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Everything posted by Danny842003

  1. Crazy foods? All my in-laws were eating Balut at Christmas, I didn’t try but that’s proper crazy.
  2. I’ve got my interview and test at the end of next month after applying in June, what sort of wait should I be expecting to get a ceremony (i know nobody can give a form length) I live in Fairfield which is a council that must have one hell of a lot of people becoming citizens.
  3. Why? As far as I can tell they’re about £80 with postage. to answer my original post yes I as the parent applying verify the picture.
  4. I must have missed that. There didn’t seem to be a way to save the application and I had to cancel it when I realised I needed a marriage certificate for my parents, despite them being divorced for 30 years. I will have another look thanks.
  5. I’m about to apply for my sons British passport. He’s 5 months old and was born here to an Australian mother. He already has his Aussie passport. When you upload the digital photo it has to be verified, I have a mate who is on the list (merchant navy) but he’s never met my son and with him being 5 months old and not ever travelling neither has anyone else. What do the passport office actually expect in this situation?
  6. We’re about to have our first child anytime now. As none of my family live here and my grandparents aren’t getting any younger were looking at travelling back next June whilst my wife is still on maternity leave. What advice do people have for getting through these 24 hours of hell? My wife thinks a 9 month old is going to be too big to go in one of those cots they have on the plane bulkhead. Do we need to get a third seat or should we just bite the bullet and get a third seat for our sanity? I think on the way out we may have a 48 hour stopover but because of slack of time on the holiday we will probably do the return journey in one hit.
  7. So I’m about to have a child here in Sydney and I’m very keen to make sure they get a British passport ASAP I’m British lived there until I was 30 and the mother is an Aussie. has anyone done this recently? Is it an easy process?
  8. Ignore this I’ve found it. Obviously it’s on the form....
  9. I’m probably being really stupid but where do I find the address to send a paper citizenship application? For the life of me I can’t find it. If it matters I’m located in western Sydney. Thanks in advance.
  10. Is it possible to apply for citizenship on paper? I did with my 300 and then both parts of the permanent partner visa. I started to fill out the online citizenship form and it’s driving me crazy.
  11. Danny842003


    So I really believe every house should have solar on a moral level and not just for the cost saving benefits which are potentially not as great as they once were. So I don’t really need people pointing this fact out as it’s not my key driving force but a nice additional benefit Having said that I know very little about the different brands, installers etc and want to do some research of my own. Does anyone know of any good sources, forums etc for this kind of thing. I live in western Sydney if that makes a difference for the government side of things.
  12. I found the letter just updating this thread incase anyone is in the same situation at a later date.
  13. Yeah I’m applying onshore. I never got any emails they don’t contact you to ask for the second part anymore.
  14. Im applying for the permanent stage of my partner visa by post. The checklist has Acknowledgement letter – completed with your name and address, Has anyone got the link to download it? I cant find it anywhere.
  15. Not that it makes a whole heap of difference in my case but does the two year period start from submitting the 820 or from its approval?
  16. Hi I have been In Aus since May 2015 arriving on a PMV 300 visa. We got married in October 2015 and had my 820 approved in November 2015. fastforward to now and I am appriching the eligibility date for PR 801. How long does this take to approve? I thought it was just a formality and I would have it this year/early next year. After reading the website I have this awful sinking fealing that it could take a lot longer than that. It wouldn't be an issue but I was planing on starting a degree and whilst I'm aware I wouldn't be eligible for HECS I would have been eligible for commonwealth assistance rather than paying through the nose as an international student.
  17. I had my 820 visa granted in early December 2015 when should I expect to hear from the department again? We are going back to the UK mid November and I want to make sure I don't get stuck in limbo. What do they normally ask for to check the relationship is still ongoing?
  18. Is this correct? I arrived on a PMV and I thought it was 9 months from date of issue not arrival.
  19. Its pretty likely its going to get passed. Could be worse I'm 2 years in country, 6 months off PR so you will be ahead of me at least.
  20. when its passed doesn't matter your going to have to wait nearly 4 years. They've said it will be backdated. Thats why it doesn't matter.
  21. I got my marriage visa about 2 years ago and thankfully the waiting times were not that long. But it took to the day the 9 months they were estimating to issue it. I would be surprised if you can just get around the waiting times. I'm fairly certain it's an artificial bottleneck placed in the system to control the numbers coming in to the country rather than actual processing time.
  22. Came on a marriage visa so it's 2 and a half years before I get PR. With time added on for leaving the country it's probably going to be over 7 years in total now. I wouldn't really mind but I was planning on starting Uni next year (distance) and was planning on only two years without hecs assistance. Look like almost the entire degree is going to be without it now.
  23. my must enter before date is the date I had my police check. My medical was 3 month earlier. I really expected my must enter before date to be the anniversary of my medical.
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