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Everything posted by Bulya

  1. And how did you come up with this hypothesis?
  2. Some are up to it. So many aren’t.
  3. Agree. Thankfully balanced by the large number of internationals.
  4. Canberra. Booming but expensive, and chock-full of Sydney/Melbourne refugees.
  5. Say you want to go to the footy finals on the East coast or your kids are into horses and qualify for the Grand National Championship in Sydney, as a number there do, then you’ll understand Perths isolation. Grand National organisers fly in three U.K judges each year, and a few years ago one asked a young competitor during a break “how long did it take you to get here”, six days she replied. He looked confused and said “oh, you broke down”. Prospective migrants need to think carefully before moving to the West Coast.
  6. Perth is isolated. No amount of waffle is going to change that…
  7. Not much there. Great speedway though
  8. WA is isolated. Bunbury etc even more so
  9. Haggle for everything even in department stores
  10. PPSR https://www.ppsr.com.au/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=618845963&utm_term=%2Bppsr%20%2Bmotorcycle&utm_content=151646148156&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIteHsp4WC-gIVzTMrCh09gw6aEAAYASAAEgJrG_D_BwE
  11. Agree. This whole thing is ludicrous
  12. Exactly! How people think they’re going to find the right state/territory to live in from the other side of the world is plain silly. Move to where you can get a job, rent, then start learning about Australia and how different it is.
  13. Bulya


    I went from Carlton to Swans and now daughter has me interested in GWS.
  14. Personally I couldn’t live with the humidity in Brisbane. Lived in Adelaide twice in the past, it’s OK.
  15. Bulya


    Claremont Showground speedway in Perth holds some great memories especially when we won the World Sprintcar Title in 1987. Long, slow drive back east with cramp not so good.
  16. No shortage of roaring log fires here with mulled wine, toasted marshmallows on a stick, roast chestnuts and not forgetting the snowfalls. Yes, I like winter in Australia!
  17. Bulya


    It was good for a week, but that’s about the limit..
  18. Which Leicester cheese?
  19. Varies according to which state/territory just like everything else here.
  20. That explains it. 2 years in Melbourne was more than enough for me. The football was good and the occasional motor race (Sandown) but that was it.
  21. You’re setting yourself up to fail, you have the wrong mindset. You be better off staying where you are and save yourself a lot of time and money.
  22. Bulya


    Far more complicated than it appears but it will take a king time to really understand. Only good live, it’s not suited to TV unlike the NRL, Super Rugby etc.
  23. Bulya


    I’ll follow anything except g ball. Raiders, Swans/GWS for me. Daughter took me to Manuka Oval last year for my first AFL games in nearly 50 years and it was such a different game than it was in the 70’s.
  24. Bulya


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