last week on Skype... absolutely no clue how it went... it felt positive, but the interviewers have the best poker faces I've ever come across.. now the nervous wait...they said they'd let me know after they get references back.. Is that normal? I mean, I'm so used to hearing "you got the job, now we will do some compliance" (which includes references...) So I'm wondering what gives
  18. Oh dear... my PR was validated on my last trip... reckon that would be a problem Ali? My next trip is relocation
  19. I did it on my working holiday visa. I emailed them and attached a copy of the grant email. They added a note to the booking and when I checked in there were no issues. Cheers! will do so
  20. How do I go about this? I am also hunting for a long stop in Hong Kong or Singapore ..anything form 12 hours to 3 days really... just to take in an Asian city as I've never been...
  21. it's ok..... nothing extreme about it... I always laugh when the newscasters go berserk about "heatwaves" in the UK.. and I think to myself, they need to try a Southern Californian heatwave before they was lyrical.... and then the typical "it was hotter than Ibiza today in Stoke-On-Trent!!!!!!!!!" ????????
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