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Everything posted by maidensarah

  1. Hi, Does anyone know if finance manager/senior finance manager is on any state lists? When you do an EOI do you have to do it for one or two states in particular or is it for any? Thank you
  2. I think it would be nice to live by a beach and the sea. Although I think I would really like to live by a lake. As it stands, where I live now, I couldn't be much further from the sea haha
  3. I think yes fetility is perhaps better in the 20s (I was lucky to fall in month 1 and 3 with mine when trying, but that's not for all people), however, just like this story shows, there is so much they can do now to help people out in the fertility department, should they need it, so if you don't want or don't happen to have children 'til your 30s or even 40s don't worry about it. It's no one's business but yours
  4. He is very bright. They've said at his preschool that he is the first one in his group of 22 to show that he is ready for school. Most start signs around Easter time that they're starting to get ready to move on. It will be a long 6 weeks summer hol before September when he starts. Will have to just try and keep him as busy as possible.:laugh:
  5. My nearly 4 year old boy has started answering back! All the time. Driving me nuts.
  6. We manage on about that for one wage and have a mortgage, two cars and two young children. i'm sure you'll be fine. Okay we don't save yet but we do have holidays and my heating is always on as I am usually cold
  7. I'm absolutely shattered but thats prob because my second (who is nearly 21 months old) still doesn't always sleep through. Say it's about 50/50., she woke every hour for the first 6 months, started sleeping a bit better after that. Whereas my first slept through from 8 weeks. In the last two months I've had laryingitis, conjunctivitis (from the kids), a 48 hour tummy bug, a cold and now sinusitis. I think it's from being run down. However saying that I wouldn't change anything, love my two to bits. But I'm not having any more.. and I'm a very maternal person!
  8. I'm staying home with our children until they are both at school. I love it and feel lucky that I am in a situation to be able to do it, thanks to a supportive hubby. It wasn't my initial intention though as I had planned to go back to work part time after my maternity leave with my first child, but couldnt do it (lasted 3 days, 3 days of crying). It's not an easy job mind and my nearly 4 year old is definitely ready for school!
  9. I'm glad I've had mine in my mid-late 20's. That way when they eventually move out I'll still be young..ish
  10. We've had a bit but not enough to build a snowman or get the sledge out, unfortunately. My DS enjoyed watching it fall though. Hoping for some more tomorrow so we can go out and enjoy it (for a bit before coming back in the warm heating)
  11. We've just bought a Dyson cordless lightweight one, think it's this model http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dyson-Digital-Lightweight-Cordless-Cleaner/dp/B004JHXOGW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420802334&sr=8-1&keywords=dyson+lightweight+cordless I love it being cordless, it's much easier than dragging my Henry round which gets stuck round corners, gets pulled over etc, and it's much easy to do stairs, get out quickly with my two little ones about. Its charge doesn't last for too long but is enough to do a floor then just charge it up again for the next go.
  12. I said arvo and no worries for a while. I'll always remember, 'alright mate, how's it goin' alright?'
  13. <p><p>Haha I didn't even realise! Happy 500th! \o/</p></p>

  14. They do like plain foods. They don't seem to like greens either. They start young.
  15. I used gripe water but I think it's from either one or two months that you can use it. You can use Infacol from birth, though. Infacol is your friend Use it before every feed and that will help. Give it a few days to take effect
  16. Awwww congratulations, she's gorgeous and I love her name. Enjoy all the special moments to come, Mummy = best job in the world x
  17. Ooh also, see if you can get one that opens on the side like a holdall rather than just a top opening one, as it's a nightmare trying to get to things at the bottom and you have to take everything else out! *also, you know you've got kids when you see the word 'backpack' and immediately start singing the backpack song from Dora the Explorer..
  18. I would definitely go into a shop and get some advice and one fitted for you. Blacks or Millets (same company) are fine (I used to work for them) though when I got my backpack it was just from the sample sale while I was working there, so although cheap in hindsight I wish I had got a better fit for my size
  19. I found the Blue Mountains breathtaking. Would love to go there again someday and take hubby and the kids
  20. Interesting, thank you. I will definitely look more into what extra curricular activities and clubs the schools both offer
  21. I don't mind the time and effort to put him in a preferred school,if we decide it's preferred. Absolutely he will do well in school as we will give him lots of support and do now. He has just started to read first reader phonics books and he is only 3.5. It's more what's best to do in the way of friends. But I guess that's the hardest thing to tell before they start a school and we may just have to hope for the best and move him if he's not happy.
  22. Most of the primary schools round here have 350-400 pupils so the one with 200 is appealing. The friendship thing is an absolutely an important factor with my son as I would describe him as highly sensitive. So he would prefer fewer pupils, but then maybe a school with more pupils will give him more chance of finding friends more similar to him and his temperament. We actually have no plans to move to Aus at the moment so that's not currently an issue.
  23. I won't be working again 'til they're both in school so who knows where abouts that could be. There's only a couple of miles in between the schools so not far by car. We've met the head of both. The nearest one has been there 8 years and the smaller village school has been there 12. Can't say which I prefer. We saw the reception teachers while visiting but normally don't meet any further til your child is definitely going to that school. The larger one has an open evening soon so will go to see it again then. It's a very tough decision
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