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  1. Whys that. What makes it so different?
  2. He's used to it now here in the uk. He commutes up and down the country. Its only going to be for a year or so in aus so not long term He's used to it now here in the uk. He commutes up and down the country. Its only going to be for a year or so in australia not long term
  3. Thank you for the reply. All the things you have mentioned is why we are looking at jervis bay. My husband has a job in wagga wagga but is going to commute back at weekends. He works away now in the uk so used to travelling..
  4. Is there enough around jervis bay area to live with two teenagers or are we better looking elsewhere to live
  5. We are due to move next Summer. I'm currently a childminder here in the UK, I'm very unsure what I should do once I get to australia. I have thought about going into a nursery or maybe even look into setting up myself in australia. What do other childminders do.
  6. We are so undecided who to use for the export of our furbaby, pet air or ladyhaye. We like that with pet air everything is included in the price. Ladyhaye said we pay our own vets for certain things. Whats everyone's thoughts on the two companies
  7. Thank you so much. Our girls are currently finishing A levels and GCSE's so going to let them finish them. My husband will be going over in September
  8. Our visa's have been granted today 4 weeks and 4 days after bring being lodged. So quick
  9. It's saying 90% are granted within 70 days. We should hopefully hear by the end of July
  10. Please may I ask when your 482 application was submitted. Ours was submitted on the 22nd May
  11. We were told two weeks ago to book our medicals. Most places didn't have appointments for a few weeks but I managed to get one in London within 4 days
  12. Squirlies


    I have just logged it to check and I have health clearence provided
  13. Squirlies


    Wowzers that was quick. What visa was that for
  14. Squirlies


    Hi, We had our medicals last Friday. Does anybody know how long it will take for medicals to clear Many Thanks
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