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Everything posted by Skeelsy

  1. I'm stalking you again @Dolphin1962 - just seen you on line !!!! Kim
  2. I just noticed that as well. Surely must be either someone like @Fisher1 who converted from non - contributory or maybe it's a 173 to 143 Kim
  3. @Steve2 Now there's a niche market - make application then wait year or so and then offer place to highest bidder - think immi might scupper that enterprising initiative I suspect Kim
  4. Hi I believe you can't use Adobe to make PDFs unless you pay.. If document is a word doc then simply use 'save as' and there will be a box you can drop down and find PDF and so save as a PDf. If scanning then set to create a PDF. Hope that helps Kim
  5. Linda are you out there. I bet you are pacing within arms distance of emails at moment. You will hear big cheer from Sydneyside when you hear Kim
  6. Hi. It should be acknowledgement in that column but loads of people put lodgement date by mistake. You can tell by the order and no of days to CO that it must be lodgement date for lentey not acknowledgement or would not make sense. Kim
  7. Dont panic you need to have resided at least 6 months and even if they insisted they are so easy peasy compared to uk one Kim
  8. hi as been living here whilst waiting for parents visa and just done police checks in both oz and uk. Oz was a breeze and as Fisher1 said uk fiddly one. You have to do a different form if not resided in uk for a period of time before applying Kim
  9. Only positive vibes for and from all of us on that point. Not long for you now. I have 28 sheets of paper numbered 1 to 28 ready for "our time" and as soon as CO email arrives 28 goes on the fridge and the big count down starts with number going down each day. There is a family book up and running as to what number we get Granted. Kim
  10. If you look on immi site and find health requirements pages it gives you all the info as changed process and requirements from mid Nov 2015. I found hard to fathom at start but after several readings, note taking and referring to the SOH I think I understand it now! In particular reference to HAP no I gather you will be given a bar coded personalised no now which then different sources of medical info can be gathered under your individual no. Please check as still bit hazy - hope that helps Kim
  11. Hi. We have two daughters here plus a younger son. We came over 6 months before we applied for parent visa as we wanted our then 16 year old to do HSC here. We have ducked and dived on temp visa whilst waiting and hopefully nearly there. Like you I just don't know what we would do if now got turned down Kim
  12. I agree it's a bit irritating but guess they have had things dragged out and too busy once got PR. I know the site chucks any that have sat there for 2 years and not been updated or have been assigned cO for more than 6 mths and not said been granted. Kim
  13. I'm actually feeling a bit intoxicated - 2 immi updates in 2 days. My 4 year granddaughter and I are doing a jig around the lounge - she doesn't know why but enjoying it. I might need a lay down later Kim
  14. Sorry couldn't help sticking nose over parapet and chucking a bomb or two. Head back down and feel better Kim
  15. It was about a month so give another week or so then contact again. Kim
  16. Ok Immi we know your little ruse - make out there were loads more in March and then look the 'heroes' racing through - good tactic but sussed Kim
  17. Hi Moonmin13. I noticed on CPV tracker you have acknowledgment date of 4 September - my wedding anniversary - I am just curious that I lodged 23 May and have acknowledgment of 16 December so you lodged a month later than me but had acknowledgment 3 months earlier than me!!! Maybe immi didn't like my handwriting!!!! Kim
  18. Hi moonmin 13 definitely tell them any changes of details. We changed our address and sent them an email telling them and they accepted that. However, make sure you put all the correct references at top of email. Use your acknowledgement email/letter which should have all the codes. If you don't use the right codes they won't acknowledge receipt. You will know gone through OK as get email stating they have received and amended. If you don't get confirmation after a couple of weeks then chase up as they are hot on you getting details right. If you are not responding with them via email then I guess you need form but can't confirm which one. As I am a 173 I can't help re AOS but sure someone else can. is Kiama the place with the lovely blowhole in the rocks. We went there last year and stopped for lunch. Still learning all the places and just getting to grips with getting round Sydney and the Northern Beaches where we live. Kim
  19. Hi 2015ers just a thought there is a tracker site http://www.australia-parent-visas.com/tracker2.php which you can lodge your dates and keep track of others. If you all lodge using your 'call names' from here then you can track each other without having to keep finding the post with all the details. Also if kept updated saves time checking how someone else is progressing. Just a thought from a 'seasoned but not quite there yet 2014er'. Kim
  20. Sorry Linda I mixed you and Julie1499 up - my brain is officially maxed out. Kim
  21. Thanks Linda. Everything crossed for all of us. Another 'Sleepless Night in Sydney' with me pontificating as to date immi announces tomorrow or even worse don't announce until Friday. I have just got used to Thursday as 'immi update day'. Send me message straight after you have screamed and screamed and cried when you receive 'THE EMAIL'. Kim
  22. Hi Steve. Hope you had good trip. My sister moved to Serpentine area where they have a 5 acre plot and are official Serpie volunteer firies. Was over there on a visit a few months ago. Where are you thinking of settling Kim
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