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Everything posted by Skeelsy

  1. HarleyPhil, Maisie Daisy and Dolphin 1962 I'm starting to feel as if I'm stalking you, as in month before me so every time I see you are on line I watch to see if got any good news HURRY UP IMMI Kim
  2. Hi. We threw some snags on the barbie and the boys had a few blonds. Day off from the waiting room needed every so often Kim
  3. Happy Australia Day to all those out here in Oz. The sun is shining in Sydney and off to BBQ. Hopefully next Australia Day we actually will have our visa!!! And hoping as many as possible join us here after being couped up in that waiting room Km:daydreaming:
  4. I went with birth names for all relations bar my mums - now I'm debating as to which as well. Done it all in ink now. I wait to hear what others say Kim
  5. I'm in same boat as my father liked to get married - 4 times plus had children with several partners. I have declared all I know but as he died last year it's almost impossible. Bring the eldest of his first marriage and him leaving whilst I was very young there is very little I know about most of his life even to start trying to track down. I am aware of 4 more half siblings to date!!! Kim
  6. Hi RMT1980 - if you read my post before this one you will see we have had student/guardian/long visitor/electronic visitor visas and no problem getting it. No where does it say you can't get another visa whilst waiting only can't apply for another type of parent visa without cancelling previous application. Kim
  7. Hi we are pretty certain that you can have your Medicals anywhere as we queried this having already re-located ourselves to Oz before being granted. With a younger son we came on student/guardian visas after lodging our application do he could do his HSC and would have done Medicals here before lesbian to be granted. However we have to leave on 30 Jan as present visa ending and plan to stay in New Zealand with relatives until grant and will have medical there. Looked up everything I could find and seems no problem. Interestingly as a 173 it appears rules have changed - see health requirements on immi and my understanding is as a temp visa 173 applicants don't have to do medical until convert to 143. I would welcome anyone else's understanding on this point as I only went on lack of saying can't have meds where you chose. Kim
  8. Hi Julie. We took gamble to move out early as had 16 year old son and wanted him to start HSC here. Well that's been and gone and absolutely worth it despite cost as he did well and loved it and we also welcomed recently a second grandchild our gorgeous little chap. He was born prem at only 2 kg so was brill to be here for my daughter and mind her older one whilst in hospital etc. However, our visas run out on 30 Jan and as no end in sight we have to leave. Everything here now so going to stay with rellies in NZ and hope we can slip another visitor visa under our belts and come back for hopefully the last 3 months at most!!!! Of waiting. Then back to NZ for grant and then home to our new home - well not that new Kim
  9. Welcome to the newbies and must say this forum has saved me from diving into 143/173 oblivion. My I suggest if you find yourself arguing with yourself as to whether is worth sending 'just one more test email to immi in case someone did work late and updated' and then you realise it's Saturday midnight it's probably time for professional help. I'm off to sit on both hands for half an hour before I fire off a test 'just in case' even though It's Saturday. I am on to immi as they are trying to get us to crack so we fail the Medicals well chin up boys and girls as we won't be beaten - much!!! Kim
  10. Ok getting bored with all this heat!!!! here in Sydney and thunderstorms driven us inside so been double checking double checked points. In health requirements it says that from nov 2015 new changes say if applying for a temporary visa, come from a country on their list (UK on list) and as of 20 Nov 2015 have not been given a HAP No then you don't have to have a medical. Only when applying for a permanent. I read several times and think I got it right so does this mean as a 173 I don't need medical until I convert to 143 in 2 years as I met all those criteria. Can someone pop my balloon if I'm wrong before I float off on cloud 9 as finally something to smile about Kim
  11. I can't praise enough the health service that we have experienced so far out here. However, although good quality, the basic is basic compared to Uk. Our health top up is not expensive and does give lots more choices. As a newbie you can get really good discount on your first policy so worth shopping around and it seems if you aim to tailor cover to your own likely needs eg dentistry and limit cover for unlikely items ie if you are in 20's you don't need to worry about hip replacement cover. That's my observations so far - hope it helps Kim
  12. HI thanks for info re VAC2 going up. Does that mean from 01 March higher charge applies or is it just released in March and implemented in July? kim
  13. Immi just moved to 28 February. What the..................***** are they doing - gold leafing each Grant letter they send out possibly!!! Kim
  14. Hi Alan as always it's useful to hear your views. Without appearing to be presumptuous what is your personnel view on waiting times - for a time back at end of last year we were given some glimmer of hope that waiting times were slowly becoming shorter but Xmas dashed hopes somewhat. Are we on a slippery slope of longer waiting times ie over 2 years or is this part of an up/down cycle that will even out to generally 22 to 24 months? Kim
  15. Whoop whoop for HarleyPhil. Let's bring some excitement to our waiting room. My money is on HarleyPhil getting case officer on 27 Jan and book open for any other wagers. Winner gets as many likes from other detainees as possible Kim
  16. Thanks for that. One thought is that a 143 you were called early to sort AOS out whilst I assume a 173 does not get that call. If you were given your HAP no then surely that disadvantages the 173 who applied same day as you as they have to then try and do once they get to case officer whilst technically now you can present every as soon as case officer contacts you and be through in no time. Am I missing something or being a bit dumb!!!! Kim
  17. Appreciate help thoughts advice Etc re Medicals. We did not get a HAP no when we lodged as had stopped doing that. Is this a specific no to each person or a general no for the type of medical you need. I have noted some people given this no by their agent before immi has so guessing second option. So questions are how could I get this no before immi formally gives it to us with immi? Are their several different nos for different circumstances so could I risk choosing wrong HAP no? Is it bad idea to do this?? Kim
  18. Hi all fellow tortured souls. My pencil and I have been scribbling all day trying to make some guesstimate as to like being called to Case officer. My understanding is that applicants up to around mid April 2014 where given med/AOS dates. From then applicants are not given dates as in my case when lodged 23 May 2014. HarleyPhil - hope you don't mind me using you as example - lodged mid April and was asked to organise AOS around 24 Oct 2015. My assumption is he should then hit CO around 24jan as this is three months. I am a 173 so don't get this 'pre-CO' call. So my next assumption is then from end of October last which is nearly 12 weeks immi should have been regularly contacting 143 from mid April and as Harley phil appears to be only one then there must be others out there - if not then I think we need to PANIC. So really appreciate any updates ie have/have not been contacted. Kim
  19. Hi. Glad you are enjoying Perth - my sister lives in Serpentine and loves it there. She is a volunteer firie so been working lots of shifts to help with fires and clean up. Glad to see you checked out immi territory - and agree best not to spook as clearly very fragile species. We gambled like you and came out early and have to leave at end of month so going to NZ until wait is over. Been very frustrating trying to organise a stay there using the 'how long is a piece of string' principle. I keep having nightmares about failing Medicals. Decided I am now probably deranged as one of the points always being said is how strict they are over forms and will toss out if not done correctly and I found myself waking up yesterday in tears as had dreamt they had tossed our application because I used a colon instead of a semi colon. I intend to have a full melt down once this is over Kim
  20. Hi PHIL Hope you had good Xmas and new year. Great to hear some pro active movement to try and 'phone home'. We gambled coming out early and our visa runs out 30 Jan and have to leave. We are going to hop to NZ and wait it out there now. I looked and looked on form 80 and couldn't find the box to make claims for likely stress related conditions resulting from this visa process!!!! Considering bribery but unfortunately funds depleted due to visa cost so wait is our game plan - wait and wait and wait Kim
  21. I think we need an Immi check - hailing anyone in Perth - could you make visual contact with immi building to see if actually still there or have they all been beamed up by aliens Kim:skeptical::skeptical:
  22. What's so special about 13 February - why do they have to linger there - maybe someone had a bad valentines experience!! If so get over it and move on please. My sister and her family are all voluntary firies in Perth and has been battling fires in 12 hour shifts. No box on form 80 for family bravery as we have watched fires move to within 1/2 hour of their property as they are out saving others - am sure facts like that more important than part time jobs I did aged 15 - clearly not!!! Kim
  23. For form 80 - my late father married 4 times and had approx 8 kids!! I have more step parents and half/step siblings than there are boxes!! I have some'maybes' re siblings - do I declare just in case? I was dragged across several continents before I started school as I was an army kid then moved many times when my parents split. My head hurts just thinking about starting this form whilst my husband comes from straight forward two parents one sibling family. Talk about give them extremes with our application???? Kim
  24. Immi says today they won't be progressing any more for few weeks as concentrating on finalising!!!! Isn't that what they should be doing as part of their normal job - sounds like they are in Xmas holiday mode despite fact they are supposed to be working. Kim
  25. Hi all. My SOH and I were trawling through form 80 and we were a bit confused - easily done!! - is this form only completed by the main applicant or all those included in the application ie we both complete one each?? Thanks in advance Kim
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