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Everything posted by Skeelsy

  1. So @HARLEYDPHIL are you ready as only 7 days until your lodgement date from 16th. Kim
  2. So naughty of them to sy 16th if you have not been contacted - surely must be today - let us know Kim
  3. Follow same process as you did to get referral letter. Now instead of saying print referral letter once logged in it should say print information sheet - click it and scrol, down and half way down states which test complete/not complete. When all complete will show status that been sent to immi Kim
  4. Well that's good news and well done strikers for putting lives first Kim
  5. So guys are our Case Officers going on strike tomorrow - good timing to increase Easter break - but that would be churlish of me to suggest!!! Hope you are still holding up @Harvi13 and really thought they would be contacting you by now Kim
  6. Hi hopefully you will find this forum useful for your mum. We actually had a discussion re numbering system and came to conclusion that not much use to us as internal process. All I can say the waiting game was 16 months from lodgement - when application received - to visa grant but now I am in 'spitting distance' and now, unfortunately, that time has increased to at least 23 months and sadly the latest updates show no signs of improving at moment. Each week immi updates as to who they are up to in terms of processing ie at present its 10 April 2014. You can get this update by sending an email to parents@border.gov.au and just type 'test' in the subject line, leave rest empty and send. You should then get auto response and half way down gives 173/143 update. It's always reported and speculated on this forum each week!! Hope that helps and welcome Kim
  7. Hi - welcome to the waiting room. We decided to come out early as I had my two older girls emigrate here and we decided to join them. Fortunately we had always planned for an early retirement but we also had a late addition to the family our son who is 12 years younger than his sisters so we made decision to finish his last 2 years at school here to ease him into oz life - after being hailed as wick mother of the west for dragging him away from his friends I am now fortunately elevated to 'OK' mum as he loves it here. We came as guardians as he was under age student. After that basically 'ducking and diving' on visitors visa hoping our luck won't run out before grant. Our son is working holiday visa now as finished school and working. All been worth it as he's really settled and if we had delayed he may have been too entrenched in Uk to encourage to come also as was under 18 when we applied he could come on our application. Kim
  8. I have to say I was diagnosed with high blood pressure years ago and I tried meditation - was very sceptical - however really worked. We had horrendous journey getting to meds and I actually grabbed a few meditating minutes when arrived. When blood pressure taken mine was lower than my hubbie and 19 year old son!!! They both were stunned and no more scoffing at my meditation - maybe some 'waiting room' meditation classes might be good way forward! Kim
  9. As we came out early we have not had that 'rushed' feeling but totally appreciate the 'reality slap' as to emigrating. We have loved every minute of it being here and know we have done right thing and thats getting us through all this roller coaster life changing experience. Kim
  10. Hi a question for anyone who had medical before they had a Case Officer - did you get anything to say medical was ok/not ok directly from immi after medicals or do you have to wait until got a Case Officer as to whether passed or not? - when we had medical they said would hear in few days in any problems but we dont get informed if 'passed' or not as its up to immi to do that. Thanks Kim
  11. Started with one chest x-ray then moved to have height and weight, urine tested there and then, blood pressure - told well under threshold of being a problem, HIV blood test - 48 hours for that result, then moved on to see doc who listened to chest, checked throat, ears and eyes and asked to touch toes. Doc then looked at x-ray on screen and asked few questions about med history and said all good. Apparently if any prob with HIV test will hear by 48 hours or if not then no prob. I have just been on emedical where referral letter was downloaded from and it says medicals complete and other two waiting. Very relaxed and no where near as scary as I imagined Kim
  12. That was a morning and a half - rain caused accident in front of us on way so late arriving. Bupa staff at Parramatta were amazing. As booked as a family with my SOH and son we were photographed, dressed in our blue scrubs in no time - my son nicked his as useful for fancy dress - and moved seamlessly around and told at every stage result of tests including chest X-ray - only outstanding result now is HIV test which they said we will know within 48 hours. So came home on a high as all good so far - very impressed Kim
  13. My husband has banned any axes in the house as fears I may well smash that waiting room door open - Medicals tomorrow at 7am so up early and fingers crossed Kim
  14. I can hear your feet shuffling just behind me - no pushing now my old knees can't take it!!! Kim
  15. Hi. Welcome to the waiting room. Slightly bonkers group especially the old timers like myself but couldn't have got this far without this lot as very supportive Kim
  16. There is a 12 months out of 18 months which means you can't be in oz for more than 12 months out of any 18 months on any type of visitor visa I believe Kim
  17. So @Harvi13 look out from tomorrow that email may well be lurking Kim
  18. Thanks for that - I kinda felt that was case as says 2015-2016 for year. I went back over my immi updates and last year between March 2015 and July 2015 - in this 4 1/2 months immi only progressed 2 months so not looking good. I just can't see why they won't just be honest and give out more information regarding likely progress - surely they must know to some degree - maybe not!! Kim
  19. So are we @AlanSteel but that little doubting demon keeps creeping in and taunting me Kim
  20. Same disaster movie series that chugs through my brain I suspect @ Fisher1 Kim
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