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Everything posted by Bulya

  1. Bulya


    Same here after a couple of years. Couldn’t pay me to go back to Blighty!
  2. 24 yr old daughter applied for a job last week as she was somewhat bored at the business advisory accountancy firm and successful today. $60k to $70k increase will help with the horse and cat bills..
  3. ACT not Gold Coast. 10.5C to 37.4C today. 0.1C off the record for the hottest March day..
  4. 7.1C to 32.4C today and expected max 36C tomorrow. It’s March not January!
  5. Shep. Can’t think of many places in the country with a worse reputation
  6. Some of it ‘hot’ some of the time.
  7. Thankfully it isn’t ‘England in the sun’
  8. I dunno. Perth and Darwin felt pretty ‘foreign’ to me…
  9. It was fantastic then, different now. Got lost last time I drive up there in the dark it’s changed so much..
  10. One of only two places I’d live in Australia. Oh it it was never awful and depressed and I was there in the mid 70’s.
  11. Blighty or God’s country. Tough choice..
  12. You couldn’t pay me to live in Qld let alone Nth Qld. As for the high hot water bill, is there no solar hot water??
  13. Are you saying you don’t understand Robodebt and how even though they knew it was illegal and wrong, they continued because they were scared of Morrison and repercussions? You need to watch some of the RC, it’s bloody frightening…
  14. Far too long. Used to be 3 years to get ahead but I see Forbes now saying move every 2 years.
  15. A major problem in that it (Restart Program) failed so badly. Michaelia Cash stated that 30,000 would be removed from Newstarve in 12 months but the audit confirmed it was 2,318. The Coalition pretty much gave up after that.
  16. Must be. When the Coalition offered a $10k bribe to business to encourage them to hire an over 50 there was obviously a major problem.
  17. Business all around the world want young, fit staff. Those rotting on JobSeeker here are anything but. Every day I read and watch what’s going on at the Robodebt Royal Commission. Sadly being ignored by most of the media.
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