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Everything posted by Booma

  1. a lot closer than moving back to the uk though. there choice. just pointing out people say a lot of stuff on here that isnt always the full truth.
  2. i live in south nsw. lovely beach lifestyle with very affordable houses. we couldnt afford sydney but we couldnt afford london either. have met lots of happy migrants here
  3. depending on what you do there is plenty of work but some people would rather go back than move to the work. my hubby offered permanent work on good money in nsw to a brit in wa moaning on here they couldnt get work but they turned it down. there choice. but them saying they couldnt get any work at all is rubbish. they just couldnt get it without moving.
  4. not really understanding how that is any different to anyone anywhere. then or now.
  5. life is tougher everywhere. but i dont buy whats being sold on this thread though. me & my hubby are under 35 & we have achieved a great life & lifestyle in oz. it was hard saving up a house deposit but when was it ever easy for anyone starting out. we only know one couple our age who are finding it difficult to buy a house but they waste money on gadgets & clothes & other shite.
  6. hope they didnt take them off too early to save money or she could end up like me & have to have them again as an adult my teeth where fine for years but then started moving. ortho in oz thinks the original braces should have been on longer
  7. oz is so diverse & beautiful & your photos of it are gorgeous. thanks for sharing them.
  8. i wanted to enjoy being outside all year round. long walks on beautiful beaches or in the bush which are both close by. i love the reliable climate & the feeling of space & the friendly positive people. oz offers me & my family a lifestyle i could only dream of in the uk & where i live is better for bring up a family.
  9. am already back in oz going back & forth did cost a lot but it was worth it to get back to oz & know for sure this is the best life for me. it took a couple of years to get back on a good financial footing but we didnt find it to difficult. my career hasnt suffered & my wages are a lot more in oz. i didnt want children in the uk so didnt have to worry about that but i recently had a baby
  10. yes i regretted it. the reality of life there didnt live up to my rose tinted memories. after a short honeymoon period getting back to oz & the life i threw away was all i could think about.
  11. sentences should start with capitals as well but i wasnt aware posts where critiqued. i am a teacher & there is nothing simplistic about my views which are based on what i live with rather than what i read in the media.
  12. i knew almost straight away i made a terrible mistake going back & started saving to come back to oz. after the initial joy of seeing family it hit me i wanted the life i had in oz more than i knew when i was here the 1st time. sometimes you have to go back to realise what you really want. its expensive ping ponging but some of us have to learn the hard way
  13. i live & teach in an area with a large aboriginal population. the kids would stand a better chance if their parents sent them to school & took an interest in them. aboriginal people need to start accepting accountability for their own actions & the part that plays with them ending up illiterate or in trouble with the law.
  14. whats wrong with drinking herbal teas? :err:
  15. my health is good since moving to oz but it wasnt bad before. i lost weight after moving thanks to beingmore active in oz. grey sky makes me feel down & not wanting to do much so the blue sky in oz helps me feel more cheerful & like i have more energy & I do more. i dont eat as much processed food mainly cause ready meals arent as easy to get here but i feel better for not having them.
  16. are you just going to capital cities then?
  17. Booma

    Hospital Parking

    its free parking at our hospitals on south coast nsw.
  18. i ping ponged & am so glad to be back in oz. i miss my family especially after just having a baby but our future is in oz & my parents agree it is the best place for me & my child. you need to do what is best for you little family unit.
  19. we brang the fridge & its fine.
  20. lots of civil servants work on weekends & after hours. my case officer emailed me on a weekend.
  21. its rubbish just like i said http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/aug/16/washout-british-summer-witness-holiday-experts
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