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Everything posted by Samson

  1. Sorry folks My bad.. At least my incorrect info annoyed a MA enough to reply ;-)
  2. Hi, Not sure if anyone knows, However If a 457 nomination was approved and a visa application submitted and the visa process approval process took longer than a year, Would the nomination expire? or because the visa application is in progress it wouldn't expire? Any advice appreciated.
  3. However you can use the work as experience.
  4. No, you will need to be on your own 457 visa with the same company for 2 years, with the new changes you will not make the march deadline That is for the TRT stream anyway. The Direct entry is possible with a Skills Assessment.
  5. You will not be on the BV until your current visa has expired. On a 417 you can leave and return as many times as you wish.
  6. You don't need private health on a 457 visa if you have reciprocal health I have cancelled mine as for a single person with its not worth the paper its emailed on lol. You cannot get a refund as having private health as well as medicare is a common thing. I cancelled mine, they wanted proof my visa was no longer a temp visa, or a mdeicare card scanned to them.. I also updated my 457 application with a copy of my medicare card and cancellation of 457 cover.
  7. I am on a 457 and will do my tax return end of month, I have a car allowance so get a fair chunk back, although even without this allowance and not having to pay the medicare levi I would get around $1500 back. with allowance I am hoping for $5000 fingers crossed
  8. One way is TRT which means 2 years with one employer means you do not need a skills assessment however If the employer is willing to sponsor someone for 186 Visa straight away under the direct route, that person will need or need to obtain a skills assessment this is a big part of of the deal because some skill assessment companies take nearly a year for a positive outcome and this would have a impact of getting in before the March Deadline. One thing no one is sure about yet, (I don't think anyway) is 186 visa's are taking around 8 months to process anyway, so if its like the changes that happened in April this year, then all 186 visa applications that have no been decided will be decided on the new rules, so its a uncertain time at the moment.
  9. I would imagine the 3rd party company has a On hire 457 Labour agreement and not a standard business sponsor, if you are employed by a company via a hire agreement you are not entitled to ENS i.e 457-PR as per advice from this link http://www.ozmigration.net.au/oz_migration_blogs/australian-457-visa-the-difference-between-sponsorship However, I am not sure if things have changed since that post.
  10. https://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/enablers/newly-arrived-residents-waiting-period
  11. 104 weeks after her arriving she can claim newstart. Yes thats 104 weeks. or in human terms 2 years
  12. Yes. someone on here has had a 2 year 457 granted.
  13. From what I understand the children must live permanently in Australia, So a WHV or a 457 wouldn't be enough. Balance of family test The balance of family test requires that at least half of your children live permanently in Australia, or that more of your children live permanently in Australia than in any other country. In order to count as living permanently in Australia, your children must be: Australian citizens Australian permanent residents who are usually resident in Australia eligible New Zealand citizens who are normally resident in AustraliaS
  14. Hi. The visa processing time-frames only relates to the visa application not the whole process. Sponsorship & Nomination approvals are not included in them.
  15. https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/457- Say's it half way down the page: The Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) allows skilled workers to come to Australia and work for an approved business for up to: four years after it is granted – if your occupation is listed on the Medium and Long term Strategic Skilled List (MLTSSL) two years after it is granted – if your occupation is not listed on the MLTSSL. You must be sponsored by an approved business. A business can sponsor someone for this visa if they cannot find an Australian citizen or permanent resident to do the skilled work. You can be in or outside Australia when you lodge your application.
  16. If your visa application is successful, you will be granted a 2 year visa.
  17. Cool, now the wait begins which unfortunately can be a few days, a few weeks or upto a year for the decision.
  18. Shelly just an FYI, and I don't mean this patronising, once you re-loaded them scan docs to your immi account, did you go back to the status page click the button that says '"information provided"? it will be un-pressable if you have lol.
  19. This would only apply when a company nominates a new person from March 2018 under the new TSS visas. And will probably be paid at time of nomination. Its gonna cost new small business upto $4800 to employ skilled workers from abroad. (1200 per year) This is a huge amount to pay at nomination, good bye temporary migrants. Australia is digging it's own grave here.
  20. Why won't the company sponsor you now? They can still offer you the 2 year 457 and then another 2 year TSS visa as your occupation is still on the STSOL Then you have 4 years to marry an Aussie, as that's all we have left now ins't it? (Jokes)
  21. And also if not possible, can they just re-nominate me after approval ... hmmm
  22. Hey, As title says, with the new visa rules it would be better for me to apply for different ANZSCO that on the TSSTL it has the 4 same digits and I do exactly the same for both jobs.. As its the same group would this be possible while they are assessing? or would it require a new Nomination? Thanks
  23. "Existing 457 visa holders and applicants as at 18 April 2017 will continue to have access to existing employer sponsored pathways to permanent residence. Further details will be published on the Department's website in due course." This statement is hopeful, and honestly this is my only gripe with the changes. My whole plan was based on the visa conditions when I applied.
  24. I just can't see people coming to Australia selling home, leaving jobs moving kids what ever under the new TSS visa unless your occupation is on the MLTSSL. If I was thinking of coming over and the MA say's oh by the way this visa on its own cannot lead to permanent residency and at max you will have to leave after four years...
  25. You still apply for the 457 visa.. after march it will be called Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa subclass 754 (Jokes) Seems like originally Turnbull said replaced with two new visas, but now it seems it just one visa with two durations depending on what list your skill is on?
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